No Chocolate

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57,


Status: Finished (Aug 26, 2022 - Aug 26, 2023)


DRAMA, ACTION, BLOODSHED... Love? After erasing hundreds and hundreds of timelines, Chara is suddenly stripped of her abilities.

She's forced to lead an everyday life in a world unknown to her, but that doesn't become a problem because Frisk, who just fell into the Underground, makes her forget everything, focusing only on their emotions and the chemistry between them.

Chara and Frisk will go through good and bad together. They will have to protect each other from "the external factors" lurking in the shadows, and their teenage desires which they can't control~

All chapters labeled with "~" are exclusively lemon and unrelated to the main story. Go there if you want to have some fun ;)

""YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY HUH? THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT." Frisk was uncomfortably close to me, even though she's a girl, she doesn't know that I'm gay as fuck for her."


  • Chara (16/F) x Frisk (16/F)
  • Emotional and gruesome scenes
  • Sexual interactions and moments
  • Rough + gentle switch lemon

No Chocolate | Chapter 1 - DARK DARKER YET DARKER

As I swung my knife, I could feel the cold breeze of the Judgement hall hit my face as I dashed towards him. He dodged my attack as always and just moved out of the way, letting me hit the small amount of empty space between us. Then, a couple of bones went flying my way, but I dodged them all like I always do.

Afterwards, he tried to blast me with a couple of his gaster blasters, but I memorized all the patterns. I've fought him too many times to even remember our first encounter, but everything still keeps repeating itself, like the day when I came here.

"you will keep consuming timelines over and over until...." I swung again to interrupt Sans in his petty dialogue, but he predicted my attack and pushed me away by erecting one of his long bones from the ground.

As I made that move, I could see sweat pouring down his body, but the only thing I didn't understand was how can he sweat if he's a skeleton?

"i see who im fighting with, dont say i didnt warn you." Sans said, and I was genuinely surprised by his reaction. I know he's usually self-aware, but I was afraid of what was about to come. I felt an unnerving feeling in my stomach, not knowing what was about to come, but I felt something pretty bad.

He stood still, and then I heard something behind me - it was a gaster blaster. I quickly ducked, and the laser went straight for him, but he dodged them. Then bones started emerging from the ground, trapping me in a circle that was getting smaller and smaller. I was jumping back and forth to avoid them, but each time a circle would close, a new one would appear - he was really making me look like a fool.

I started running across the Judgement hall as I heard more and more gaster blasters emerge from behind me, but at the same time, I also had to constantly watch my feet to not get "boned" by accident.

One of the blasters has managed to tear a bit of my cloth while shooting at me - I'm just lucky it didn't reach my skin. Because of that, I tripped on one of his bones that he placed right under my feet, and then he lifted me with his powers.

After that, he started throwing me from a wall to a wall so he could impale me straight on one of the large bones that were coming out of them - in this timeline, his attacks really became sadistic, huh? I thought to myself.

He started throwing me faster and faster, so I couldn't even move on my own. Even one of his eyes started shining in bright blue and yellow colors, meaning he was really going all in on me.

I was practically hopeless. This version of Sans will kill me if I don't do something quickly. At least the blasters stopped, but I still had to avoid those bones so I avoid instant death. I mean, I would spawn again at my save point anyways, but that would be a waste of time I couldn't afford.

"But... I have an idea." I said accidentally out loud, but he wasn't fazed at all, meaning he's only focused on his attacks right now.

And as he pushed me onto another wall with all of his force, I threw my sharp knife right at his chest. The knife flew so fast, that it pierced through his clothes straight into his... heart? I didn't know what I hit, but I saw the blood dripping out of his chest, which was a good enough sign for me.

His attacks stopped, his eyes turned to normal, and he just stood still.

I did it.  

I murdered another version of Sans, and finally, this world can be destroyed as well.  

I wiped hundreds of hundreds of worlds, and that was all out of sheer satisfaction. Seeing other people suffer as I murder their loved ones always gave me an adrenaline rush that couldn't be replaced with anything else. Seeing someone lose hope is what I got so hooked on, and each and every time, I needed to kill more to feel the same way as the first ti-

Sans interrupted my thoughts with his monotone laugh as the Judgment Hall started to literally fade away.

I never saw this happen before... What did I do wrong this time? A shadowy figure appeared behind Sans. It was deformed and skeleton-like, and I couldn't really make out what I was seeing. But I felt my blood rushing through my veins as I saw this being - it was the first time in years I remember feeling fear...










"... "


No Chocolate | Chapter 2 - I remember this place.

" It sounds like it came from over here... "

" Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you... "

" Are you okay? "

" Here, get up... "

" ... "

" Chara, huh? "

" That's a nice name. "

" My name is..."

"Chara... Chara.. Chara! Wake up already, geez." A familiar voice said as I found myself lying in bed in a warm and cozy room. I looked to my right, and I saw him, Asriel, looking over at me, trying to wake me up.

I only felt the feeling of terror as chills ran down my spine - I hadn't seen real Asriel for who knows how many years, but I always managed to save him for the end, so he could watch as I killed everyone he loved.

„Good morning, sleepy head." Asriel said as a smile lit on his face. I stood silent, and I was about to cry. Not out of sadness, not out of hope, but just out of sheer desperation.

„It's time to get up, mom has made us a breakfast, " He said as he turned his back, heading for the doorknob.

„Butterscotch... pie?" I muttered, and he turned around.

„You guessed it! Now come on and let's go eat" He left the room to tell someone that I finally woke up.

I remember this place.

This used to be my home before I died. It's such an odd feeling seeing everything again after such a long time. It's like I never left. But, this can't be right.

My LOVE is practically non-existent, and I'm so weak that I don't think I can even reset anything in this world. That's quite frightening when I think about it, and looking back at what happened yesterday... I think I'm going to throw up.

I got out of my bed, but I was still in my shirt and underwear? I don't remember the last time I wore these clothes. So I rushed to the toilet as fast as possible, but on my way there, I bumped into a tall goat figure.

I looked up to see who it was, and then I realized - it was mom.  

I think I'm going to fai-

I woke up again, but this time it was dark, meaning quite a lot of time had passed since I blacked out. I don't really remember much besides seeing... mom.

Yeah, that's right. The woman I killed so many times - the smell of her butterscotch pie makes me remember each and every time I had to slit her throat just to exit the RUINS. I guess this is what they call karma.

But looking at the room, I guess this isn't the RUINS, huh? So since this is before I died, that means that mom and dad are still married, and Asriel isn't a flower? How interesting...

How did I even get into this situation, and what was the figure behind Sans? Upon what timeline have I stumbled upon?

The only thing I have to do now is to leave this world somehow. I thought to myself, and then I headed towards the Judgement hall, so I could reach the barrier. But I must do this quickly enough before I stumble upon any of my other „family" members.

Things are quiet now, so they must be sleeping or something. So I left my bed as quietly as possible and opened the door without making too much noise.

The halls were luckily empty, and I headed down to the main hallway. It seemed like someone was sleeping on the couch in the living room because I heard loud snoring, so I just tip-toed, passed it, and went down the stairs.

When I reached the long hallway I always despised, I just started running as fast as I could. I need to reach the Judgment Hall as fast as possible, I said to myself. Then I looked behind me to see if anyone was following me, and no one was there, perfect.

Finally, I made a sharp left turn to the upstairs, and I looked forward again just to bump again into a tall figure... AGAIN.

„Oh my child. What are you doing here?" Mom said as I tried to go past her, but she just grabbed me by my ear and pulled me over.

„You're not going anywhere today. You today went unconscious all of a sudden! You had everyone worried here." ,„Now come with me and lets get you something to eat, I don't know where you think you're going young lady!"

She let go of my ear but grabbed me by my hand. This goat is really strong when I'm not the one in control. I guess I'm just a regular child in this timeline, huh?

She pulled me back home, and after a minute or two of silence, we finally reached the main hallway. I was so dissapointed with myself but I couldn't do anything about my situation.

But all of a sudden, right then and there, we saw Asriel enter the house, he was panicing for some reason. He looked like he had run a marathon, and was completely out of breath.

„Azzy! What happened?" Mom said out loud, as she looked really worried.

„Mom... You need to see this.. Another human fell down into the RUINS!"

I snapped.

No Chocolate | Chapter 3 - Frisk

Asriel, mom, and I started immediately running to the RUINS to see what was happening. However, instead of going the entire way through the Underground to reach it, there's a hidden shortcut only used by the Royal Guards. It goes basically all the way around the Underground, and it reaches a secret underground room in the RUINS.

To be honest, I never knew about this for SO LONG, which could've saved me a lot of time.

I couldn't believe what was happening, though. When I heard Asriel say that a new human had dropped into the Underground, my heart started beating so fast. I could feel it pounding like it was in my neck? If that even makes sense. But you get the point anyways!

This means that she has finally arrived at the Underground...

I never thought I'd actually see her from my own body because I would usually be the one controlling Frisk. But, wait a second. What about the other souls that come before Frisk? Why aren't they the first ones to drop down into the Underground? This is a really strange occurrence in this world.

"Can you describe what the human looked like?" Mom said while trying to move as fast as possible. Everyone was trying to be fast, but the hallways were just too long. Even though these paths were shortcuts, they aren't really that short...

"Ehm.. It had brown hair, pale skin, and blue clothes with purple stripes." Said Asriel while trying to remember as much as details as possible.

After a moment of silence, Asriel added: "Actually, this human looks a lot like Chara... You will see mom."

"Hah, maybe we're related?" I tried to make a joke out of it, but no one seemed to find it funny. How disappointing.

"Well, Chara, now you will have another friend!" Mom said happily.

"Hey! Chara is only my friend." Asriel responded to mom, looking very jealous that I would get another human "friend". "

Mom just laughed while Asriel seemed to be genuinely angry at what she said. I guess he didn't want me to be obsessed with Frisk? He's really annoying at times, just like his father.

"Chara, do you agree with me?" Asriel asked me after thinking for a while - he was so stubborn. I didn't say anything. I just looked at him and made my "creepy face" while mom wasn't looking. That's what I usually do when he's annoying me because that always scares him off.

"Mom! Chara is doing it again, look!" He came to hide by mom's side, but only if he knew how many times I murdered her with only one hit with my toy knife.

Mom just shrugged it off because we already reached the RUINS, meaning that we were getting closer and closer to Frisk. So we climbed up the stairs from this hidden entrance to reach the top of the RUINS, where mom, or The Queen, got immediately welcomed by a couple of Froggits.

Only if they also knew how many times I have killed them. I even remembered all of their names... We continued forward and reached the room where she was.

And seeing her lying on the patch of yellow flowers made me feel something I wasn't expecting at all. After using Frisk's body over and over again to murder everyone and everything countless times, I never imagined I'll actually see her from my own physical body.

I got the feeling when I fianlly saw her lying on those golden flowers, with her short messy brown hair covering her eyes, which were barely visible, but I could still make a sight out of her innocent, child-like face.

While looking at her from the third perspective, I can really say that we look alike. She's just beautiful as me.

We all approached her, and she seemed to start waking up. She tried to get up but couldn't. She looks like she really suffered the fall. So mom immediately came nearer to heal her from all the wounds that she got.

I also really wonder, how did any of us humans survive this fall? But I don't want to think about that...

Mom then started talking with Frisk as she was slowly getting up again. This time at least, she didn't fall.

I and Asriel stood behind, and we were just staring silently at both of them talking.

"I can't believe another human has fallen. Will anything change between us, Chara?" Asriel asked me out of nowhere. I can't believe he's thinking about this again, I thought to myself and made a creepy face right afterward. Then he started to cry and whine about me doing this over and over again to him without a "proper reason".

"Jeez, Asriel, just don't be such a crybaby, " I said to him because he was genuinely getting on my nerves. After that, Asriel managed to stay quiet.

I just want to see Frisk - I'm nervous just standing there and thinking about her. I'm just feeling curious about seeing her in person.

I came forward to see what was happening with mom and Frisk, and then she noticed me.

My and her eyes met, and it was really strange - I don't know what to make out of my feelings. I never felt so many emotions at the same time, what am I feeling? I'm going to supress them as hard as possible.

"What's your name?" I asked her, pretending not to know.

"It's... Frisk." She responded with a shy voice.

"I'm Chara" I reached out my hand to help her get up.

No Chocolate | Chapter 4 - OUR Reunion

Frisk got up. She was tall, just like me. We looked nearly identical next to each other, and mom and Asriel found that very interesting.

We're like twin sisters, but that's not the point!

"My child, I'm glad you're alright. Do you want Asriel and Chara to show you a little bit around the underground before you come to our home? "Mom said to Frisk while removing pieces of dirt from her cute but messy hair.

"Sure.. Miss Toriel... "Frisk responded while looking to her side, avoiding eye contact with mom.

"I'll go back home to prepare dinner, and wake up Asgo-, ehm the king, to meet you. " Mom said and went hastily back home. She didn't expect a guest to come, so she had to bake more of her delicious pie - which I still haven't eaten.

"It's already nighttime, the sun has set a long time ago... " I said while looking up at the sky? Or whatever was located at the ceiling of the Underground. To be honest, for all of the time I've been down there, I never realized how days and nights work down here... Interesting.

"Ehm... Chara, what's a sun?" Asriel asked me curiously.

"Just forget about it." That's what I was talking about. Even the monsters down here don't know about the celestial bodies.

"You don't have to be so mean to me.. Hmph." Asriel whined again. "But never mind." He added.

"My name is Asriel, and I'm the prince of the Underground! What's your name?" He asked Frisk, but in a really loud and childish way.

"Oh my... A prince? But, uhm, nice to meet you! My name is Frisk." She said with a little shy voice but ended it with a high and cheerful tone.

"Khm. So Frisk, do you want me to show you the RUINS first?" I asked her.

"I would love to Chara! But how big are the RUINS?" Frisk said with a worried expression on her face. I guess she thinks the Underground is really big, like it seems from the outside, huh? That's what I also thought before coming down here.

"Don't worry, we'll tour the entire RUINS in literally an hour.", "And then we'll head back to my home, where we will eat dinner! What do you think?" I usually don't talk this much, but let's try to be a little bit nicer towards Frisk this time, huh?

I owe her a lot for letting me use her body~  

"That sounds like a gre-, "Frisk tried to respond, but Asriel cut her off.

"What do you mean YOUR home? It's OURS Chara, we both live there! Why do you have to act so much differently when around other people, It's getting on my nerves!" He was getting genuinely frustrated with the things I said. I don't have enough patience to deal with him, so I'll just make this quick.

"Frisk, will you turn around for a second?" I asked her nicely.

"Uhm. Sure... I'm sorry because of this..." She said while turning around - she was upset because she thought it was her fault...

Asriel was looking at me aggressively, and I made my creepy face again! He just stood there, silently, not knowing what to say. Finally, I saw tears roll down his face, and he just ran away. It was funny to see him so scared again.

"OKAY, now you can turn back Frisk," I told her with a genuine smile on my face, and she seemed to be confused.

"But, where is Asriel?" She asked.

"I took care of him! It's not your fault, he's just the way he is." I tried to comfort her.

"Oh, I get it then." She didn't seem too much relieved, but I'll take her on tour around the RUINS to make her feel better.

"So come with me, I'm going to show you first the beautiful rivers and ponds of the RUINS!" I gently took her by her hand, and our looks FINALLY met. She would constantly look away, but now I finally got the sight of her dark brown eyes. The feeling of nervousness hasn't really left me the entire time, and I find that pretty weird, and then when I directly look at her face, the feeling would get even stronger. I think it's best to try to have a little bit of fun before trying to leave this world - I'm also a human, and I need some rest!

Frisk held my hand tightly - it seemed like she was really anxious, but I finally saw her smile, which made me smile even more?! I turned my head away just to hide it, but that made Frisk chuckle a bit.

I laughed as well before leading the way.

We were walking through the RUINS, holding each other's hands. I don't remember when was the last time I touched another human! It's so exciting!

I turned around to look at Frisk, and she was smiling the entire time she was looking around.

Eventually, after walking around for a bit through the somewhat endless purple walls covered in vines and cracks, we stumbled upon Froggit drinking water from a little stream that was passing through the room. He was right next to a small wooden bridge connecting the two sides.

"What's that? Is it dangerous!?" Frisk asked as she stood a little bit behind me while holding my hand even tighter now. Damn.

"Oh yeah, do you know what that is?" I teased her a little bit.

"No? Explain Chara?" She was even more worried.

"It's... A GIANT FROG" As I said that, I pulled her closer, pretending to throw her right at the poor Froggit minding his own business.

"AH! Oh my god, I will litera- STOP IT" She started shouting and me, and I guess she wasn't playing around like I thought she would.

"Okay, okay I'm SORRY," I told her immideately as I let her go. I didn't want to scare her so soon.

"It's not okay to do this to me! I'm very sensitive to that kind of stuff..." She started scolding me while getting into my face. Frisk was so cute while angry, and her messy hair made it even better. As her eyes lit up, I felt the feeling in my heart growing stronger and stronger, and I didn't even listen to what she was saying. I was just captivated by her demeanor. I never could imagine seeing her so angry, yet she was so gentle!

"Wait, wait Frisk, I'm sorry!" I tried to tell her, but she was just forcing me to walk back the entire time. She seemed really dangerous.

"Hmh, I accept your apology." She stopped to PUSH ME over the damn Froggit drinking water! I tripped over him and fell straight into that stream of water. Luckily, it was very shallow, but it still hurt like HELL.

The poor frog ran away, and I looked at her with a shock on my face. She started laughing, and I then realized this was very intentional.

"Come on Chara! You must admit, I did you very good!" Frisk said with her small and cute yet loud voice.

"Fineee Frisk, that was funny." I smirked and left a little laugh before grabbing her gentle hand and PULLING HER DOWN WITH ME.

No Chocolate | Chapter 5 - RUINS

"CHARA!" Frisk screamed as I pulled her down into the water with me. She fell right on top of me, and I somehow managed to hold myself strong enough not to hit my head on the ground.

I was soaked wet, while she was only partially as she was directly on top of me. She put her hands on my boobs by reflex, so she didn't directly fall into the river, and, to be honest, I was flattered. They aren't big at all, so she probably thought she was holding my shoulders or something - if even anything came to her head.

It was such a weird feeling, just another person touching me that way, even accidentally. Her hot breath hit my face, and her dark brown eyes directly stared at mine.

"Chara, why is your heart beating so fast?" She was laughing but still pretty serious. Because she had one of her hands placed on my chest, she could also feel how hard my heart was beating. And to be honest, I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling to myself.

"I... don't know," I responded shyly, which was an unusual thing for me to do. She just stared at me silently, as she looked like she was fascinated by something. She would only move when she was about to fix her short messy brown hair, which was identical to mine.

We weren't talking about anything, but it was so surreal to see her up close, and I didn't even mind staying in this pretty uncomfortable position.

"Frisk... Can you please put your hands somewhere else?" I responded in order to somehow get her to wake up from the trance she fell in.

"OH MY GOD." She screamed because she realized she had been holding me by my boobs the entire time while we were on top of each other.

Frisk finally got up, but she was so red and embarrassed that she didn't even want to look me directly in the eyes. So, then I had to also get up by myself, but I didn't mind.

The moment between us was so weird because it seemed like the time had just stopped for a while.

When I got up, I immediately came up to Frisk to comfort her.

"Come on. It's perfectly fine! We're both girls, so it doesn't really matter, right?" I told Frisk while patting her on the back.

"If you say so..." She responded, and I guess she was feeling a little bit better at least.

"Now let's go. Did you know we even have a forest down here in the RUINS?" I said with the maximum amount of energy I could have, trying to change the theme and atmosphere.

"Really..?" Frisk said uncomfortably.

"Yes, now come with me!" I grabbed her by her hand out of nowhere and started leading her across the small bridge, so we got to the next hallway where the little forest started.

She was shocked by my instant reaction, but she played along with it. She left a little laugh and started following me, not letting go of the hand that she held so tightly.

We were walking through the RUINS pretty fast because I was so hectic - she wouldn't have the time to see everything we passed by, so she would constantly turn around to try to see it again.

"Okay Frisk, we reached it! The Forest of the falling leaves!" We stood by the entrance.

"Why's it called like that?" Frisk asked curiously, while still not letting go of my hand.

"Because every time a new leaf grows on one of these trees, it immediately falls down on the ground. Hence, there are no leaves on the trees but so many on the ground!" I explained to her, and after that, I started leading the way again.

Because the RUINS were so small, the forest itself wasn't that big at all - if even it could be a forest. But still, it was a pretty nice sight overall. The bright red leaves we were walking on literally filled the entire floor of this place - you could barely see the ground. The crunching sound that was heard with each and every step we took was really satisfying, and Frisk seemed to enjoy it as well as much as I did. It was a really peaceful atmosphere. You could see a baby froggit there and there, jumping around or playing. The path we were walking on even had some broken benches where people used to sit before this place became ruined, but still, it managed to be very lively, full of happy and innocent monsters... and Frisk, of course. We were walking slowly so she managed to see everything that she could - I was really impatient because I had passed this forest so many times looking for who else was left to kill. But Frisk seemed to be captivated as further as we went, and I completely understand her why - this is not something you would be able to see on the surface. It was a beautiful sight for me, indeed, but I was mostly focused on the fact that we were still holding hands together. I couldn't get the weird, nice, feeling out of my chest, and that was frustrating. I don't know what to make of it, since THAT feeling is the reason why my heart was beating so fast while she was on top of me. It's weird. I'm not used to this kind of feeling - have I ever even felt it before Frisk was around...

"Charaaaaaaaa." Frisk was calling me. She seemed to be annoyed for some reason?

"What did you say? I'm sorry." I smiled while looking directly at her.

"I think we reached the end..." She said, disappointed that I didn't even realize we were at the exit.

"HUH. Time passes really quickly..." I responded.

"No, but because this isn't really a forest like you described... I've been calling your name for a while now, but you're not responding." She seemed annoyed.

"Oh, I was just thinking about something, don't worry!" I hope she didn't feel left out.

"Thinking about what?" She asked curiously.

"I can't tell you!" I told her.

"Oh, you can't?" Frisk had an angry but slightly cute expression on her face. It was like the time when she yelled at me. SHE'S AGAIN JUST MAKING MY HEART RACE FASTER WITH HER APPEARANCE.

"You're embarrassed? Oh, okay, I'll remember that." She pointed out with her finger that I was blushing, and to be honest. I never felt the feeling of so-called embarrassment until now.

"No, no! I will tell you. Just wait a second." I responded in panic, she let go of my hand, and she crossed her arms while avoiding eye contact with me. Signifying she's really angry this time.

Ehmmmmmm, I don't know what to do! Why's she acting this way, and how do I comfort her? I really don't know what to do now.

"What are you two doing?" Asriel showed up at the exit of the forest - it seemed like he was looking for both of us.

I and Frisk were both confused, so we just acted as if nothing happened in front of him, but I heard her whisper something along the line, "We'll talk about this later.". This girl is serious.

"Nevertheless, mom called you both for dinner. It's pretty late anyways, so hurry up."

"Okay!" I and Frisk said at the same time...

No Chocolate | Chapter 6 - Heartache

Frisk and I were surprised, but we decided to follow Asriel back to our home. We didn't hold hands, which kinda make me upset, but I guess we were both uncomfortable being so close in front of Asriel, especially me.

Asriel was, and is, one of my closest friends down here. He's the one who found me after all, just like he found Frisk. If I remember it right, he and I would spend entire days together - he even had a camera with which he would record the two of us hanging out. I don't know why he would always want to capture my creepy face, but okay.

We were really close, but I never was that attached to him in the first place. It was just my sheer imagination doing its own thing. After killing him so many times, in his flower form and in his normal form, I just lost any kind of empathy I had for him if I even liked him as a person. He was just the right person at the right time, but now all of that has ended...

The three of us were going through underground corridors and corridors. Why are there even so many catacombs in the first place? I don't even want to imagine what happened down here.

We were going back home via shortcuts that connect almost the entire Underground. It's a really useful thing that can only be accessed by the royalty or anyone affiliated with it, and I know where the keys are and how to enter. I always used this to my own advantage.

The entire time we were walking, Frisk seemed to be a little bit nervous as she was looking at the ground the entire time. Did I mention that we didn't even say a word to each other since Asriel told us to follow him? Even I, who can't feel emotions, felt uncomfortable. I guess that's why the time is passing by so slowly because I just can't wait to get out of this very uncomfortable moment, but maybe I should say something to Frisk to make her at least a little bit better.

"How are you feeling? Are you excited to have a dinner with us?" I asked Frisk while looking at her while glancing at Asriel to see how he would react.

"Oh! Yes, I can't wait to have a proper dinner with the entire... family." She seemed to be surprised that I even asked her this. But I'm glad I put a light smile on her pretty face.

"Yep, you'll even meet Asgore, who I haven't seen for such a long time." I said without thinking.

"Ehm... Chara, you literally see dad every day, you don't have to call him by his full name too." Asriel had to jump into our conversation and make a remark, and that's when I realized what I said, but I'm glad he doesn't understand.

"Oh yeah, right. I think I just have a bad memory." I tried to laugh it off, but Frisk was confused, and Asriel was even more than her.

"I think you need some rest Chara..." Frisk said worryingly.

"Oh yeah, don't worry. I think I slept bad last night." I said to comfort her.

"Chara... Are you kidding with me? You literally fainted hours before Frisk dropped to the Underground, I think you need to go to the doctor." Asriel had to add some of his stupid nonsense again to my and Frisk's conversation.

"What? You didn't tell me that you didn't feel so good! If I knew that, we would've went home earlier 100%." Frisk was now even more worried, which kinda started to go on my nerves, but I also found it very heartwarming.

"It's not anything serious, Frisk, don't worry at all!" I put my hand on her shoulder as we were walking down the long corridors, and I genuinely smiled to show her how everything was okay.

"Do you really mean it? Is there a doctor in the Underground?" Frisk looked at me with her dark brown eyes and a worried facial expression. "Will you go to the doctor for me?" she added and made my heart melt - I love how she's so careful and gentle towards me.

"Of course Frisk, I definitely would. But, believe me. I've been through worse, and look how I turned out!" I think this will make her feel much better.

"WHAT??? What do you mean you've been through worse?" Frisk raised her voice at me.

"Yeah Chara, what are you talking about? Literally all you do is eat late and sleep till noon..." Asriel had to be EVEN MORE ANNOYING.

"Shut up Asriel, that isn't even true!" I now came forward next to Asriel to scare him off, and the verbal fight just got bigger. He can't just ashame me like that in front of Frisk.

"Oh yeah? You don't have to act so different in front of your new human friend." He started raising his voice while looking directly at my eyes - he was furious.

"I don't act different, I just treat everyone by how they deserve it!" I refuted his claims.

"Aha, aha. I definitely deserve everything that happened today. Did you really forget about you and me, Chara?" He was starting to get really serious, and I was in an uncomfortable situation where I couldn't do anything, especially not in front of Frisk. Jeez, I wonder what she'll think of me after this!

"What do you mean by you and me? We were never nothing more than FRIENDS." I tried to act like I understood something else.

"Oh so you were thinking about it in that way? Let me tell you what I think about YOU..." And then, an even bigger fight broke out, and Our two loud, childish voices echoed the whole corridors. The worst thing about this heated conversation was that Frisk was standing right behind us, feeling who knows how and why. So after a couple of minutes of pointless yelling at each other, I decided to take matters into my own hands because I was getting more frustrated that Frisk was having to go through all of this, especially knowing that she fell down here less than 24 hours ago. I just don't want to imagine how she felt before deciding to fall down and waking up again to discover she didn't die.

"Just... Shut the fuck up because a human literally fell down a mountain for who knows what reason, and you're here whining about your own feelings? You can't even respect a guest that's going to come to your house - not everything is so centered about you, Asriel. Yes, you're the prince of the underground, oooo, but you're no different than the froggit from the RUINS, or the stupid skeletons living in Snowdin. Respect Frisk, and stop whining about your stupid problems, when she's lost everything she ever had. You'll never know how it feels to truly be alone, and just enjoy all of your PRINCE privileges that you always had, since you were born." I never cursed at Asriel, and I really don't know what made me say all of these things. So many emotions have built up in me over the years that I can't just suppress them anymore like I used to. I just don't want Frisk to end up like with me - it's not like I made her life worse each and every time I would step right into her body. I just don't want anyone to suffer anymore, especially her, and I never spoke so directly to Asriel. This was a very unusual thing for me to do, and he was definitely surprised by my response...

No Chocolate | Chapter 7 - OUR New Home

"You..." Asriel didn't know what to say. He just turned his head away from Frisk and me so we couldn't see him. I slowed down a bit to get back to Frisk's side, and she just grabbed me by my hand and held it tightly.

"Are we close?" Frisk asked. She seemed to be worried about something.

"Just another turn, and we're there, don't worry!" I responded to her before Asriel even had the chance...

After a minute or two of walking, we finally reached the big door. Asriel opened it with a key, and we went right through it and then up a long stairway to the surface.

And there it was, my and now Frisk's New Home.  

We entered the garden of our house, and we could see both mom and Asgore waiting for us on the porch. Frisk and I smiled, while Asriel seemed to be sad.

As we were walking towards the front door, Frisk tried to put her hand away from mine, but I was still holding it. So I looked at her and saw a nervous look on her face and figured out that she was embarrassed. I guess I just forgot that we shouldn't be so close when around others.

We got to mom and Asgore, and Asriel just hugged them both without saying anything and went inside. They both seemed to be confused, but they blamed all of his problems on puberty, so they really didn't bother to check on him, as he would have mood swings from time to time.

But on the other hand, Frisk and I shook hands with both of them, which wasn't anything unusual down here when meeting someone for the first time, but mom was really surprised that I didn't hug her like I usually do, which is something I totally forgot.

That's because I don't feel anything towards that woman anymore.

I could see that Asgore found this funny, though, as I would never hug him in the past. He was now teasing mom about the fact that I would not hug her anymore as well. After that, mom came by Frisk and put her hand on her shoulder to welcome her into Frisk's new home.

We all went inside at the same time. I was standing with Asgore behind mom and Frisk because mom showed Frisk everything around the house. Frisk really seemed to be fascinated by its size, the variety of different things, and furniture - it was like she never had an actual home of her own, which I understand.

Mom then went to the kitchen to finish some stuff, leaving Frisk and me with Asgore. It looked like he didn't know how to have a proper conversation with someone younger than him, so after a little bit of silence, he just headed us to the bathroom so we could wash our hands.

On the way there, Asriel got out and passed by Frisk and me without even looking at us. He just silently went to his room - it looked like he wouldn't even eat with us.

After that, Frisk and I went to the dining room, where everything was set up. We looked at the table, and the food there was just amazing as always - Frisk seemed to be the most surprised here, as it could be easily told by looking at her face.

"Chara! Look at all of this," Frisk said with a lot of excitement in her voice. In the center of the table was a steaming large Butterscotch pie - a traditional pie made according to mom's special recipe! Next to it, there were some spider donuts and bisicles, which was some sweet pastry really popular in the town. And around all of that, there were large plates of croquet rolls, pumpkin rings, and some other meat and salad mixed in together. Nonetheless, it was a breathtaking dinner, which wasn't even made for me when I came the first time to the Underground.

She then rushed to the table and sat at the first chair available. By accident, I laughed a little bit and sat right next to her. Mom and Asgore were already sitting down, so we were about to start eating...

After a time of talking and laughing about everything, everyone was already full. Half of the table has been eaten, and the rest will be saved for tomorrow morning. During this entire feast, I just couldn't stop looking at Frisk eating and smiling the entire time. She was enjoying herself so much that it made me really happy I brought her here with me. I don't know why, but that feeling of comfortableness around Frisk has really never left me since she came down here.

A lot of interesting stuff has happened to me after day. I don't know how to describe what's happening, but I'm just happy I'm feeling almost better than ever next to Frisk. I'm glad I feel like I'm at home when I'm with her, and I'm even happier that she feels the same way around me.

"Charaaaaa." Frisk said while yawning.

"Yes?" I laughed a little bit and looked at her.

"Where am I going to sleep?" She said with a worried expression on her face.

"That's a good question. Hm.... Let me think." I replied.

"Well my child, you can always sleep with me." Mom jumped into our conversation.

"But Tori, you never let me sleep with you, even though we're married?" Asgore also had to say something about that.

"That's because you snore too much!" Mom said teasingly.

"You know what Frisk, you can sleep in my bed. It's pretty big." I said to Frisk while mom and Asgore were rambling about something in the background.

"I accept your offer Chara!" She said with a happy smile on her face - I find moments like this really heartwarming.

"Huh. Are you serious?" Mom said as she heard what we agreed on.

"Yes, don't worry mom!" I intentionally called her mom because that's the way to her heart.

"Okay my child... If you say so, just don't make too much trouble." She told me worryingly.

"Thank you! We won't." I reassured her, and then she and Asgore went back to talk about something unimportant again.

Frisk and I got up, thanked mom for dinner, and went holding hands to the bathroom to wash our teeth. After I washed mine, I gave Frisk mine toothbrush since she didn't have one, so she just used mine like we were siblings.

When we finished that, I showed her a little bit around the hallways, and we went quietly into my and Asriel's room because it looked like he was sleeping already, and yep, I was right.

I whispered to her just to take her shoes off, and that she doesn't need to change any other clothes. Then I let her get inside the bed first, so she could sleep next to the wall while I protect her from the side...

No Chocolate | Chapter 8 - Chocolate~

We laid in bed next to each other. As I said before, Frisk was lying next to the wall while I was trying to keep her other side safe as well. Asriel was sleeping on the other side of the room, and luckily, he would never snore or make any other sounds during the night, so Frisk and I would have some peace now that we were finally alone.

We lay on our sides so we could see each other for a little bit before we went to sleep. The bed wasn't really the biggest, so we were incredibly close to each other, and my heart was beating so fast because of that. I'm so nervous when looking at her eyes, but now that I'm literally so close to her, it's even more frustrating.

We were silent for around a while because we were trying to adjust ourselves under this single blanket. We didn't feel comfortable enough to have our bodies on top of one another while sleeping, so I just decided to give Frisk my entire blanket, and I'll sleep right next to her without it.

After we adjusted ourselves, we were both on our sides again, looking straight at each other. I couldn't help but not smile while looking at her dark, innocent eyes while also fixing her messy hair. She saw me smiling, so she couldn't help it too - she even had a wider smile than me! I left out a little chuckle, and she tried to pretend to be serious while putting the finger on her mouth to tell me to be quiet, while still continuing to smile.

I didn't know what to say, but I didn't mind lying in silence while just looking at Frisk. The feeling that I felt during the entire day was incredible. The biggest problem is that it's now even more amplified, and I couldn't suppress it in any way - because I didn't want to anymore.

Frisk was still looking directly at me without moving her eyes from my face. It looked like she fell into a trance by just looking at me, and she even had a smile on her face which was so pretty, just like her soft lips~

"Boop!" I said silently while running my finger down her moist lips. I JUST COULDN'T HELP IT.

"Chara!" Frisk whispered, but she was still loud. She was so surprised by what I did that I finally got her to stop zoning out!

"I'm sorry Frisk." I smiled and teased her while trying to stay as silent as possible.

"Hmph." She responded and made a pretty cute angry face.

"Oops." I did it again.

"Hey!" She tried to kick me in the stomach, but she wasn't able because of her blanket. So she tried again, but I pushed her leg with my hands so I didn't fall off the bed.

"Don't be so mean." I responded while trying to maintain a serious face.

"Oh really?" She said as she put two of her fingers right into my mouth?!

"FRISK." I mumbled and tried to move my head, but she wouldn't stop sticking her fingers into my mouth. On another note though, they were so gentle and soft, but I was completely drooling over them - I don't know how she'll feel about that!

"Hey! They're now completely wet." She said angrily, but in a quiet voice, while pulling her fingers out of my mouth. I liked the sensation of them touching my lips when she did that~

"SHH." I was trying to contain my laughter while putting a finger to my mouth to shush her up.

We were both giggling like crazy, so we buried our heads into the pillows we were laying on to muffle the laughter. I don't remember having such a great time with someone like now.

After a minute or two, we finally calmed down and got back to our regular positions. I was flooded with so many unknown feelings to me, but I didn't mind. I bet Frisk is feeling the same way. I'm being driven by emotions instead of thinking rationally, which isn't like me at all.

I started to smile again as I saw Frisk's pretty eyes and hair, and she also seemed to be very happy with her expression. I couldn't stop looking at her, and she took notice of that since it was so obvious how fascinated I was by it - it was so messy and cute! I wonder how it feels...

I gently grabbed my hair all of a sudden. I don't know what happened to me! I started caressing her hair while looking her straight into the eyes. She was flattered and so surprised, but it was obvious she didn't want me to stop. It had such a silky texture to it - it was so well taken care of, I was jealous at the moment. I suddenly lowered my hand to grab her by her neck, and then I pulled myself closer to her. She opened her mouth and let her hot breath hit my face - it smelled like chocolate. While holding her neck, I brought her closer to me. My heart was racing, and my chest was to explode, but I didn't care. I wanted Frisk to be closer to me, even more than now. I wanted to feel Frisk against me. I had never felt so close to someone like her. I want to be inside of her like I've been for the past dozens of years. I leaned my forehand onto hers, and I looked her deeply in the eyes. She was completely red. Her eyes were watering while she was biting her lips furiously. It was hot. Both of us were sweating and tasting each other's breath as we were millimeters apart. And then, suddenly, it happened...

No Chocolate | Chapter 9 - A Festival?

I kissed Frisk. Our lips didn't touch, but I caught the edge of them by kissing her on the cheek. This was about to be my first kiss ever, but I just couldn't do it.

Frisk gasped and was shocked that I had even kissed her anywhere. She was so sweaty I could feel my hand getting wet by being stuck under all of her hair.

I looked her in the eyes with my sharp gaze, and she was still breathing with her mouth open, straight into my face. I liked the sensation of her hot breath - it was so warm~

Frisk was so red I can't explain, and I'm probably even more than her. We're so nervous around each other, but our intimate feelings towards each other are much stronger.

I don't know how we got to this point, but I don't mind anymore.

I think I finally realize I like her, or even stronger - I love her.

Very very interesting...

Frisk, without a word, lifted her blanket and invited me to come inside. She lifted her brows, and I understood that as an invitation to her side of the bed. I removed my hand from her neck, and I tucked myself into the blanket along with her. She placed her left leg directly on my body while trying to embrace my shoulder at the same time. She basically tucked herself into me and looked directly at my eyes with a cute yet so innocent gaze. Then, she took one of my hands and tried to place it around her, signifying that she wanted me to hug her.

I complied with that, and I completely embraced Frisk, just like she did me. We were looking at each other for quite some time, and I waited for her to close her eyes before I headed to sleep. I wanted to keep her safe, at least this one time...

"My child... My child? My children! Wake up." Mom was shaking me and Frisk, who was still hugging each other under that blanket. As soon as we saw mom right next to us, we let go like it had never happened and looked at her in shock.

"Oh my children. The breakfast is ready, get up and come eat with us before it cools down." Mom said to both of us, unbothered by the position she caught us in - oh yeah, that's because we're both girls.

We got up at the same time while mom was waiting for us at the door. Of course, we couldn't talk about everything that happened tonight between us because mom was right in front of us. But by looking at each other, we definitely knew what we were thinking about.

We followed mom to the dining room, where Asgore and Asriel were already eating.

"Good morning!" They both said at the same time, but Asriel was a bit less enthusiastic.

Wait, what if he heard everything that happened tonight? Or what if he has seen something?! Oh no, oh no, oh no!

"Sit down Chara." Frisk said while handing me a chair.

"Uhm. Okay, okay." I sat down, terrified of the thought that he could've heard or seen everything that had happened between us. That would've been pretty embarrassing if someone knew because I'm embarrassed by it, too! I don't know what came over me, but why did I have the urge to kiss her? Aaaaaaaaaaaa, being in puberty can really suck sometimes. I don't know what I'm feeling. Do I feel regret? I'm uncomfortable about everything... This isn't the real me?!

Frisk and I were eating some of the leftovers from yesterday's dinner. "Unfortunately" by the time we sat down and got ready, Asriel and Asgore had already gotten up. How rude.

We were right next to each other, enjoying our meals, and it was a pretty delicious feast, even though it was from yesterday. I just love the food down here. It's much better than in the human world, which I don't want to talk about...

Some time had passed, and Frisk and I were already done.

"My child, did Chara tell you about the festival happening tomorrow in town?" Mom said as she came to collect our dishes.

"Ehm. She didn't?" Frisk said and looked straight at me.

"Mom? A festival?" I asked her because I don't remember her mentioning any kind of festival before.

"Yes my child, I told you two days ago... I didn't know that you hit your head that hard yesterday." She seemed disappointed and quite worried that I didn't remember about this festival, and now I know why I didn't. It was something she told me before I got consciousness over Chara from this timeline. How interesting.

"Hahaha, don't worry for me!" I laughed it off. "What's the festival about?" I asked mom again.

"Ugh. It's an annual celebration of the day humans and monsters have made a truce. It's meant to represent peace, unity, and strength of the Underground, so everyone from each part of it will be there, doing some type of representation of their own region they come from. You can meet Frisk there with all of the other monsters from the Underground, and there are also theme parks, sweets, and all other interesting fun activities you two can participate in together, since Asriel and Asgore have to do their part on behalf of us, the Royal Family." Mom explained to Frisk and me while collecting more dishes off the table. It sounds like a great way to bond even more over some exciting activities and events. I must definitely invite Frisk to go with me since Asriel is busy!

"That sounds so fun! I definitely want to go. What do you think, Frisk, wouldn't me and you be a great pair? Everybody will be fascinated by you and me~"

No Chocolate | Chapter 10 - A Walk

Maybe I shouldn't have phrased it that way-

"Uhmmm. That sounds like a great idea actually, Chara." Frisk started blushing really hard - it was hard for her to speak due to embarrassment. She put the emphasis on my name, meaning she's probably very mad at me for saying all of this in front of mom.

"Yes, we can have a lot of fun there!" I said happily. I was so excited.

"Then I'll leave that up to you. My children, I'm going to finish something in the kitchen, you can go outside and take a walk for a bit." Mom said to both of us while carrying the dishes to the kitchen.

"We'll go take a walk miss, don't worry, we'll be somewhere close." Frisk said pretty aggressively.

"I will call Chara on the phone if I need something. Have a great time!" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

Frisk and I headed for the main hallway, so we could finally go outside and have some time alone. We left home, and then it started going downhill.

"What were you thinking Chara? You can't say stuff like that in front of Toriel!" Frisk was frustrated about the comment I made.

"That's too innapropriate to say in front of your parents." She continued and looked away from me. I guess she was really angry she didn't even want to see me.

"Look Frisk..." I tried to comfort her.

"What "Look, Frisk"? You're making me feel really uncomfortable!" She didn't even let me finish my sentence.

"It's different down here," I said, still trying to comfort her. I understand her feelings, so I don't want to anger her more.

"Okay, tell me how it's different." She was still bratty, but I found her behavior cute and attractive. Weird.

"In the Underground, monsters are platonically closer than the people from up where we came from. Here you can say that kind of stuff but most of the people will not understand it as something that was meant to be romantic. Toriel doesn't even have a clue how close we are, especially because we met yesterday." I was explaining to her, but she looked like she wasn't listening, or at least not caring. But I know that she heard everything I said, so I was just waiting for a proper response.

We were walking towards the town. I'm the one who's leading the way - she has been silent for a good minute or two, without even looking at me once, but she was still following me.

"Hmh. I don't believe you." She replied with just that, and now she was slowly starting to get on my nerves.

"Well, why did she let us sleep in the same bed?" I tried to make some sense out of this.

"Because I couldn't anywhere else." She said with a bratty tone.

"You could've slept with Toriel, but I saved you." I turned to look at her face while we were walking through various different rooms and corridors in order to reach the longest stairway in the Underground, which would take us down to the center of the town.

"Saved me from what? Maybe you should've just let me be." She replied.

"I saved you from the SMELL of an adult female goat." I said with a mean tone, but soon after started genuinely giggling, and laughing as well - she was trying hard to resist my contagious laughter, but she failed in the end.

"Charaaaaa!" She glared at me, and I saw that and started laughing even harder about how she tried to look at me without me noticing.

"You act like a child sometimes." Frisk complained again.

"We're both the same age, remember?" I pointed out.

"Wait, how do you know that?" She noticed she never told me her age, at least not in this timeline.

"I mean, we literally look like the same exact person, don't we?" Of course, I was still joking, but that's partially true, except for some facial features.

"Oh my god... WE REALLY LOOK THE SAME." She quickly examined my entire face and body all of a sudden, and she was shocked. She couldn't believe we literally look like the same person.

"Chara. Charaaaa!" She was loud even though her voice is so soft. It can be hard to listen to her when she raises her voice...

We completely switched up the topic to how we look like siblings. And that's, ladies and gentlemen, how I got Frisk to not be mad at me anymore. That wasn't as difficult as it may seem, but that's because she's a lighthearted sweetie. So if you're ever having a problem or an argument with someone you like, you must be able to have enough patience for your right person if you want to comfort her, even though they don't deserve it at the moment, they'll thank you in the end.

After a lot of funny jokes and usual teen banter - without mentioning ANYTHING that happened yesterday, we finally made it to the giant stairway to HELL, or in other words, the town. It's full of annoying people, ehm, monsters, and it's a place I would destroy with the most excitement on my face. So that's why I call it the HELL...

Frisk and I looked at each other with a terrified look on our faces because we knew that once we wanted to come back up, we would have to climb all the way back home. But I was really eager to show her the entire center of the town and maybe take her somewhere out, for a drink or something else.

So I instantly grabbed her hand like I always do when we are alone, I looked at her with a wide smile on my face, and she returned me one as well. I made the first step, and she started following me. We both know this is going to be long and TIRING, but we're just happy to be with each other, alone and free. I just can't wait to show her around once we finally get down there.

Frisk has brought excitement back into my life again.

No Chocolate | Chapter 11 - I love you

"Chara... *gasp* We finally made it to the bottom!" Frisk said with a happy smile on her face. We were both heavily gasping for air as we had a little race on the way - which turned out to be a terrible idea for my and her cardio. I had much more endurance before.

"Welcome to our town, *gasp* Frisk!" I replied to her while trying to catch my breath.

"Maybe racing wasn't the best idea huh? But I still won anyways." Frisk taunted me.

"YOU won? Are you kidding me? I was the first to reach the bottom" I refuted her vicious claims.

"Nope. You're completely wrong!" She was laughing at my pity while mockingly sticking out her tongue - I guess this is her way of getting back at me for everything I did to her in the past.

"Hmh. Fine. Maybe you've won by a slight difference." I always get a little bit annoyed when I lose.

"YAY. Told you! Now you even admitted it yourself. 1-0 for meeeeeeeeee." She was pretty happy that she won, so maybe it's better this way. I chuckled a bit because her eagerness to win is so cute to me.

"So where are we going first? Where are you taking me?" Frisk was so hyperactive and kinda annoying, but it doesn't bother me at all.

"Jeez, Frisk. Let me think about it..." I hadn't planned anything, and I was so disoriented from all the walking we went through and her.

"You're mad at me?" She said with a quiet voice while standing in front of me, looking straight into my eyes with her cute stare.

"No, no! I'm not. Everything is okay, Frisk." I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible. Just so she feels better, and because everything is okay.

"Oh. Okay then! So where are we going?" Her mood changed in a matter of seconds.

Is this why I like her so much?

"We're going toooooo... The biggest clothing store in the Underground!" I tried to make it sound as fascinating as possible.

"Wooow! That sounds incredible. I wonder from which materials are the clothes made from. I wonder how they look, what sizes are there. Oh my god, oh my god, I'm so happy!"

"I'm glad you are." I smiled. "Let's go now, I'll lead the way, like always!" I said proudly and grabbed her by the hand. Frisk smiled lightly and was happy to have me be her guide.

We started walking on the main street, holding hands together, until she decided to hug my entire arm. I was so surprised, but she just looked at me with a smile on her face and sparkles in her eyes. I returned a smile and continued leading Frisk, who leaned on my shoulder.

We passed by so many interesting places, shops, and stands. One of the most popular things we saw is the so-called "Temmie Flakes." There was an entire stand surrounded by so many people- ehm, monsters, and we decided to take a look as well. Behind the stand, there were four cats, or dogs, or just Temmies. I think it's a cat, but I never could distinguish it properly. They were talking in a very weird style while presenting to the general public these flakes.

"Woah. What are those cats doing up there?" Frisk asked me with a confused look on her face.

"Well, they are Temmies. That's a monster that looks like a cat, and speaks very weird version of our language. I think they're illiterate." While I was explaining to her, she seemed to be really impressed.

"That's cool, I never saw something like that. They're different from everyone else though." She made a point.

"I don't know about their origins, but they look like something that came out straight out of a laboratory." I made a joke she wouldn't get, at least not in this timeline.

"Yeah, they're weird..." She was confused by the way they looked and acted, so we continued walking down this pedestrian zone.

Frisk was embracing my entire arm the whole time we were walking. She wouldn't really let go of it and my shoulder. I felt butterflies in my stomach and a nice feeling around my heart. Because I'm the one that's currently protecting her and keeping her safe, and I know nothing bad can happen while she's with me. I'm glad she's feeling that way as well.

I just can't control myself anymore around her-

"Frisk." I said and turned around my head to see her.

"Yes, Chara?" She replied, and when she faced me, I gently kissed her on the forehead and smiled.

"UHM. Chara!" She became completely red in a matter of seconds, and her eyes were teary. Frisk didn't know what to say due to the fact that I kissed her on the forehead out of nowhere.

"Is something wrong?" I replied with an even bigger smile. She is always so cute when I do something gentle to her~. I just love her facial expressions, and it's cute how stubborn she can get over things like this.

"No... Can you do it again? Please." She said with a soft voice while looking straight into my eyes. Frisk was so gentle, but she just tightened her grip over my arm while waiting for another kiss on the forehead.

*kiss* I kissed her again, but I couldn't stop smiling, so I decided to do it again *kiss*, and again, *kiss*, and AGAIN *kiss.

Frisk was losing at this point. She didn't know how to react properly, so she just tucked her head in my shoulder so I couldn't keep kissing her anymore. She was so shy, she was trying to hide from me, but I could feel she was happily smiling the entire time.

I just can't wait to make her smile even more when I touch her soft lips~. Frisk is all over my head. I want her. I need her. I will protect her and keep her safe.

She's my angel, and I will let her know that.

"I love you." I whispered right into her ear, which was covered by her beautiful brown hair. Frisk groaned and nodded her head in disapproval, indicating that I didn't really love her.

"I only love you, Frisk." She groaned even more while still nodding.

"I will always keep you by my side. Don't worry." This time she didn't nod her head, but she groaned in a way that sounded like her saying, "Really?".

"Yes. Only you." I reassured her.

"I love you too, Chara. Thank you for existing and being there for me." She responded while still hiding behind my shoulder. She didn't want to look at me out of shyness.

"Let's go now to the shop? There's so many beautiful clothes for you." I asked her.

"Okay, Chara. You lead the way!" She slowly moved her head from my shoulder to look me in the eyes. I noticed my shoulder was wet, and so was her entire face. It looks like she cried the entire time - it's like she never had someone there for her. I'm the only reason she's even alive at this point, and I will not give up on her, no matter what happens.

No Chocolate | Chapter 12 - ''You first...''~

After a couple of minutes of walking and talking, hugging and embracing each other, we reached our final destination - the biggest clothing store on the Underground!

"Woaah, are we here? Is that it?" Frisk asked with a shocked expression on her face while looking at how big this two-story building was.

"Yep, there's plenty of stuff to look for. I always go here!" This was a lie. The only time I was here was when I mugged the cashier for a sweater.

"Soooooo... Are we going in???" Frisk was happily looking at me, she wanted to let go of my hand, but I held her tightly.

"Yes! It's about time Frisk!" I started leading the way right into the store.

I was so excited. I look upon this as some kind of a date because we're going to have a pretty damn fun time. I can't wait to show her the entire store, clothes, all fun cosmetics, makeup, and everything I can and can't afford. Aaaaaaa, I'm so happy to have her around me, I'm feeling various feelings around my heart, and I don't want it to stop. This is the happiest I have ever been. I never thought I deserved someone like this, someone like Frisk.

As we entered the store, holding our hands together, Frisk was even more shocked at how big the mall was from the inside.

"CHARA THIS IS SO BIG." She screeched with her sometimes quiet voice.

"Yes, yes, I know, Frisk! That's why I'm taking you here. You deserve it." I chuckled as I was saying that to her because her reactions are always the cutest.

"Look at this! CHARA." She ignored what I said because she saw a pretty pink dress in the distance...

She then started dragging me by the hand, and I was the one that was following her. That's nice for a change, as I kinda got tired of having to constantly think about everything.

"Oh my god, it's so pretty!" She let go of my hand to take it. "Aaaaa it's so soft!" She was touching it while trying to compare it with the clothes that she was wearing.

I can't believe our relationship got betrayed for a pink dress.  

"Chara! Chara! What do you think? Will this suit me well?" She was asking me curiously, worrying about if it was going to fit on her or not.

"Don't worry Frisk, humans and monsters have the same sizes." I replied while laughing.

"No, no. You don't understand. I asked if it was going to fit ME well!" She then put the dress against her body so I could see if it would look good on her. And I must admit, I felt a lot of butterflies suddenly fly around in my stomach, and I felt weird sudden ich... you know where.

I was staring at her, not knowing what to say. The feeling around my heart was spreading through my entire body like a wildfire-

"CHARA! Are you going to answer me already?" She was mad because I was taking so long. "Jeez, your face is all red. Are you okay?" She pointed out and kinda got worried over my reaction.

"NO NO, NO. Everything is FINE! I think you would look gorgeous in that dress." I tried not to stutter because I was indeed more than flattered.

I wanted her even more - I wanted to feel Frisk.

"OKAY. Thank you!" She said pretty happily. "Carry this for me, and let's go find some more clothes!" She handed me her dress, and I carefully took it - I guess this is going to be a fun ride.

After that, it started to become physically exhausting. We were going all over the entire store, from one side to another, from one floor to another. It really started to tire me out, but the main thing that was annoying me was how badly I wanted to feel a piece of Frisk. Whenever she dragged me by her gentle hand, spoke to me with her hyperactive voice, or just snuggled into my shoulder, I couldn't help but not get overloaded with so many unrecognizable feelings and desires to physically get in touch with her.

I want to embrace Frisk like no one has before - I want to show her how it feels to be physically loved~.

After a good half an hour of picking, deciding, and commenting on what should and shouldn't she wear, we finally decided what are we going to try out. I was carrying her dress the entire time, along with two skirts and two pretty sweaters that were like hers. Clothing standards weren't much different from the world above, so it wasn't a problem at all to find clothes for her.

We were going to the changing rooms now. We both entered the same cabin, and I placed her clothes on a few coathangers in the changing room.

I was completely aroused by her demeanor, way of talking, and just by looking at her.  

We closed the curtains, and even she got more serious. Frisk didn't complain at all that we were together in the changing room.

"Chara... Why are you so red?" Frisk asked, but I could ask her the same question since it seems like we're feeling the same way~

"Tell me, what do you think?" I responded calmly while whispering so no one could hear us.

"Is it... because of me?" She wanted to know how I felt.

"How about you start changing?" I asked her while coming closer to her.

I pinned her against the wall.

"Help me, Chara~" She whispered into my ear, and I put my hands into her sweater. I touched her slim body that was sweaty and heated - I was dragging my hands across it all the way until I got to her bra. I then grabbed her by her small boobs and moved my head a little bit so I could look her straight into the eyes.

I was silently staring at her red face. Her mouth was open, and I could feel her hot breath hit my face. Her eyes were locked on mine, and my eyes were locked on hers. I was massaging her boobs carefully, and she was ready to be taken.

Frisk closed her eyes, and I leaned forward to place my mouth on her big soft lips. I started kissing her bottom lip, and she did the same to me. I closed my eyes and pressed her breasts while trying to penetrate her mouth with my tongue.

Her lips were so soft and moisturized - her mouth tasted like cotton candy.

She would gasp every time I would squeeze her boobs. I placed my fingers purposely on her nipples to stimulate her even more as my tongue finally got into her mouth. We were licking our tongues while kissing. We were both drooling over each other's mouths, but we didn't care. We wanted to share our saliva as we continued to kiss even more passionately.

I put her boobs out of her bra to pinch her bare nipples. She would moan and moan because I wouldn't stop at all. She moaned my name quietly, but somebody could still hear it from the outside. So I pinched her even harder and kissed her even rougher, so no one would hear her moan.

While we were kissing, she grabbed one of my hands, with which I was massaging her nipples. I thought she wanted me to go slower, but only did I know that she was dragging my hand up to her pussy...

No Chocolate | Chapter 13 - Changing Room~

She dragged my hand up to her vagina. My heart was about to explode as I felt my fingers reach her warm and wet pussy through her pants. She put my hand there, expecting me to massage her, and I did.

I started rubbing the place where I supposed her clitoris was, and I was just looking at her face to see when she felt the most pleasured. Her eyes were so ferocious, her hair messy, and the look on her face just made me want to touch her even more.

I was massaging her clitoris with two of my fingers, and I leaned forward to kiss her neck. I started sucking on it, leaving a hickey after a hickey, not caring at all if anyone would hear us. Frisk was lightly moaning straight into my ear while holding me very tightly.

She felt so much pleasure that she didn't know how to comprehend it, so she started scratching me through my clothes while biting my ear as well. I was going faster and faster, trying to be rough, to apply as much pressure as possible on her sweet spot~.

"More... More! More. Please." She was begging me not to stop. Frisk wanted me to completely take control of her body, and I did, using just two of my fingers. It's just like the old times, but this time, I'm getting to sexually please my victim.

I couldn't detach myself from her neck, though. I kissed her everywhere I could, and she enjoyed that as well. I pressed her pussy even harder to make her moan even louder. I don't care that someone can hear us or that we're in a public place. I just want to satisfy Frisk and make her feel loved, wanted, and pleasured.

Frisk moaned instantly as I did that and tried to move my hand as fast as possible, but I refused. She was trying to make me go slower while enjoying the feeling simultaneously. There was a mix of emotions inside of her, which I used to my advantage - to satisfy her even more.

My pussy was wet as well. Even though Frisk didn't touch me inappropriately there, I still felt a lot of sensations around that area of my body. My nipples were also pretty stiff, and I just couldn't wait to get satisfied by her gentle hands~.

Frisk was holding me tightly while trying to move me at the same time. I forced my fingers upon her pussy, while she was just moaning in my ear, not telling me whether to continue or stop, but instead, she let me decide on what to do with her body.

I was having so much fun with her. Her reactions are what made me so horny. Satisfying someone even when they don't can't comprehend it anymore is so arousing to me, especially when I'm the one in control~.

"CHARA. I'm going to cum!" She said pretty loud with a scared voice.

I wasn't going to stop or slow down. Instead, I'm going to make her ejaculate by massaging her clitoris just through her pants even harder than before.

Suddenly, I felt her nails scratch my back so hard while biting my neck at the same time. I pushed her against the wall because of this and to also apply more pressure on her sexy body.

And then, I felt it. She started vigorously twitching while ejaculating - I felt the warmness of her discharge even through her pants. It appears that she came so much by just me pressing my fingers so hard against her clitoris, it looks like no one had touched Frisk the same way before as I did now.

When I noticed that she came, I stopped.

Frisk hugged me so tightly while tucking her head into my shoulder, most likely scared of what happened between us. I guess when she ejaculated, the feeling of arousal left her body, just as her discharge did, and I don't want to push that boundary further.

"Come Frisk. Everything is alright, you're safe with me." I comforted her while hugging her back.

"Are you sure everything is fine?" She muffled through my shoulder.

"Yes Frisk, you can always rely on me. Are you tired?" I just love this girl so much.

"I'm, Chara. Thank you for caring about me." She was still hiding.

"Always and forever." I said as I started to caress her hair.

"Ehm. With which hand are you touching my hair?" She lifted her head up, pretty concerned.

"Uhmmmmmmm. You don't have to know." I replied, scared for my own life, haha.

"CHARA!" She shouted as she swiftly removed my hand from her hair. "Please wash your hands when we come home! Like immideately when we come back." She was disgusted because I was touching her with the same hand with which I was pleasuring her.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I didn't touch anything I shouldn't have!" I defended myself.

"Still, be careful, geez." She really knows how to act bratty, huh.

We looked at each other and realized how much time had passed since we came into this changing room. I wasn't aroused anymore, so I was pretty aware of what other people from the outside could've heard just by passing next to us!

Frisk and I were both pretty red on our faces, but we decided to stay silent, so it seemed like nothing had happened between us inside.

"We will discuss this on our way home." I whispered to her.

"SHUT UP." She replied while whispering loudly.

Since the festival was really close, we aren't going to have another chance to go to the city like today. So I checked my pockets and noticed that I had plenty of money on me, actually! I don't know how I hadn't noticed, but I had enough gold to buy her favorite pink dress.

I mean, she needs to look like a real princess while with me at that festival, ain't I right?

So I picked up all of her clothes with the hand I pleasured her and grabbed her with the other. And I started leading her throughout the store without telling her anything. She was aimlessly looking around while I was returning the other stuff to where it belonged.

The biggest problem is she didn't try the pink dress I was thinking of buying for her, but because we're nearly identical, I knew exactly what her size was. I just hope I got it right since I didn't bother to wear dresses that much while down here in the Underground.

We left all the other clothes where they belonged, and then I started leading her to the register...

No Chocolate | Chapter 14 - Thinking

"Chara, why are we going to the cashier with the pink dress in your hand? Are you trying to do something..." Frisk figured it out already. At least she wasn't bratty this time.

"I mean, you need to look pretty for the festival. Nothing bad will happen if we maybeeeeeee purchase this for you." I was trying to say it in the best way possible, but I was so nervous. I don't want Frisk to get mad at me again.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe I don't need that dress after all." She was getting nervous as we approached the cashier.

"Believe me Frisk, everything is going to be fine. You'll look perfect in that dress!" I tried to comfort her.

"I haven't even tried it, I'm not sure about it though." She pointed out, and to be honest, it was a good point. But I shared a body with her for a loooooong time, so I'm sure I know everything about it.

"We wear the same sizes, don't worry." I didn't have anything better to say.

"Hmm, if you say so, but what about the money???" She was getting even more frustrated, so I put my other hand into my pocket, and I pulled out a couple of gold coins with which I was going to buy it.

"I got everything sorted out, just for you." I want her to see me as someone confident enough capable of leading her.

"Thank you!" We stopped right in front of the cashier because she immediately hugged me as we were walking. We stopped, her grip was tight, and it meant a lot to Frisk that someone was finally looking out for her.

"Always and forever, Frisk." I kissed her on her forehead as she was still hugging me.

"Are you going to buy the dress or no?" The cashier interrupted our cute moment. If this was a different timeline, she would've been dead already.

"Oh, we're.. excuse us m'am!" Frisk was embarrassed, so she let go of me and immediately apologized to the cashier. After that, I was just silent because I didn't have anything nice to say.

I bought the pink dress with the last pieces of gold I had in my pocket, and I had never seen such a big smile on Frisk's face before. Seeing her that happy was so meaningful to me because I remember how I felt when I fell into the Underground. Finally, now there's a timeline where someone will look after Frisk and everything she does - I'm always going to be there for her if this is what I get in return! I just want her happiness, and I can live forever.

The dress was packed in a bag, which I was holding, of course. My other hand was busy with Frisk, though, who was leaning against me, constantly smiling. We were heading towards the stairs, which will lead us back to the top of the Underground - the place where my and Frisk's home is located.

The festival is happening in a few days, and we're already ready for it! Which is quite great, to be honest, but the problem is I don't have anything to wear besides this sweater which I can never get rid of. But Asriel probably has a nice suit or something similar I can borrow - Frisk is going to be MY princess anyways!

Regardless, I have never before attended a festival in the Underground. It was either because my and Asriel's plan didn't work, or just because I murdered everyone... It's going to be a fun experience for sure! I just wonder what attractions we will see, and what fun activities we will do there. I must think about this before we go because I want Frisk to have the most fun she ever had in her entire life.

Though, when I think about giving her everything that she wanted, I never bothered to expect her to do the same things for me, even though I wouldn't mind at all. There's something making me do all these nice romantic things for her, and I'm actually glad I don't expect anything in return besides her love and happiness when she's around me. Because there isn't anything that can replace the feelings she makes me feel.

I'm just happy to even have her, because it's best to enjoy love and passion before it fades away like everything else...

"Chara, are you ready?" Frisk looked at me with her dark, curious eyes, expecting to get an answer from me.

"Ready for what?" I asked, unaware of where we were.

"The stairs, you dummy." She laughed a bit, and then I realized we had already arrived.

Sometimes I forget how small the Underground can be.

"Well Frisk, ladies first, and I'll go right behind you." I said jokingly, with a smug smile on my face.

"But Chara, we're both ladies?" She said with a confused look on her face, while still laughing a bit.

"But the one that's prettier always has an advantage. Have you ever heard of that?" I wanted to compliment her. The feeling around my heart is so warm and pleasant. I don't want it ever to end.

"I think you just made that up..." Frisk said, as she chuckled a bit more. "But I'll still go first. Hmh." She continued.

We then started going up the stairs... And to be fair, it was a long journey. We promised each other as we started climbing not to make the same mistake again because if we raced, we might not arrive at the dinner on time.

The stairway seemed like it didn't have an end. It was really exhausting to walk up all the way back home because we played with each other for a little bit in that store.

While climbing, Frisk made an open remark about how she couldn't walk properly because of what I'd done to her. I didn't fully understand her comment until a little bit later, and I think Frisk noticed that since she started laughing all of a sudden - my face was probably very red, but that doesn't matter now!

I hope I'll get the chance to play with Frisk again when we come back home. It may be difficult because Asriel is in the same room as us, but we'll somehow sort that out! I hope it will be my turn to receive this time because I pleasured Frisk more than she even requested.

Maybe I'll get a surprise in return. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I touched another girl's intimate parts of her body. I wonder how it feels to get your intimate parts sucked or licked. I just want to feel her hot breath hit my clitoris once we get in bed together! Aaaaaaah. It doesn't matter how, but I'll make sure to seduce her!


After some time, we finally got up the stairs. I was completely exhausted from everything we did down there. From walking and carrying her clothes everywhere around the clothing store to sexually pleasing and making love to her, I'm really a great friend. If friends do that kind of stuff?

While inappropriately thinking about Frisk, it seemed to me like she would always know. She would just smile instantly as I started imagining her naked, between my legs, or in similar poses.

I don't know what gives it off, but she has been laughing a lot during our way up. But I must deny everything. I don't want her to think I'm weird! I bet she's flooded with those kinds of thoughts as well, hmh.

No Chocolate | Chapter 15 - Tired?

We finally got to our house after a lot of walking. My and Frisk's legs were literally giving up, and we couldn't wait to just collapse on our bed. Since the last time we've been here, my and Frisk's relationship has gotten even stronger and so much more intimate that it's getting scary.

In our backyard, we were greeted by Asgore, who was just doing some gardening stuff, which I never understood. But I'm really thankful to him for giving me a real knife, a weapon "perfect for cutting plants and vines."

We greeted and went past him without hugging him or anything else. I never had any close interactions with Asgore, so that means Frisk isn't required to have either. She's just mine.

We then saw mom, who was waiting for us at the front door. Frisk and I hugged her both at the same time. They both had a small talk about Frisk's time Underground, so I saw that as a perfect opportunity to go wash my hands and leave the pink dress in our room.

I opened the bathroom door to see Asriel in it. He was flossing his teeth or something. I'm not quite sure because he immediately stopped what he was doing and then turned around to me. He wasn't glad to see me at all and was just silent as we stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"What's up?" I tried to break the silence, but it was very effortless.

"Nothing." He just replied. "What about you?" Asriel continued - you could notice the very sad tone in his voice.

"Oh thank you for asking. I've took Frisk on a trip to see the city a little bit. We went shopping and had quite a lot of fun actually." I intentionally mentioned Frisk, not caring about how it will affect him.

"I see, I see. So you're going to the city with Frisk while the plans we made a few days ago are canceled once again? What's going on with you, Chara?" You could tell he was really mad, but at the same time, he was more sad and desperate.

It looks like I've forgotten about something the original Chara said before I took her place in this timeline. I would feel bad for him if he didn't do me so wrong in the other timelines, but that's a different Asriel, though.

"It's not that I forgot... It's just that I wanted to show Frisk how our life looks like and everything she should know." I tried to justify my selfishness.

"If you say so... But this isn't the first time, so that's why I'm "complaining" to you, as you would always say." He's now making a fuss over the thing how I always neglect anything important he has to say. To be honest, if he was smarter, I would actually pay more attention to him.

"Well it isn't like that, believe me." I replied.

"I know, Chara, you said that already. Tell me after the festival how much fun did you have with Frisk. I REALLY want to hear everything you have to tell me about Frisk." He now started to become even more annoying than before. How's that possible?

Him mentioning Frisk, so much over the span of two days that she's been here, started to really piss me off. I'm at the end of my nerves, and if he doesn't shut up now, I will have to make him.

"What's wrong? Nothing to say? Too bad." He continued to taunt me. And finally, Asriel just passed between me without even looking at me or saying goodbye. He left the room without even giving me a chance to say something. If Asriel had stayed for just a few more seconds, I would've definitely done something I shouldn't have. What a coward.

"FUCK." I accidentally hit my head on one of the shelves that was above the sink. As I approached it, I hit my head because I was looking at the floor, thinking about something completely different. I even forgot the layout of this house even though I come here very often.

I washed my teeth and did my entire self-care routine. Plus, I also had to take a new pair of panties from the drawer because these ones were stained from my discharge? Was I that aroused that my pussy left its mark on my panties? Damn, it's good I saw this now since I wouldn't want Frisk to notice at all.

I'm so tired that my eyes are going to shut completely on their own.

I left the bathroom and found Frisk helping mom with the things around the house. It seems they're getting along well, but she must not forget that Frisk is only mine. Her time is only reserved for me, and I bet she's only doing this out of respect for her, not because she's enjoying it.

She would feel much better if it was just me.

Both of them then called me to come to dinner, but I just sat on the couch since I wasn't hungry at all for some reason. The breakfast made me saturated, so there's no need for more food. Also, I need to maintain my perfect slim figure because I want Frisk to only see the best side of me!

The dinner went by pretty quickly. It appears they were eating some kind of a snail delicacy that mom has made. Frisk seemed to enjoy the food, so that's what made me really happy. However, even though she offered me some a lot of the time, I still refused even when my stomach was growling.

Frisk then got up from the table, and I showed her the way to the bathroom. I think she could've found it herself, but I don't want her to interact with Asriel since he can be very mean to Frisk, just because he is jealous.

Frisk used my toothbrush again to wash her teeth, and I stood right behind her. I embraced her from the back, putting my hands across her stomach and just hugging her tightly. It means a lot to have someone who I can rely on and also love more than anyone at the same time. I closed my eyes and leaned on her shoulder while she was brushing her teeth. Before closing my eyes, I could see her smiling back, which just made my heart melt away.

After she stopped washing her teeth, I barely got my head up from her shoulder because I was slowly starting to fall asleep. She was so comfy, and she was aware of that as she took me by my hand to start leading me towards our bedroom.

She opened the door, and it seemed to be empty. Frisk asked me if this was the correct room since there was no Asriel, and I confirmed it was. So Asriel must be either outside or somewhere in the house. I hope he isn't coming back to interrupt us, though.

It looks like this time we're going to be completely alone, together, finally united with one another after so many years of waiting :)

No Chocolate | Chapter 16 - ''Frisk... It hurts.''~

I opened the door of our room while Frisk was sorting things out to see if someone was going to eventually come. But all lights were turned off, and it looked like we were truly alone this time.

I immediately told that to Frisk, and we were both very happy to finally have some privacy and intimacy with each other.

As she sorted her things out, she started undressing, and I came to her right away. I wanted to touch her boobs, but she wouldn't let me, telling me how I needed to be patient.

So even though I couldn't touch them, I just kept looking at them without even blinking. They were small but so beautiful - one could fit right into my hand, and I can't get out of my head how they're so soft and especially warm. Frisk is definitely my type of girl.

She then asked me to stop thinking just about her boobs and that she needed a clean sweater that she was going to wear over the next couple of days since this one was already dirty from her fall to the Underground.

I opened my and Asriel's closet, and I gave her one of the clean sweaters that I thought would fit her. She was so happy to receive it as now we're going to have matching clothes, and it's starting to get really cold in the room.

She put it on and was obviously very stunning. It was kinda disturbing because it seemed to me like I was looking at another version of myself - it's basically like a mirror. I wonder how everyone is going to set us apart.

I pointed that out to her, and she thought it was also very funny, so we laughed and joked about that a little bit.

"Are you going to change Chara? I mean your sweater is also pretty dirty." She pointed out.

"Are you sure it's just because my sweater is dirty? Or do you want to see me topless." I made a remark about her statement, and she instantly blushed.

"Maybe..." She couldn't defend herself in any way possible, so she just admitted it.

After that, I took it off, and she seemed to be fascinated by my body as well. She came up to me and looked closely at my breasts with an aroused look on her face. Her mouth was open, and it looked like she had just gotten into a trance by looking at my boobs.

"Hey! No touching, remember?" Frisk tried to grope them with her hands, and I was so surprised. How am I even attractive to her?

"Please..." She was ashamed that she was begging to see them, and I just couldn't bring myself to reject her. It's not like I also didn't want her to touch me - I want her to have fun with my body as well~.

I just nodded and smiled, and she was happy. I felt her cold hands touch my breasts, not gently at all. She immediately started groping and massaging them - it's definitely not a type of behavior I expected from Frisk, but I loved it.

"Oh... Frisk." I moaned in a whisper.

"Are you enjoying it?" She looked at me with her curious eyes while massaging my boobs. From time to time, she would pinch my nipple gently, and that would make me moan even louder.

"Yes... Please keep going." I didn't want her to stop. The sensation was so good because nobody ever touched me there before. She was so close to me that her hot breath was hitting my face, but I didn't mind since it smelled like a piece of candy all the time.

"So you're now begging me to continue?" Frisk became serious all of a sudden. She was so sexy with her mean face while also taking control of my body. It's nice for a change, but I'm going to ruin this underwear as well because of her.

"Yes... I'm." I just shamefully admitted, and then she became even rougher to my body. She pulled my boobs out of my small bra, and now they were completely exposed to her.

"Look at you... You're so sexy." She looked down at them and then quickly back at me. Frisk leaned even closer and kissed me with her soft lips. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was really sloppy, and she bit my lip in the process while going away from my mouth.

"Ah... Frisk." I was losing my mind over the things she was saying and the fact that she was sexually dominating me. Even though I'm much stronger than her, it feels so nice to have someone finally conquer you and take control to do stuff to you that you wouldn't want or expect, especially in such a short period of time.

She stopped massaging my boobs and completely focused on my stiff nipples. They were so hard because the room was cold, and therefore they were much more sensitive.

Frisk then stopped for a second to moisturize both of her fingers with her spit by putting them right into her mouth. That was so sexy to me, but what she did next was even worse.

Because her fingers were now wet, she started circling around my areolas with them. I was gasping and quietly moaning because the sensation was just so good - I was feeling a little bit of fear, knowing she could do anything she wanted to me, and I couldn't resist in any way possible.

She would go in circles and circles without stopping, and then she would just all of a sudden lightly pinch my nipples, slowly increasing the strength by which she was doing that.

"Frisk... Don't. It hurts." I quietly begged her to stop because it really started to hurt, but it was so arousing at the same time that deep inside, I didn't want her to stop.

"Make me." She pinched both of my nipples so hard as she said that and immediately started kissing me. I moaned, but her mouth silenced me, and I just let go of my body and gave myself to her.

We were making out in the middle of the room while she was still playing with my nipples. I was moaning, but my moans couldn't be heard, as she would just keep kissing me and kissing me, trying to break into my mouth with her sloppy tongue.

I couldn't resist, so I just let her do whatever she wanted. I held on tightly to her while we were kissing with our tongues in each other's mouths. We were drooling all over each other, and my pussy was leaking as well. I could feel it so well, as she was also sensitive as much as my nipples were.

The sensation was so good. Feeling Frisk's soft lips and saliva penetrate my mouth while also playing with my tongue was making me so horny.

I just want to be her little slut, and let her take control over me.  

On top of that, my breasts were completely being used by her, and I didn't have any control over them anymore. I was just hers and nobody else's.

Frisk finally got to take control of my body, and I'm going to let her dominate me as much as she wants to. I just can't wait for her to finally eat my pussy and make me cum~...

No Chocolate | Chapter 17 - The Lollipop~

Frisk pushed me onto the bed all of a sudden. My breasts were completely exposed as my sweater was lying down somewhere on the floor. I don't even care. I just want her to go all in on me.

She then came up to me to pin me to the bed with both of her to make me lie on my back while my lower part of the body was still hanging down. I wonder what she will do to me now...

Frisk backed off, leaving me lying on the bed alone. She told me not to move as I had lost her from my sight. I then lifted my head up to see what she was about to do, and I was shocked.

"FRISK. Are you sure about that???" I started panicking as I saw Frisk kneeling down right between my legs which were still hanging. It looked like she was about to undress me and eat me out right on the spot without even asking me for permission.

How did she become so controlling and sexy all of a sudden? This isn't like her at all! But I'm not complaining though~.

"Lie down. And enjoy Chara." As she said that, she kissed my thigh and then started taking off my pants. I lifted my waist a little bit so she could properly undress me, and then I started to lose my mind again.

What if she saws how dirty my panties are? What will she think of that, and most importantly, what will she think of my body? Will I look ugly to her, or even worse, fat? What about my pussy, though??? What if she doesn't like how it looks or the taste... Oh my god, too many thoughts are running through my head, and I'm about to get naked in front of a girl! I can't take it anymore.

"Relax." She said as she completely took my pants off. My legs were literally shaking because it was cold and because of the fact that I was so nervous. My heart was beating so fast as I felt her undress me more and more until she finally reached my panties.

Frisk put both of her hands right on my thighs, and then she started squeezing and massaging them perfectly where it felt the best for me~.

"Do you... Like them?" I asked her worryingly. I don't remember when I was this vulnerable!

"Your thighs are beautiful, Chara... Please don't worry." She said, and right immediately after that started kissing my right thigh from my ankle all the way to my hips. Each kiss was so slow but sloppy and wet - I could feel her warm breath and soft lips.

It was so ticklish, but the sensation was so worth it, especially the feeling of being loved and wanted - I felt like I was just hers and that my body belonged to her.

"Ah... Frisk... I love you." I muttered while leaving out slight moans. She was making me feel so many emotions that I didn't even recognize!

"I love you too Chara. May I undress you completely? I'm impatient." Frisk said as she stopped kissing my legs.

"You... Decide... I don't know." I was so nervous. She probably saw the stain already and everything-

Frisk grabbed my panties right away as I thought that. I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO THINK. She started gently pulling them down all the way from my ass to my legs so she could take them off.


"I'm sorry..." I just said shamefully, and I felt something I wasn't expecting at all.

She grabbed me by my thighs and leaned forward between my legs. I tried to close them, but she just forcefully opened them again and leaned even further into my pussy! Then, I felt her tongue lick the top of it, grazing my clitoris a little bit with her tongue.

I was so nervous feeling her hot breath hit my pussy all the time, as I didn't know when is she going to touch it again with her mouth.

Then I felt her tongue go a little bit lower from the clitoris, and then she spread my small labia lips with it. Finally, her tongue got straight into my pussy which was VERY wet, but it looked like she didn't mind it all?

I was so surprised and relieved at the same time, but then Frisk started licking me from bottom to top. Then, just right above the opening of my vagina, she would stop and continue up to my clitoris.

I started to moan louder, but I quickly silenced myself with a pillow. I just can't control my moans, especially if someone is eating me out like that.

Every time she went back and forth, her tongue would move faster and rougher, pressing my pussy even harder. Then when she would reach the clitoris, she wouldn't just stop or go over it, but rather Frisk would slowly circle around it, teasing me and making me feel much more like she did when my nipples were exposed.

I pressed the pillow harder against my face because I couldn't stop myself in any way possible.

Frisk would just continue in a faster pace, and repeat the same cycle over and over again while holding my thighs so tightly it started to hurt a little bit. It looked like she was aroused from my vagina as well, as she wasn't hesitating to continue licking me without even stopping to catch some air.

I could feel her breathing air through her nose as I was so sensitive around her.

My body started twitching, and I couldn't control my legs now, like I wasn't able to control my voice. But whenever I tried to close my legs, she would just separate them and eat me even better than before, punishing me with her tongue so good.

I held the pillow even tighter than before. I couldn't do anything against Frisk or tell her to stop and go slower than I actually wanted. I was unable to communicate with her and tell her if I wanted something the other way - she was the one in control this time, forcing me to feel pleasure even when I definitely wanted a break.

Frisk wouldn't stop at all to even check on me. She was just focused on satisfying me even better than before because as much as I moved my body in response to her eating me out, she would always increase the pressure she was putting on my clitoris.

She was playing with it like it was some kind of a lollipop. It looked like it was so flavorful to her that she didn't want to stop at all.

Frisk is now completely in control, and who knows when she's going to stop. Of course, I want her to eat me out more at the same time, but sometimes even I'm getting scared of things I'm feeling down there. Especially when she accidentally grazes my opening with her tongue - I'm afraid she's going to put something in me and make me feel even better than before.

I didn't know Frisk was so good at being dominant. I don't want this to stop... I thought to myself as I was moaning louder and louder into the pillow, scratching it while my body was twitching and legs shaking...

No Chocolate | Chapter 18 - Tightness~

My body was feeling so many sensations at the same time. I can't express how Frisk's tongue was stimulating my clitoris. I've never had my pussy eaten in my entire life, and now, I think I'm addicted.

As Frisk was still licking me, without slowing down at once, she pressed her entire face against my vagina. Her small pointy nose was pushing my clitoris while she touched my vaginal opening with the tip of her tongue!

I scratched the pillow even harder as I let loud moans into it.  

My pussy was getting destroyed by Frisk's mouth - I just wanted to ejaculate all over her face already, but the sensation kept going and going.

Her tongue was so slimy and strong - she made my pussy leak how good she is at pleasuring me.

And the best part about all of this is that we're completely exposed, meaning anyone can enter our room and see Frisk kneeling down, eating my pussy. So we wouldn't even have a good excuse if something like this were to happen, and that would be quite terrifying.

But neither did me and her care at all since we got carried away by the feeling of sexual arousal and satisfaction. It was so good to just drift away and let someone take control of your body while pleasuring you in the best way possible.

I felt so loved even though she sometimes violated how much I would like to be pleasured. I still felt a loving sensation because Frisk was the one that was solely focused on giving me a good time while not caring about her pleasure at all. She was entirely focused on only making love to me and my body - she was so good to me that she made me even forget about my insecurities or fears. The only thing I had in mind was Frisk, and Frisk only. I didn't want anyone besides her in my life. She made me feel alive again if that makes sense? Love is weird, but I love Frisk so much that I would do anything for her.

I think I hear footsteps. SHIT. I thought to myself and panicked.

With all my strength, I immediately got up and pulled Frisk away from my legs. I put my finger up to her mouth to tell her to be quiet, and then she heard them too.

Frisk quickly grabbed all of my clothing lying on the floor and tucked them inside our blanket. Then we both jumped into the bed as fast as possible, covering naked me and clothed her at the same time.

We both hugged so tightly and just waited for mom to come at any second into our room. Frisk closed her eyes, and I followed her as well, and then I heard the door of our room open.

Even though we were completely safe, I was still so worried because I was naked, lying beside Frisk in bed, without any clothes on. I was embracing her so hard the entire time. Our eyes were closed because it was freezing in the room, and Frisk was so hot.

Mom got closer to our bed, and it looked like she was looking for something in our room. I think she even went to check under our bed if there was something... I don't know what she was doing?

Now that became even a bigger mystery in my head since something like that had never happened to me even though I was always sleeping alone with Asriel in the same room.

How interesting...

In the meanwhile, Frisk was also holding me tight, so scared that mom was just going to take the blanket away from us and catch us hugging naked. It looked like all of her dominance just faded away in a second, and now she needed someone to rely on.

I rubbed her back quietly to comfort her at least a little bit because there was no reason why she should be scared.

Mom stayed in the room, going through all our drawers and even the closet. It was so random and weird, but she left soon enough after it appeared she didn't find anything she was looking for.

When she closed the door, she went the opposite way from the one she came from.

Frisk and I opened our eyes at the same time, and she was on the edge of tears. So I just put my finger up to her lips and kissed her gently on her forehead, whispering into her ear how everything was alright and how it was time for sleep.

She just nodded with a worried face while also quietly telling me to hurry up.

I got out of my bed, then put on all of my clothes as fast as possible, without even making a single sound. I then jumped into Frisk's bed, tucked us in, and then we hugged each other so tightly at the same time - it was so exciting.

"Let's stay in this position until we wake up. What do you say Frisk?" I didn't want to let go of her, at least not yet.

She didn't say anything but rather nodded her head, indicating a positive response.

"Good night, Frisk. Everything is going to be fine..." I whispered into her ear.

"Good night, Chara. I love you." She replied, and for some reason, I felt like I was about to cry.

"I love you too Frisk. You're my entire world." We both closed our eyes at the same time, and I hugged her harder than ever before...

No Chocolate | Chapter 19 - Bed Time

"heya." A familiar voice said.

"you've been busy, huh?" Sans said as he watched me stand still right in front of him, without even flinching a muscle or any part of my body.

"so, i've got a question for ya." He said after being silent for a couple of seconds.

"do you think even the worst person can change. . . ?" What kind of question is this? What is he trying to do by telling me all of this - it's not like I heard this exact same dialogue over a thousand times!

"that everybody can be a good person if they just try?" He started getting on my nerves. Instead of saying all of this, he can just come and fight me and finally let me kill him once and for all. I need to erase this world as fast as possible before anything bad happens. I had my guard down for so long.

"or who am i kidding? repeating all of my lines will not change your mind." His pupils disappeared, and I felt fear. Usually, Sans isn't this self-aware. What is going on in this timeline?

"what's wrong? you're still standing still. you usually come right up to me and fight." He noticed I wasn't reacting at all to the things he was saying, and that was out of pure shock.

I walked forwards toward him, holding my knife, ready to launch at him by anytime now.

As soon as I did that I heard something come up from behind me, it was a gaster blaster!

It shot directly at me without Sans saying anything or just making a slight comment. It looked like he was serious about killing me this time.

I moved to my side and avoided it. With my knife in hand, I jumped forward towards Sans, swinging straight at him. I managed to get some of his clothes, and I couldn't tell whether he was surprised or not by looking at his face because he always had a smile, no matter what the situation was.

He then teleported and shot me again with two more gaster blasters. I could also feel bones slowly coming from the ground as he made me run in circles.

Everything was going alright until I decided to launch at him again, then he grabbed me by the wrist and held it so tight I could hear and especially feel my bones breaking.

He wouldn't let go and just stood there watching me kneel down in pain while breaking my hand even more and more. I was screaming in agony as it hurt like nothing ever before - he never did anything similar to this where he made me actually afraid for my own life.

"I'll just restart you retard! And I'll be even stronger the next time I see you again," I said while screaming at the top of my lungs.

"i don't think you understand... your save point is completely corrupt, and we will take you with us now. you had too much fun in this timeline." His pupils never came back from the first time they disappeared. He was saying this in a cold voice, feeling no remorse, guilt, or anything towards me. The most disturbing part is that he was genuinely enjoying the fact that I was in so much pain because of him - screaming and crying right in front of him.

"You LIAR!" I screamed and punched him in the stomach with my other free hand. He surprisingly let go of my broken wrist, but I also felt my knuckles break as I hit his shallow skeleton body.

I started running while he was shooting me with all of his bone attacks and gaster blasters, but he never saw this coming.

As I was running through the Judgement hall, I jumped swiftly and high enough straight through the window in order to kill myself and reset this evil timeline.  

"STOP!" Sans was shouting as my body broke the entire window - breaking the tough glass and the Delta Rune emblem. All the tiny glass pieces had been engraved into my body, but I didn't care since I was about to die any second then.

I was falling really fast from this high hill on which Asgore's castle and the entire Judgement hall were placed. So I turned around to see where Sans was and if he was actually following me all the way down here, and as I tried to turn around while falling at an extremely high speed, I saw his shallow skeleton face and wide smile right the second before I hit the ground...

No Chocolate | Chapter 20 - Caressing

Birds are singing, flowers are blooming - It's a beautiful day outside. My eyes were closed, but I could still hear the lovely sounds of a fresh morning. It was somewhere early, and as soon as I woke up I remembered what happened last night!

That was so unsual of me to do, what was I thinking? Is this even normal what we're doing. I mean we're so young, so close, but we met just two days ago? Isn't life crazy.

I still felt tired from everything that happened yesterday, but I was still in that tight hug with Chara. Even after all these hours of sleeping and resting, we didn't move away from each other at all. That was so cute and I was just enjoying myself like never before - I just love her so much.

Therforeee, I think I'm going to stay in this position for a little bit more. It's so nice to feel protected by someone who genuinely cares about you. It's a feeling I haven't experienced in a while, but since I fell down to the Underground, my life has turned quite literally upside down.

I don't mind, though because this feels much better than the home I'm used to. The past two days were so exciting and fun. I got to see so much stuff down here that I never saw in my entire life. It was so fun to just mess around with Chara, she's been treating me better than some of the people I know my entire life. I really appreciate her company more than anything.

I stayed in bed for a little bit more, enjoying the peaceful time I was having. I could hear mom go through the house from one place to another because her steps were so big and heavy. I wasn't used to that kind of noise, so it was a little bit unusual. It's also so weird to call her mom, especially because she's a giant goat.

And I must admit, these goat monsters look really scary - I'm always afraid of touching one or even talking to it. Mom is nice, but the other two are the ones I want to avoid. They're big and scary, especially hairy. And I'm not a fan of that!

In the world above, from which I came, we would keep goats as farm animals which we would milk or kill. But down here, they can even walk like humans! Now that's disturbing if you ask me, and especially the thought of milking one of these underworld goats, I don't even want to imagine how it would look and especially taste like.

As I was thinking about that day-to-day stuff, relaxing my already tired head, Chara suddenly grabbed onto me so hard she started choking me. She immediately let go of me, and we both opened our eyes at the same time - that was such a cute moment but I was shocked by her intense reaction.

"Chara! What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked her quietly, with a calm voice, trying to calm her down as well. I was worried.

"Frisk... Frisk!" She was gasping for air like she was running a marathon.

"It's okay, it was just a bad dream. Don't worry." I was comforting her now.

"I'm... I'm alive. Are you sure?" Chara has now really started to worry me.

"Yes of course Chara, everything is alright. Come to me." I hugged her again as I said that. I let her rest her head on my shoulder as I grabbed her. I was caressing her hair as she was in my embrace.

Her breathing slowed down, and that made me happy because it meant she was relaxed a little bit. I was panicking the entire time, though. I just couldn't express that because I didn't want her to lose that comfort I was providing to her.

"Do you want to tell me what your dream was about?" I asked her, trying to know what was so disturbing about it.

"Ehm... I don't really remember..." Chara said, and I didn't believe her. She was probably trying to act strong and tough in front of me, as she always does. This is one of the things that annoys me about her - she's too afraid to open up to me because she doesn't want to hurt me or my feelings, but that's okay, I guess.

"Okay. Everything is going to be alright... Don't worry Chara." I was still caressing her, holding her tightly like she was my own child.

"Thank you Frisk. You know I love you." She whispered into my ear, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach. This genuinely made me so happy and loved - how can I even get angry at her?

"I love you too Chara. Thank you for everything, and especially for providing me a nice place to sleep." I needed to thank her at least for giving me the opportunity to have a bed, warm meals, and access to daily hygiene. Who knows where I would be without her down here...

"I'm going to protect you no matter what Frisk. Just keep that in mind, and the fact that I'll never let go of you, no matter what happened between us!" She was really emotional. Therefore her words made me so happy and loved. It was so nice to hear some of these things that I didn't know how to thank her well enough. The feeling of love is so unusual.

"Thank you. You have a special place in my heart Chara, which will always be reserved, just for you." I said with a gentle smile on my face, still caressing her pretty hair.

No Chocolate | Chapter 21 - Sleepyhead

"Chara... Let's go sleep a little bit more. I think it's too early to wake up now." I told Chara while still embracing her. She was so soft as she let go of her entire self to me.

"But, what if it happens again?" She asked worryingly - it's so unusual to see her worried so much, but I'm here to give her as much comfort as I can.

"It won't. I'm here for you." I reassured her everything will be alright.

"Okay then. If you say so..." She seemed still a little bit insecure, not relieved at all, a matter of fact. But I'm going to relax her.

I tucked us in well enough again, and we made sure to stay in our hug together, so we didn't separate at any cost. She had already closed her eyes before me, letting go of herself, and I followed her as well.

The moment itself was purely wonderful. I could hear the birds singing as everybody was slowly starting to wake up. Chara and I were the ones still sleeping, laying in bed, right next to each other - we held each other so tightly it was like we were the same person. I didn't want to let go of her, and neither did she. The bed sheets were cold and clean - the blanket was also cold, but inside it started to warm up a little bit. Our room was pretty quiet, but background noises coming from the house and the outside could've been heard without a problem. The entire ambiance of the wind hitting our window while also making the leaves outside rustle was just perfect for a pair of lovers that were Chara and me.

I let my thoughts drift away as I was enjoying this lovely morning with Chara. I didn't think about anything because I just wanted to relax and enjoy the moment as much as I could. I was also on the verge of tears as this was something I had never had in my entire life. This amount of sincerity and generosity was something I was always lacking, but I was completely unaware of that. And now that I have Chara by my side, I can finally say I got my life together even though I didn't want to continue it that night...

Memories of the past were flooding my head as I was slowly drifting away more and more. I was just thankful to finally be somewhere safe where I could rely on this one person I cared about the most - Chara. This was a reoccurring thought that I focused on as the sensation I felt around my heart grew bigger and bigger. Chara is definitely the only reason why I am even alive now. She's my comfort zone, and I don't want to leave her - I think I'm afraid of even thinking about that! It sounds like I'm overexaggerating, but she's made me think differently about everything and everyone around me. Chara is the person that brought a spark to my life again...

"It looks like they're still sleeping... I think I'm going to wake them up now, it's too late anyways!"

"Good morning, my children..." A familiar voice said.

I opened my eyes and saw Chara talking with mom about something. I was too tired from all the sleeping that we did that I didn't even realize what was happening around me. I was just confused, trying to remember what did I even do before going to sleep.

They quickly finished their conversation, and mom left the room soon after.

"Frisk. Close your eyes. I'm going to wake you up when it's time. Good night darling." Chara said all of a sudden as she noticed I was unfunctional, and then she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I remember them being so soft and warm, but the feeling that appeared around my heart afterward was even warmer. I think I'm just going to close my eyes again... And let Chara decide for me like always...

No Chocolate | Chapter 22 - Ticklish

"Hey, sleepyhead! Wake up. FAST." Another familiar voice is now bothering me. It's right next to me, and I wonder who could it be...

"Whaaaaat? Chara. Leave me alone. I want to sleep MORE." I was groaning and complaining as I just got woken up by Chara, who wasn't even hugging me anymore! How could she? She was sitting on the bed, right next to me, protecting me like always, though.

"It's too late, and we have a lot of chores for today." Chara said while playing with my hair a little bit.

"What chores? I WANT TO SLEEP." I was groaning much louder to the point where it sounded like a bird or something. I have a pretty quiet voice, but I also know how to be very loud. Intentionally and unintentionally.

"Oh, my goddddddddd." Chara was complaining to herself because I wasn't listening to her. I just want my sleep! Am I asking for too much?

"You slept too much. I guess I'll have to do this by force." She made a remark that scared me a lot.

"No, no, no! I'm getting up. Wait." I said calmly, worried about what will happen next.

"Well. Too late!" Chara started tickling me, and that woke me up RIGHT AWAY. I couldn't contain my laughter, and it was too much for meeeeeee.

"AAAAAH STOP CHARA." I was trying to kick and punch her as hardest as I could, but she would just dodge and continue on with tickling me.

I then got up from the bed and ended up falling on the floor. Luckily I didn't hit anything, but this wasn't something I was expecting at all.

"Why the FUCK did you have to do this!" I shouted, not caring at all about what I said nor about the tone of my voice. I was furious with Chara.

"I'M SORRY. I DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE YOU SO MAD." Chara was so apologetic and was trying to calm me down, but not this time.

"I'm going to kill you!" I shouted and got up from the floor. Chara hid behind the blanket, but I jumped straight on the bed. I tried to get to her somehow to tickle her back and get my revenge because she disrupted my sleep like that!

I was fighting furiously with all of my strength, and Chara couldn't' stop laughing already, but I wasn't even touching her. Finally, I got through her defense and started tickling her even worse than she did me. I don't know if this was fair, but I don't care.

I was tickling her now, and I was the one in control. She couldn't stop laughing and was even more ticklish than me - I didn't know that since she knew how to hide that very well.

"STOP, PLEASE STOP." Chara was now the one that was shouting, but she wasn't trying to kick me or punch me like I did. She was just pushing me back, curling up in a ball, trying to avoid all of my attempts to tickle her, but she was pretty unsuccessful.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee. Don't do this to me. I'm SORRY." She was basically begging me to stop, so I might let her go this time. But not the next. She should be careful. Otherwise, I'm going to use all of my force!

"Okay, okay. But if you do that one more time, you will not know what you got yourself into." I told Chara while letting go of her. She barely could breathe because she laughed way more than she should have. At least she learned her lesson now.

The door of our room suddenly opened, and it was mom. She was just looking at us with a very serious look on her face. Without saying a word, Chara and I understood that we should've gotten out of the room way earlier. It looks like she's mad, and I feel really guilty about that.

She closed the door, and Chara and I looked at each other and agreed its best to go eat our breakfast first and then decide what are we going to do with our day today. We both got out of bed, and Chara pulled some clean clothes from the closet for both of us. We made a promise right before changing to turn away from each other, so we don't get distracted by our attributes like the last time.

So we turned around to get changed, but I maybeee decided to take a little peek at her while she still had her shirt off. And as I turned around, I SAW HER SECRETLY LOOKING AT ME. We were both surprised, so we turned away as fast as we could and just laughed about it. It's so fun to have someone who's like a living copy of you.

We both got dressed pretty quickly and went running to the dining room. When we got to the room, it was empty. The only things that were left were leftovers and two plates for Chara and me. It looks like the food became cold a long time ago, but we took responsibility and decided to eat it anyways.

We can't go anywhere on an empty stomach! I'm really hungry.

No Chocolate | Chapter 23 - Used and Satisfied~

"So where are we going again, Chara?" I asked her cautiously as we were holding hands, heading through beautiful golden flower gardens that would later extend onto a giant field utterly filled with them.

"We need to go to the square market to buy some food for Toriel. It looks like she's pretty busy with something recently, isn't it strange?"

"Do you think she's maybe hiding something from us? That thought alone sounds scary, Chara..."

"Don't worry, she's never up to no good."

"Are you sure? But what if..."

"If something happens Frisk, I'll be there to protect you - no matter how bad it is."

"Thank you so much, Chara..."

"You know I love you Frisk, don't you?" My heart started dancing as she got me even more nervous.

"Awh! Of course, I do!" I almost started stuttering, and she laughed seeing my reaction.

Does she find me cute? I wonder. But there's something much more important I need to tell her...

As we were walking through that field surrounded by a big forest of trees with red leaves (just like the ones from the RUINS), I stopped and lightly opened my mouth to tell her something very important.


"Yes, Frisk? What is it?"

"I'm horny... Like really horny..."

"Oh my."

"Yeah... I know... Maybe it's not the time right now, but I've been thinking about you and your naked body too much...", "I need to relieve this tension somehow. Will you help me, please?" I was so blushing so fucking hard - I could feel it.

"Don't worry, Frisk." She said as she came closer to me to the point our noses were almost touching. I was feeling her hot breath hit my face, and I bet she was feeling mine as I was breathing faster.

She then grabbed me by my waist and started making out with me.

Chara started kissing my bottom lip like always, and then she started slowly adding her tongue while literally taking my breath away, so I just followed her lead.

We were making straight in the middle of an empty field that was full of golden flowers that were so beautiful in contrast to the red leaves of the trees surrounding it.

We got so into the kissing - so much that we didn't want to separate our lips from one another's, we were both drenched in saliva, but that didn't matter at that moment. Our eyes were closed and our wet tongues were the only two things that mattered.

I want Chara and everything that comes out of her.

I'd love to lick her pussy until my tongue goes numb.

Chara then broke out of the kiss first as I was thinking about, and I naively came straight towards her for more.

She then intentionally tripped me, making me fall straight onto my back onto the infinite bed of golden flowers. She was on top of me, closing in her lips towards my neck, which she started biting and sucking like a real vampire, or a demon per se.

Chara pinned my wrists to the ground, not letting me go while I was moaning her name.

Her kissing and sucking felt so good, my pussy was wet, and it looked like she instinctually felt that as she put one of her hands down there to rub my clitoris through my pants.

She unbuttoned them after rubbing my clit for a few seconds, and then I felt her hot fingers touch my clitoris directly instead of through the clothes. When she started rubbing it again, she started kissing me on the lips like a maniac to shut me up.

I tried resisting, but she continued pushing, being rougher every time I wanted to resist her love.

I'm in love with her!

I'm in love with her twitchy tongue.

I'm in love with her hot spit.

And her fingers which she uses to satisfy me to the fullest extent.

I want to be penetrated by Chara - I want her to stuff something inside of me and make me a good girl.

"Ah! Chara! Please!" I couldn't finish my sentence because she was raping my mouth with her plump lips.

"I want you to- Fuck me! Fuck me so hard- So hard that- that my brain goes numb!" I moaned at the top of my lungs in this empty field, and I could see her smiling after opening my eyes.

I had them closed to fully endure the sensation, but now that won't be needed because it looks like she'll stuff my little pussy and make a good slut out of my little body.

I want her to use me, even if it hurts!

"Fuck me up! Make me unable to walk and tame me like an animal!" I moaned violently.

And then, she complied...

No Chocolate | Chapter 24 - Blood Play~

Chara immediately stuffed both of her fingers deep into my pussy.

She started fingering me while I engraved my nails into her back.

I was already so wet because of the kissing, touching, and perverted thoughts that couldn't leave me alone.

I noticed how both of us were truly alone on this field, so I just let myself go like the little slut that Chara wanted me to be, and I started moaning so hard that she had to shut me up with her mouth again.

Chara deliberately spit into my mouth, and I swallowed it like a good girl.

The fingers were going deep inside - she was putting them till the end, making sure to fill my unstretched pussy.

Then she started rotating them in me to spread me even further, and it hurt like hell, but it turned me on even more.

So much more that I bit Chara's lip when she tried to spit into my mouth again.

I saw blood coming out of her lip that she spat directly onto my face while also slapping me with her other hand while rapidly fingering me at the same time.

It was so hot to feel her hot saliva and blood mixed up, crawling together down my face and then into my mouth.

I licked it all like an obedient whore, and she looked at me with disgust while I just kept smiling and moaning her name to make her go even faster.

To make her even rougher to my little body! Ah!

She then put a third finger into my pussy which stretched it even more.

I begged her to stop because it hurt so much - something not good was happening down there, but the sensation I was getting in return was totally worth it.

Plus, I can't just disobey my mistress, I need to let her use me until we both pass out on this barren field of lust!

More blood came out of Chara's lips, and probably my pussy that she was severely penetrating.

She leaned in to kiss me, but I bit her again and licked the remaining blood off her lips.

Chara was grunting in pain, but that didn't matter to me. As long as she was hurting me back and using me like her little toy - I was more than happy enough to suffer through anything just so my body could receive a portion of her lustful attention.

It hurt her so bad that she slapped me three times across my face, much stronger than before, as her blood was dripping on my chin and neck.

I tried to whimsy hit her back, but she just did it before me and hurt my pretty face even more...

Her fingers were ravaging my pussy, and I felt like I was about to piss or cum all over her hands.

I tried to remove her from my pussy, but she was so much stronger than me. She even shut me up with her other hand, so I couldn't make any noise while cumming - my waist was going up and down in reaction to her fingering me so hard because I couldn't relieve my sexual tension in any other way possible.

"I'm cumming, Chara! Ah! Ah!" I was muffling through her hand while I felt a HUGE relief in the lower area of my body.

As I was discharging my liquid all over her, she slowly started stopping at her insane pace while also letting go of my mouth.

A lot of blood dripped from her lips on my chin, which I then collected with my finger and sucked on for a few seconds just to please her even more.

Chara took all of her fingers out of my pussy in an instant second and showed them to me - they were pink because of how they were mixed with blood and my white gooey discharge.

She then put them into my mouth and made me thoroughly suck them off even though I didn't want to. But that turned me so much more, even though I wanted to puke because of how disgusting it was to eat your own cum and blood mixed together.


I'd do everything for Chara.

I'd let her completely..




No Chocolate | Chapter 25 - Forceful Facesitting~


She fell asleep rather quickly after all of this.

Her body must be reeeeally exhausted.

But I'm still horny.

My fingers are so tired.

And my back hurts a little bit - I'm an undead demon after all, or maybe not in this worldline?

But still!

I need my rest.

And the perfect place for resting my fat ass is Frisk's face.

I'll smother my pussy juices directly into her mouth until she wakes up or starts choking on my discharge.

Ah! I'm so turned on by just thinking about this.

So I took my shorts off and my cute pink panties, and I put my ass over her face while holding myself so I don't fall directly onto her.

I could feel her hot breath hit my pussy's lips as I was getting closer and closer to her face.

Frisk was a mouth breather, so I enjoyed her breath while rubbing my clitoris over her head for a little while.

My pussy was already drenched in sweat and discharge, so it started slowly flowing and falling directly onto her face. Hot drops of my secret juice fell onto her, but she still didn't notice anything, so I slowly put down my ass closer to her face - I felt her nose touch my pussy, so I was, at this point, slowly releasing my weight on her, getting her used to the sensation of my ass on her face while asleep.

The feeling couldn't be any better - I was rubbing my clitoris with my fingers while using her nose as a phallic object for my tight hole.

I then relaxed even more to the point where I was basically sitting on her face. If she were to open her eyes, she wouldn't be able to because my fat ass was in the way, and all she could do is just hit me to get me off, which would only turn me on more and provoke me to smother her more in my cum.

I then put her head between my knees, which were my main foundation. Not all weight was on her face, so she could still breathe under all the pressure my ass was bringing her.

I was rubbing more and more violently, fastening up the pace to feel more of her gentle face under my pussy. The motions with which I was rubbing my clitoris were much rougher than before, so much so that I was literally leaking all over her face like a snail when he leaves his trail on the ground.

The sensation was so good, and then I noticed that Frisk slowly started moving her arms and legs as I was trying to pleasure myself more and more.

I'm a greedy bitch - I need to use Frisk as much as I can before she wakes up, not horny from all the exhaustion she faced.

Even though she was waking up, I persisted and continued pleasuring myself.

I was so close to cumming - there was no way I'd let her take it away from me!

She started mumbling something under my ass, and then she started to spank me, which switched something in my head that made me release my full weight onto her.

This whore made me even more turned on! I'll show her all that a sex demon is capable of.

I noticed she was opening her mouth to speak, so I took it as a perfect opportunity to go even faster and then-

I came directly into her mouth while Frisk was still under me, woken up from sleep, completely used against her will and knowledge that I was even capable of doing something like that.

I don't know if she started crying, but her face felt so hot under my soaked pussy that it felt too good to stop.

"Chara!" I could hear her mumbling through my ass.

"Sorry, Frisk, but you forgot that I'm a sex demon after all. I'm Chara, the demon that comes when its name is called. If you stayed silent, it would've ended faster." I shut her up by pushing my ass directly into her face while pinching her nipples through her skim clothes.

I then let my cute girlish voice free, and moaned like I never touched myself ever before.

No Chocolate | Chapter 26 - Apologies

"Chara... Is this normal? The things we're doing and everything...", "Is our relationship normal? Do people usually do this? I feel so weird, Chara - it's unexplainable."

Frisk was lying on top of me while we were both on the golden flower bed field. The sun was setting, so the sky turned orange, and as moments passed, it was darker yet darker.

"It is, Frisk, don't worry. Also, I'm very sorry if any of this hurt you or made you uncomfortable, you know. Everything just happens out of the intensity of the moment, so don't be afraid about anything that happened or happens between us. Stuff like that is normal, and people do it all the time. People do even worse things, but let's not talk about that now..." I was caressing Frisk's hair gently while trying to calm her down and let her know how everything is totally fine.

To be honest, I feel the same way she does.

It's a little bit out of my comfort zone to do stuff like this, and it has definitely been my first time too.

But I understand it's just a strange feeling that'll go away, and all that matters is that Frisk and I both had fun.

"Was it fun, Frisk? Did you enjoy it?" I asked her while caressing her soft and short brown hair.

In the meantime, she just closed her eyes, burying her head into my chest and quietly responding with an affirmative nod.

"Rate it from 1 to 10. I think it was a solid 10, don't you agree with me?"

"I do, Chara... It was definitely a 10, but I also must tell you something very important." She said while still in the same position.

"Yes, I'm listening."

"I love you, the most. And If I could, I'd stay here forever with you in this position. I think I'd even want to be a part of you - I love you so bad that I want to snuggle inside you and never leave! Let me take your heart, and you can have mine in return.

I then kissed Frisk on the cheek, telling her how much I love her while tears were running down my face.

"I'm the luckiest girl ever. You know Chara... Don't cry... I'm here for you..." Frisk was saying slowly and quietly, while dozing off into sleep as I was continuing to tell her all the nice things about her and why I love her and such.

"Me too, Frisk, me too." I responded quietly, closing my eyes and drifting away to sleep with her on top of me.

No Chocolate | Chapter 27 - Cherry Kissing

"Wow Chara! Look at all these fruits, they're so exotic! Can we buy some of them as well? Pretty pleaseeeeeee." Frisk was fascinated by how our food looks way more vibrant and tasteful than what she has in her world.

Which is quite understandable, as monsters still actively use magic in the process of growing food instead of completely leaning on engineering and automation.

I was holding all the vegetables and fruits and remedies that Toriel needed for her kitchen, while Frisk was carelessly wandering around the market - inspecting everything and everyone in our way like she's never left her home.

"You know Frisk... If you don't hurry up, I'll collapse on the ground with all of this stuff. I knew I said I was going to make up for abusing you, but come on!" I whined.

"Oh... So you aren't having fun after all?" Frisk's expression saddened.

"No, Frisk! I'm having so much fun, but it's just too hot outside, you know. Just don't worry about anything, I'm 100% happy. Happier than ever, in fact." Geez, I was reassuring her like always.

"Oh really? Actually, I'm pretty happy and can't wait to shop more with you! Let's go Chara, I hope those bags aren't too heavy for you~" Frisk suddenly became hyperactive and talkative - it looks like she's pretending to be sad too often these days...

But I'll let her win, obviously, because she's my precious little Frisk.

"What do you think about these cherries? Don't they look quite fresh?" I didn't want to speak because I wasn't really in the mood since the four bags full of fruit and vegetables were heavy enough, and the sun was blazing hot, but still, I couldn't make her sad.

"Yes! Of course, they do, why don't you buy some?" Please don't buy some, please don't buy some, please don't buy some, please don't buy ANYTHING AYNMORE.

"Good idea! But wouldn't it be good to taste them first? Just in case, you know." She said and then asked the local vendor to hand us a cherry or two just for a taste, and since my hands were full, I wasn't really able to do it myself.

"Frisk, are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Chara. Just open your mouth, close your eyes, and say aaaaah."


And in that moment, I felt the sweet cherry hit my tongue along with Frisk's plump lips?

I was definitely surprised, so I opened my eyes instantly without backing off from the kiss, of course just to see Frisk fully immersed in the feeling, with closed eyes, hands on my waist, and her tongue in my mouth, which was twisting the cherry around, eventually popping it and making me eat it.

We were kissing so sloppy that the cherry pit naturally slipped out of our connected mouths

And then we continued kissing with the sweet cherry flavor in our mouths, and I was feeling all sorts of butterflies in my stomach. The hot sensation of her big lips and wet tongue felt so good at that time - relieving all the pressure that was placed on me during this hot summer day.

She was still going for the kiss without stopping. I could barely catch a few moments to breathe since she was choking me with her mouth. I don't mind anything anymore, actually - Frisk can have me and do whatever she wants to me, this feels too good just to let go.

"Kiss- Me- More- Please...." I barely said since her tongue was penetrating my mouth, licking my tongue - drenching me in her hot saliva.

She pulled me closer with her hands she had on my waist, and I was now even more turned on, her hands reached down into my pocket, through which she started touching my clitoris through my pants and underwear. That made me even wetter, so I almost completely let go of my body into her embrace - it felt so good, so good I wanted her to control me forever at that moment.

It just feels too nice when someone takes control over you like that, especially with something sweet as a cherry.

Frisk, this is the reason why I love you so fucking much!

"HEY! YOU TWO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN A PUBLIC PLACE? HANDS OFF ONE ANOTHER IMMEDIATELY! YOU'RE GOING WITH ME NOW." A familiar voice said, freaking the shit out of me and Frisk.

We immediately stopped with everything like nothing was even happening, and when we turned around it was...

No Chocolate | Chapter 28 - Trouble

"Yes officer, that's them. Please do something about it!" Asriel told Papyrus.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT ARE YOU TWO HUMANS DOING IN A PUBLIC PLACE, BUT PLEASE STOP KISSING. IT'S REALLY INAPPROPRIATE AND EVEN CHILDREN ARE WATCHING YOU TWO. I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND." Papyrus told me and Frisk politely while Asriel stood behind Papyrus, grinning because he's such a good snitch as always.

Stupid crybaby.

I'd make my scary face to terrify him, but I can't do it in front of others obviously.

"Chara... Is everything going to be okay?" Frisk asked me while hugging one of my hands - I can't believe she's scared of Papyrus and Asriel, but I'll still comfort her.

"Yeah, don't worry. Let's just head back home with all of these groceries and hand them over to Mom. Nothing will come out of this." Frisk looked relieved, but Asriel was still suspiciously grinning and almost laughing! How rude.

"Mom is also aware of what you two have been doing in private. She's just too embarrassed to mention it to you two. Everything is so obvious, and your behavior is truly disgusting considering that we gave you a home, and you won't even respect the rules we set." He was so annoying that I wanted to literally kill him on the spot.

What was he even thinking?

The fact that Frisk was looking at me with her teary eyes, on the verge of crying, was even worse since I felt so bad for my beloved - I really wanted to kill Asriel, but I can't, otherwise my relationship with Frisk in this timeline would be doomed and it would be like nothing ever happened.

And I can't let that be.

"Okay, and so what?" I responded coldly.

"That means you and Frisk aren't allowed to sleep in the same bed, and you two also aren't allowed to spend as much time as you're spending now. Those are all Mom's words, not mine, so don't kill the messenger." He was literally mocking me at this point.

I don't know why Toriel thinks she has the authority to do this to Frisk and me! Doesn't she understand what love is and that we have no ill intentions? I know she's a mother figure, but damn, fuck her.

"WOWEY. YOU SEEM LIKE YOU'RE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE HUMAN. I'LL LEAVE ALL THAT UP TO YOU THREE AND HEAD BACK TO UNDYNE. I CAN'T BE LATE FOR HER COOKING LESSONS. GOTTA HURRY UP HUMANS... AND GOATS." Papyrus said in his usual manner and then sped off in an unknown direction to Undyne's cooking classes? What a weirdo.

"Chara... What now? I don't want you to leave me alone..." Frisk started sobbing while still hugging my arm. That was kinda a problem since I couldn't do anything against Asriel even if I wanted to - I can't fight with full hands and arms!

"I guess you have to go with me now. Mom's waiting angrily at home, and I would reeeeeeally hurry up if I was in your place. Especially you Frisk, don't cry. We will hang out together after Chara gets her punishment."

"No! I only want to stay with Chara. I only want Chara!" Frisk proclaimed sadly and loudly, with tears in her eyes, burying her head into my shoulder while standing, continuing to sob heavily with her runny nose.

Oh my poor sweet sweatear.

I had to slowly drop the bags on the floor since I've been carrying them around for who knows how long.

"Don't listen to him Frisk. No one will divide us." I proclaimed.

"And how do you plan to do that? We share the same mother, you know."

"No, we don't actually. Do I look like a goat to you?"

"Maternity doesn't have to be biological, but whatever you say. I'll make sure she hears this too. You're so ungrateful after everything we did for you."

"You can tell her whatever you want. I'll beat the shit out of you for saying such things and especially for making Frisk cry." I was so furious that I squeezed my arm out of Frisk's embrace while she was stuck in her thoughts, afraid, crying about the whole situation and about what might happen next.

And then, the fight commenced.

I could see my bright red human soul in contrast to Asriel's dark gray monster one.

He was shocked that I had gone this far, and I could easily notice how sweaty he was.

He wasn't expecting of me, his half-sister or whatever to initiate fight, but here we are!

I hope he knows what's he doing because... I'm not planning to SPARE him.

No Chocolate | Chapter 29 - Ah shit!

"Chara, haha. You know, we don't have to do it this way. Let's settle this in a more peaceful manner." Asriel was sweating profusely.

"Maybe he's right, Chara... Why are your eyes red all of a sudden?" Frisk tried to calm me down, but there was no point in doing that.

I took a stick from the ground since I didn't have my knife on me at the moment, and then I put it in my pocket. But it's not a problem at all - it's not like I ended multiple wordlines with just a stick and a bandaid.

"This time, I'll end you. Asriel Dreemurr!" I launched at him without anything in my hand!

I got so close to him that I could see his eyes which were starting to tear up, but I didn't get to look for too long at them since he had already dodged my attack by just turning to the right with his entire body.

I predicted that, obviously, and followed his turn by going up to him on the same side, but this time, I took the stick out of my pocket and aimed straight for his head.

"NO! MY CHILD" Mom screamed?

And then, before I could even stop it - I cut open Mom instead.

I stopped myself from fighting further and ended the fight almost immediately.

She kneeled on the ground with blood coming out of her torso, I put so much force into that attack that it would've definitely killed Asriel if it didn't get stopped by Mom.

"You idiot!" Asriel screamed at me.

"How could you do some-"

"It's okay Asriel... Don't shout... I'll be fine - the hit was strong but not strong enough to kill me. Don't worry about it." Mom said while coughing up blood while everyone else garnered around us to see what was happening, making a large circle around us that Frisk or I couldn't escape.

Frisk came quickly up to me to see what was about to happen further, but I reassured her that everything was alright even though it clearly wasn't.

I wasn't disappointed about the fact I hurt my own "mother" but rather because of the fact that Frisk and I will be definitely separated for who knows how long. Everything was going in Asriel's favor, and even though he's sad now, he'll probably mock me for eternity.

Why did Mom even have to get in my way?

I could've ended it once and for all, but maybe it's better this way.

"But Chara, I don't want to stop seeing you, and I especially don't want to hang around with Asriel."

"Yeah, I know Frisk, but we'll figure out something, but for now-"


Sans was directly staring at me with his fixated smile I always found so unsettling.

Papyrus went to see what was up with Mom and why's she bleeding on the ground - making an even bigger situation than it already was, while Sans came up to me and Frisk.

"heya, you've been busy huh?" He stood right in front of us.

I wonder, how much does he remember?

"Uh, Chara, do you know him?" Frisk asked me since he didn't even introduce himself! How rude.

"Yes, he's an old friend of mine."

"so, i've got a question for ya"

"I know."

"oh, do you? then let me ask you if..."

"Do you think even the worst person can change?" We said at the same time - I did that intentionally to intercept him and make him know that I'm aware of his plans.

He was never supposed to ask me at that moment specifically.

I know he's up to something.

"yeah, that's what I thought." His eyes went completely dark, so Frisk hugged my arm again.

"NO NO NO HUMAN. YOU'RE GOING WITH ME." Papyrus said while violently pulling Frisk away from my arm.

"Hey! You can't do that. Give her back to me, right now!"

"nuh uh, you're coming with them." Sans pointed towards Dad and a few of his royal guards.

Ah shit!

No Chocolate | Chapter 30 - Tea Limbo

"So what do you want from me, old man!" I demanded from Asgore while looking up at him.

We were in his throne room which was literally full of golden flower beds - the field where Frisk and I sorta fucked was probably his property, but who cares.

I was having a tea party with him - he was sitting on the throne while I was beneath him on the golden flower beds.

That was my choice, though - I'm so infatuated with them, they're the best part of the Underground.

"Old man, Chara? Since when did we start addressing each other that way." He sipped his tea and then put it back on the little fancy plate.

"Since today's time! I'll call you Asgore because I can't consider you my real dad after this!" I made an angry face and turned away my head from him. Even though I was kidding, there was a lot of truth in what I said.

"Oh Chara, but you're a liability for us. You know that I didn't want to do this - also, you should be thankful that you're not in a prison cell where you're supposed to be. My good will saved you." Asgore sipped his tea.

"That's true King, although I still don't get it. Why did Frisk have to be taken away from me?"

"It's nothing personal, but that's the most important request Sans gave us. Frisk is safe with him and Papyrus, I heard they put her in that shack next to their house." Asgore sipped his tea.

"Oh I get it, that's not as bad as I thought it was, but still! Tell me, how long will you keep me here!" I tilted my head towards him, expecting an answer.

"Until your execution." Asgore sipped his tea.

"What! My execution? But aren't you aware that even if I can keep coming back after death, that I'll come back and kill you all one by one without any resentment?"

"Yes, we're aware of that, but at least that'll buy us even more time since Sans always remembers everything." Asgore sipped his tea.

"Are you sure you don't want to fight right now, old man?"

"Why would I? I won't be the one executing you." Asgore sipped his tea.

"Then who will it be? And what will happen with Frisk."

"Probably Undyne, she volunteered. Frisk will continue living a normal life down here - she'll replace you in a sense. I hope you understand, don't take anything personally." Asgore sipped his tea.

"That's unfortunate."

"Did you even try your tea? Drink up otherwise it'll get cold." Asgore sipped his tea.

"Would you be in the mood for a drink if you were in my place?"

"Probably not." Asgore sipped his tea.

And then we sat in silence.

I was lying on the golden flowers, looking at the beautiful mosaic ceiling of the throne room.

Asgore continued to sip his tea.

Asgore continued to sip his tea..

Asgore continued to sip his tea...

Asgore sipped his tea for the last time before falling straight on the golden flowers beneath my feet.  


He fell just like when I fell down Mt. Ebott.

The amount of poison in his tea was too lethal for him to handle.

I stood up after lying for who knows how long, standing over him while looking down at his crown that fell from his head.

"Farewell, King."

No Chocolate | Chapter 31 - Asriel

"I... I don't like this idea, Chara."

"Wh.. what? N-no, I'm not..."

"... big kids don't cry."

"Yeah, you're right."

"No! I'd never doubt you, Chara... Never!"

"Y... yeah! We'll be strong! We'll free everyone."

"I'll go get the flowers."

The cassette left the player.

Tears went down my face as I remembered all the fun memories I shared with Asriel.

I couldn't bear to wear his heart locket after getting rejuvenated into this worldline, so I buried it in the backyard.

Right beneath another flower golden flower bed.

I can't tell why I'm obsessed with them, but their yellow spark always fills me up with determination.

But the only problem is that I don't even see my save point anymore.

If I die, I die. And I won't be able to return to this worldline ever again.

I have a plan for how I'll get my powers back, and it includes Asriel.

I got so carried away while having fun with Frisk!

It's so infuriating.

I'm not even sure what I want to do now.

So many mixed emotions are inside me, and I can't fathom any of them in any way possible.

It's just how I felt when I got into this worldline.

I just feel lost, especially after those three encounters with Sans.

The first one because of which I'm even here, the second one where I saw him in my dream, and the third one where he made me say goodbye to Frisk.

It'll eventually come to the fourth one, but I'm so weak in comparison to other times I destroyed wordlines.

"I'm so weak! So weak! So fucking Weak!" I shouted while banging the floor on which I was sitting with my fist- I didn't want to hit the large TV in front of me because that would've hurt me way more.

"I just can't do it! I lost my spark, and there's no going back now."

"Sans got the better of me, Asriel and Toriel betrayed me, and no one is on my side here anymore."

"At least I killed the King. Asgore is dead..."

"I got a little bit of power from him, so then..."

"Maybe I'm onto a good start, after all-"

"What did you say?! You killed Dad?" Asriel shouted from the doorway.

No Chocolate | Chapter 32 - Judas

"Hey Asriel." I stopped him midst his annoying, childish shouting.

"Do you love me as your sister?"

"Not anymore Chara, you changed since Frisk got into the Underground." He was in tears.

What a crybaby.

"Why do you act like you care?"

"I don't care Asriel! That's the point."

"So what now? You killed Dad, hospitalized Mom, and now you're planning to kill me? If that's the case, so be it! I won't give up that easily, and I won't let you call me a crybaby ever again."

"When did I call you that last time?"

"You always did. You always bullied me while playing with my feelings. It's not fair Chara! I gave you everything, and you're about to take everything from me." He was sobbing loudly - I never heard him so upset.

"Fair deal, after all, I'm the demon that comes when its name is called. It would be a shame if I declined your death wish."

"A demon? That comes when its name is called? What are you talking about Chara?"

"Where are the knives?" I said and jumped to the kitchen to find some fresh cutlery.

"Mom took them away, you idiot!" He said from behind me, trying to catch up with me.

I opened the kitchen drawers and cabinets just to see that Mom really took them all away.

I get it now.

When she entered mine and Frisk's room that night when we were sleeping - she was actually searching for my knife and locket.

It looks like someone notified her about who I'm, and I know exactly who that person is.

Just as I thought, the preparations were made in advance though.

"Don't worry Asriel, I'm stronger than you anyways." I said, with my back turned to the kitchen drawers while practically cornered in the kitchen.

I had nowhere to run, and Asriel was about to initiate a fight any second now.

"Let's go Chara, I'll not spare you this time."

"Oh boy." I said as the fight commenced.

I could see both of our souls - mine was bright red, just like the blood I was about to spill.

"Just quit it, you're wasting my time." I taunted him.

"Shut up Chara!" He started throwing fireballs directly at me.

I dodged them all perfectly, even though I don't have a clue how he fights in this form.

Otherwise, I'd remember all attack patterns through saving and loading, but this time, my intuition will be the one leading me to victory.

Since I didn't have any magic at the moment, I had to use my fists to fend him off.

But that proved pointless because he would just start running away until my attack wore off, so he could throw even more of his annoying fireballs at me!

"You're such a wuss. Maybe if you fought like a real man without using your mother's techniques!"

"How do you know they're from my mom?" He was surprised.

"Because I killed her more times than you could imagine. I hope you know how many timelines I crossed and destroyed, and finally, when I found happiness, all of you want to take it from me! Well, that's not happening tonight, darling." I attacked him again.

This time I threw a feint punch at him to confuse him, but once he dodged, I spun around and kicked him in the head with my left leg.

My shin went directly straight at his face, which gave him a nosebleed and a little concussion.

His fireballs were now much faster and stronger - he even managed to graze me with one which ruined my sweater!

"Chara... That hurt." He started breaking down in tears.

"I know, but you're the one who's making this easier for both of us!"

"I can't deal with this anymore, I can't hurt my sister. Sorry for grazing your sweater - I know that's one of your most prized possessions since it's from the upper world..." Asriel suddenly began crying over my sweater?

I knew he was a crybaby, but I never knew he was this fucking mentally unstable.

"You okay Asriel?" The fight finally ended! I was bleeding a little bit from the scratches he gave me with that one attack, and he was bleeding from my beautiful kick.

I probably broke his nose.

He got on his knees and started weeping.

"I can't do it anymore! I can't Chara! I can't pretend like you don't mean anything to me..." I came down and knelt next to him to soothe him.

Even though I wanted absolutely to kill him, I still wanted to hear him out.

He was my friend once, so nothing bad can come out of this.

"Chara... What is your plan? Why are you like this, and why did an identical copy of you fall into the Underground? What's going on... I don't understand anything... I want this to be over, I can't fight you."

"Listen, Asriel."

"Yeah?" He was still crying, but a little bit less now that I came closer to him.

"Forgive my wrongdoings and forget everything I said. It will hurt you less if you know less."

"But I want to know everything! I can't be left out in the dark like always."

"Then you have to realize I never really had the best intentions for anyone in this world. I'm here to bring destruction and mayhem - it's how I always was."

"No! I absolutely refuse to believe that! You're my Chara, my only one, dearest Chara! My best friend!" Shit, he was now crying even more.

"I'm sorry Asriel... I'm sorry for everything, but in this world, it wasn't meant to be. I will maybe treat you better in the next one." I also started crying along with him.

I was bursting out with emotions that had gathered inside me over the years.

"In the next one? Why are you crying Chara? Will everything be okay?"

"Sorry Asriel, but I'll always stay loyal to what you always used to say - "In this world, it's kill or be killed.""

And then I pierced my hand towards his chest, taking his heart out and crushing his soul with my bare hands while he was in his most vulnerable moment.

He looked me in the eyes, speechless, while realizing that all my tears weren't out of sorrow but rather out of the happiness and ecstasy I was feeling.

No Chocolate | Chapter 33 - Stronger than you

The feeling of killing innocent Asriel was so fulfilling.

His death filled me with...


Now that I finally dug up my most prized possessions - Real Knife and The Locket.

It's time to finally meet with Sans at our usual place and end him once and for all.

I had to take off my sweater because it was so dirty and basically torn apart because of Asriel - I was now in a tight black tank top which went perfectly against my slim body and curves.

I hate him for that, but at least I got what I wanted, and I look absolutely stunning.

His soul wasn't that strong, but Asgore's soul did me a huge favor.

Now it's time to kill Sans and find Frisk, so we can finally lead a happy and unbothered life.

Together, forever with one another.


"Now, let's go." I said to myself while entering the Judgement Hall.

As soon as I stepped into that illuminated room, I remembered all the things that Sans is capable of.

I was disappointed that my save point wasn't at its usual spot, but I can live without it. It's time to get my Determination to the level at which it used to be before.

I got closer to him, but he was still silent.

His eyes were dark, shallow, but still monitoring my every move as I slowly got closer to him.

I showed no fear on my face, I was determined enough to kill him then and there.

And when I was like few meters away from him, we finally broke the silence.

"it's a beautiful day outside"

"birds are singing"

"flowers are blooming"

"on days like these kids like you"

"should be burning in hell"


"One step left now"

"It's almost time"

"Show you what my DETERMINATION still has left for you"

"You should prepare to just die"

"Like all your friends you'll have a really good time"


"but kids like you don't play by the rules"

"and guys like me"

"it ain't easy to be played for fools"

"so let's go"

"let the room get chiller"

"let's go dirty brother killer"

I readied my knife as he said that, and then I heard multiple Gaster Blasters line up behind me.

"Go ahead, kill me again. I see you're able."

I started running in circles to avoid the blasts coming straight at my face, but at the same time, I was also going towards Sans to get closer to him.

"But inside you know the end can't be evaded"

He stopped with the blasters when I outran them, but like usual, he started chasing me with the bones that he launched out of the ground directly at me.

"I can tell you're really tired out of fighting"

"But I'll even come back after dying!"

Damn, he's good!

He stopped rather quickly with this attack - he was sweating profusely since he probably wasn't used to initiating this amount of his power at once.

I didn't even get the chance to hit him once! Could you imagine that?

"you're not gonna win. we'll be here together"

"fighting in this judgement hall forever"

"i know you just reset each time i beat ya"

"but i'll always be right back here to meet ya"

We stood both to take a break, but he wouldn't shut his mouth!

"I'm made out of L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E."

And then I threw my knife like a boomerang, directly at him.

He dodged my attack like always, but little did he know it would decapitate him from the back.

But then, without even looking, a wall of bones came out of the floor and deflected the attack without a problem!

How the fuck did he foresee that?

"But I think I'm stronger than you."

The knife thankfully started going back towards me after hitting that bone wall instead of staying in there or something like that.

""This is where it stops""

I got the knife back into my hands.

""This is where it ends""

"You keep telling me those words"

"And hope that i will understand"

"But even if I hear you"

"I won't give up my attack"

"Can you just not see the truth"

"Or can you not see what this all meant?"

I put both of my hands on my knife to wield it like a sword, which made my Determination channel into it - creating a magic field around it that embodied it while also extending its reach and width.

It looked like an actual sword, a bright red sword filled with Determination, ready for everything.

I started running towards Sans, with the idea to chop anything that came into my path!

"go ahead and try to hit me if you're able"

Three bone walls commenced in front of me as he flew backwards towards the end of the Judgement Hall.

I slashed all three of them with my sword.

"cuz you've figured by now that mercy's off the table"

Then more Gaster Blasters started surrounding me, so I did the most logical thing and jumped onto the first one that was in front of me and pierced it with my sword while repeating the process with each one of the blasters that I was jumping on - some destroyed the others because they were all shooting at me in a crossfire.

It was a total warfare between us two.

"think that you can try to spare like i'm some pawn?"

"well you didn't spare my brother so get dunked on"

How does he even remember that?

Oh shit!

As soon as he said that, the biggest Gaster Blaster I ever saw appeared right in front of him, just right as I was about to get some closure on him.

It was too late for me to jump on it, so when the blaster fired its giant blast, I deflected it with my sword - practically cutting the blast itself in two.

Then I spun around to catch some momentum - slashing the Gaster Blaster as I passed through it like a ballerina.

"You know I made your friends all disappear"

"Erasing all what's left"

"This is why I'm here"

"I will keep fighting"

"You should be dying"

"This is your destination"

I said all of that while getting closer and closer to him.

He was out of his power, so he just stood there, drenched in sweat but still without pupils in his eyes.

"i know you're made-"

"I'm entirely made-"

"of L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E" We were saying at the same time.

"And I'm sure I'm stronger than you"

I said while casting my final attack with the magic sword that now emitted a giant magical slash that went straight through him.

No Chocolate | Chapter 34 - W.D. Gaster

"TRULY EXCELLENT." A shadow was cast out of Sans's wound.

The shadow grew out to be a figure that I now fully remember.

The being that even brought me into this world is none other than him.


"At least introduce yourself, do you think I know you or something?"


"the fight isn't over kiddo." Sans suddenly said.

I switched my gaze from deformed floating Gaster to Sans, whose both eyes became enlightened with a magical blue color?!

"you're about to have a real bad time."

"NO. IT'S OVER FOR YOU TOO." Gaster said, pointing one of his hands towards Sans, extinguishing his eyes and powers in the process.

"i see how it is."


"No, I'm not going to do that. You're the reason why I'm even here, now explain yourself."






"You sure talk a lot for a deformed ghost. So that means basically that nothing I went through in this world was real? You were overseeing everything I was doing with Frisk, you pervert!"


"He did what?"

No Chocolate | Chapter 35 - Purgatory

"I see how it is! I hope you're ready to pay for your sins!" I charged my sword with even more determination.

"CHARA. DON'T DO IT." Gaster said, but it was already too late.

I slashed Sans with my sword, finishing a large cross in his body - shattering his soul in the process.

Gaster started looking at him while he was turning into dust.

His soul broke down into two pieces.

And the real Sans finally died at the cold hands of Chara, or better said, me.

"I hope you know that you're next." I pointed my sword at Gaster.

"I finally get why I can't reset anymore! Because I was trapped the entire time, and since this is your last simulation..."

"Your world isn't invulnerable anymore, and I'm ready to destroy it!"


"Huh! Don't even dare to mention her name."


"Speak faster before I end you as well."


"Just get to the point already!"


"That sounds good enough, but it'll be so painful being with her again since she won't even remember any of the things we did together in this worldline! Don't you see how messed up that is? Everything that happened here will be only remembered by me, the original Frisk I loved is dead, and I'll never be able to change that. Don't you get how awful your deal is? Don't you fucking get it?" I started screaming while breaking down in tears.

"You can't innocently stand here like nothing wrong is happening. You made me live in an illusion, you basically ruined my life this way by making me fall in love with someone that doesn't even exist! Fuck your illusions, fuck everything you say. I don't care if I'm wrong or if I missed out on anything you had to say."

"But this time, I'll do things right away and ERASE you along with your worldline, altogether!"

I ran out of breath.

My tears flooded my eyes to the point where they started to burn.

I looked at Gaster, readying my sword.


"Farewell, thank you for the idea though. Now it's your time to die."

I hit him, killing him with only one blow to the body.

I absorbed his soul's immense power and then, with it, destroyed the entire simulation I was in the entire time.

Everything went black, and then I woke up in the Determination Extraction Machine, which seemed to be malfunctioning at the moment.

Its chamber in which I was opened, and I finally woke up from my deep sleep, just to see Alphys looking at me in terror.

"I hope you're not forgetting that you're also a part of this." I said as I jumped immediately out of the chamber before the entire thing completely broke down and headed straight towards Alphys, killing her with the knife I always carried with me and then the rest of the world that Gaster and Sans eagerly tried to protect.

No Chocolate | Chapter 36 - Old Friend

"Good to see you again, old friend." I said to the yellow shining star - the save point.

Now that I think about it, am I not able to reset everything that happened in this world and get myself back to the beginning of the simulation, where I would meet Frisk again?

There's no point doing that, I'll be trapped again, and they'll just take her away from me.

Let's have a fresh start this time and make a new reality where Frisk and I will be happy forever and after.

It will be hard to get to know her again.

Not because she won't like me or anything similar, but because it'll just hurt to see her forget everything we've been through.

Farewell, old love.

I'll still keep onto that promise I gave you before we were separated by them...

I silently started crying, biting my lip until it bled, feeling the taste of iron and salty tears that forcefully entered my mouth.

No Chocolate | Chapter 37 - Last Kiss

"No! I don't want to live my life without you, Chara! Please don't let them take me away from you..." Frisk said while Papyrus was taking her away from me.

"Hey! You can't do this, leave her alone, you delusional skeleton."

"you're also forgetting something." Sans pointed to the guards, that quickly rushed towards me to forcefully take me by both of my arms.

"Hey! Let me speak to her, you idiots." I stomped and then kicked one of the guards into his male parts, and at that moment, I slipped out of the other guy's embrace and went straight for Frisk.

I hugged Frisk so hard even though she couldn't hug me back because Papyrus was carrying her away, but this was more than enough anyways.

"Don't go Chara... What will I do without you?" Frisk cried while she was in my embrace.

She was sobbing like a little child.

"Don't worry, I'll always be there to love and protect you. Knowing all of these guys, nothing bad will happen to you, and we'll be soon let go, and after that, we'll have one another all to ourselves without anyone interfering. Just don't worry about anything Frisk, I'll always be there by your side, and I'll never let them do anything bad to you. Understand?"

"What if we never see each other ever again..."

"I won't let that happen."

"Do you promise that you will save me no matter what? I can't lose you, Chara, especially not this way!"

"I promise Frisk. I promise to always be by your side, even if you don't want to. I'll be there to make you happy and show you the world like I did when I first met you."

"Okay.... You always make me the happiest girl alive, I hope you know that Chara..." She was crying and weeping so much that I could feel it going down my face.

"You also make me the happiest, Frisk. I love you more than anyone in the world." I started kissing her on the lips, and she completely submitted herself to me.

I will save you, my love.

No Chocolate | Chapter 38 - Second Fall

According to my calculations, this is the day when Frisk is supposed to fall down Mt. Ebott.

I haven't been to the city for a long time, I forgot how the world up there even looks, but now that I'm there, I just have to stay out of the town so my parents don't see me.

But it's not like they would care anyways. *takes a single bite out of the newly opened whole chocolate and throws it away*

As I headed out of the town, I started climbing Mt. Ebott like back in the old days, but now, with a completely different motive than before.

I had to take a quick trip to the town to take some chocolate with me so I could jump with it into the Underground, my backpack was full of it, I just hope it doesn't melt until I get down there.

I don't remember the mountain being this big!

I'm so tired already, and I don't think I'm even halfway there.

If this doesn't pay off, I'll be so mad - the machine was a pain in the ass to make.


Some time passed, and I eventually got to the top of the mountain.

My backpack was empty by this point, and I was quite literally dehydrated.

I saw the hole that leads to the Underground from a distance, and I saw some random girl going towards it.

Wait, that's it! That's Frisk!

I'm so happy to see her, I will run up to her and surprise her with kisses!

Or maybe not... Since she doesn't even remember anything.

Let's just stay behind her and let her fall into the Underground again.

She still didn't notice that I was following her, even when the distance between us wasn't that big, she was focused on something else that completely took away all her attention.

Now she stood next to the hole, and I was three or four meters behind her.

Now it's my chance!

Sorry Frisk, but you'll thank me later...

"What are you trying to do?" Frisk said as I was about to kick her, and I completely froze.

"Nothing! I'm just enjoying the view."

"Are you sure?" She turned around to confront me face to face.

"Yes! What's your name, if I may ask?"

"Why would I give you my name? And what are you doing on this mountain following me? Do you think I haven't noticed you tailing me?"

"I wasn't tailing you, I came to see this what's up with this giant hole at the top of the mountain."

"Don't you fear the legend that those who climb the mountain never come back? You surely have some problems in your head."

"I'm not afraid of anything, and those stories are just fairytales anyways."

"Are you sure about that? Don't you want to see what's down this hole..."

"I do, that's why I came here in the first place."

"Do you want to do it together? I can tell you're not a boy."


"What is that supposed to mean?"

"How would you feel if a boy was tailing you at the top of the mountain where people always go missing?"

"Probably horrified, I dunno."

"Well yeah, that's what I was saying in the first place."

"Okay, let's jump then!"

"Actually, I changed my mind. You can jump there without me."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to go home now, it's getting dark, don't you see?"

"I see, but aren't you curious?"

"No, I'm not." She turned around to walk away?!

"Wait! Don't go yet!"

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I'm trustworthy!"

"Who's trustworthy with a knife hanging out of their pocket?"

"That's a survival knife!"

"No, that's a kitchen knife!"

"I'm not here to kill you! Why are you so complicated."

"And why do you want me to jump down that hole then?"

"I can't answer that question, but you're going down there with me!" I put my hands on her.


"Shut up! That's not true at all!"

"Then stop pulling me.. Towards the goddam... Hole!" Frisk was pushing me! She was stronger than I thought!

"Fuck you Frisk!" FUCKING BITCH.

"What. You know my name?" She froze in shock, not resisting as much as she was, so I decided to take the chance and trip her down into the hole.

I had both of my hands on her, so I just conveniently put my foot behind her leg and applied all the force toward pushing her down.

"The fuck?!" I finally slipped her.

"AAAAAAAAAH" We both screamed at the same time while finally falling into the Underground.

No Chocolate | Chapter 39 - Paradox

"I don't feel sooooooo good..." My head hurt as hell! For how long have I been sleeping?

"Are you fucking kidding with me?" Shit, she's awake as well!

"What? Welcome to the Underground!" I'm going to get in so much trouble for this.


The bitch was literally having a mental breakdown on top of me while I was still lying on the golden flower bed.

A golden flower bed? Isn't that like canonically my grave or something.


"YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY HUH? THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT." Frisk was uncomfortably close to me, even though she's a girl, she doesn't know that I'm gay as fuck for her.

My legs were between her knees while I was lying down, and as I looked down at her thighs, I just felt a hard slap hit my face, along with her tears falling onto my face.

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE." She was now hysterically crying.

I didn't really care about that, the thing that was worrying me now the most was the consequences of my arrival into this worldline.

For example, how will everyone react to my, uhm, revival?

This will be very very interesting.

"Calm down! It's not as bad as it seems. Didn't you already want to jump down without me? People don't climb that mountain for no reason."

"I mean... You're kinda right. How did you know though?"

"I read it somewhere in your diary." Shit.

"I don't have a diary though..." She was clearly disappointed.

"Anyways, let's find our way home!" I said deliberately.

"But, I don't want to go home... NEITHER DO I WANT TO SPEND MY ENTIRE LIFE WITH YOU DOWN HERE." She hit me again!

"Stop hitting me and get off me!" I got up while pushing her from me.

"So mean."

"You're the one that hit me like two times for no reason!"

"Obviously, because you dragged me into this in the first place."

"I can't argue with you, let's go now."

"You know the way?"

"No, I don't obviously. But since this is our only exit, we should go there."

"I guess you're right, Chara."

We headed together into the next room.

She didn't even want to look at me because of how angry she was.

How will I even make her fall in love with me?

This will be more difficult than I thought...

Especially within this wordline.

I'll just pretend I'm not Chara, I'll make up a new identity!

But Frisk already knows my real name...


I guess I'll pretend to have no memories of everything that happened.

But what if they think I'm a vampire and decide to stab me through my heart?

That would be problematic, but at least now I have my save points and stuff, so they can't kill me.

In the next room we were awaited by Flowey, or better said, Asriel, who was straight up terrified seeing me and Frisk, who was literally my clone, stand in front of him even though he kinda sacrificed my life for me.

"Chara?" Flowey said, breaking his usual generic dialogue.

"Uhhhhh, and who are you? How do you know my name ;3" I pretended not to know him at all.

"Chara? How are you still alive? What's happening. Golly, I'm so confused."

"Why does a talking flower know your name? Chara, you have a lot of explaining to do."

"Leave me alone! Both of you. Now let's go, Frisk. He's basically harmless."

"Okay, bye weird talking flower."

"Bye, I guess. What is happening?" Flowey murmured to himself.

And we proceeded to walk into the next room where Toriel waited for us, obviously in shock upon seeing me.

No Chocolate | Chapter 40 - Femcel

"Hey Chara, why is Toriel so terrified of you? She's pale as she saw a ghost."

"What do you mean by she's pale? She's a white goat, of course she'll be pale."

"Yeah I know, but you can like see in her face that she's terrified, and she also knew your name like that weird flower guy."

"I think they mixed me up with one of their dead relatives who had the same name as me. It's so weird, am I right?"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend, Chara?"

"A boyfriend?" I blushed.

"Yes, a boyfriend."

"Not really."

"So are you on the other side of the fence?"

"Why are you asking me those questions?"

"Because I think I should at least get to know you since you know me so perfectly!"

"Geez Frisk, can't you re-"

"Geez Frisk, can't you *gibberish noise*" Frisk was mocking me?

"That's not nice of you! Considering everything I-"

"That's not nice of you! *more gibberish noise*" What is her problem?

"What is your problem?"

"What is YOUR problem? Who are you, and why am I here?"

"I'm Chara, and I'm just your lookalike who happened to push you into the Underground by sheer coincidence!"

"You expect me to believe that?"

"Of course!"

"Well I'm not stupid."

The first Frisk wasn't as difficult as this one!

How did I make such a big mistake in getting myself bullied like this.

"Okay, whatever you say. You don't have to believe me."

"Don't be sad Chara, but you're really weird."


"You act weird as fuck. Do you ever leave your house? Boyfriendless femcel."

"Did you just call me a femcel? What even does that mean!"

"Don't you have internet at your house?"

"What makes you think I even have a house."

"Oh that's right, that explains why you smell so bad! Wash your clothes for once."

"That's the only piece of clothing I have! I can't wash it otherwise I'll be left naked."

"Wait. You don't even wash your underwear?"

"Uhm, is that a problem?"

"Holy shit, you're worse than I thought."

"What? What is the problem now!"

"Do you wipe yourself after you pee?"

"I'm not answering that!"

"What do you do when it's that time of the month?"

"Uhm, idk."

"You're so disgusting! Dirty femcel."

"I'm not a femcel!"

"Yes you are! Antisocial, stinky, boyfriendless femcel."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

"Don't throw me a temper tantrum Chara."

"I'm not throwing a tantrum, you're annoying me on purpose!"

"So what?"

"I'm literally the only reason why you're surviving down here."

"You're literally the only reason why I'm even down here!"

"That's not true because you were planning to jump down here yourself!"

"So what if I was? I wouldn't be alive if I didn't land on your fat ass."

"The fuck did you say about me?"

"THAT'S ENOUGH." Toriel shouted and stopped in the middle of walking.

"Uh. Sorry my children, we'll be home soon, but can you two please calm down? Try to be silent until we get home. I apologize again."

Geez, I never heard Toriel scream this much.

"All your fault." I whispered to Frisk.

"Chara! You know that I can still hear you?" Toriel scolded me.

"Sorry, Mom."

"That's right Chara! Watch your mouth." Frisk said.

"You too Frisk..." Toriel sighed.

No Chocolate | Chapter 41 - Nyctophobia

"That cream pie was nice, wasn't it?" I asked Frisk as we both left the kitchen, heading towards our bedroom.

Unfortunately, Mom placed another bed from that room that's usually under renovation right into mine, she placed it far away from my bed.

"Fortunately, Toriel found another bed, so I don't have to sleep with you or with her. One thing you both have in common is that you stink so much it's unbelievable!"

"I will not let you sleep if you continue with this! For the last time, I don't smell..."

"It's so weird you don't even have a bathroom in this place, but I'll wash myself somewhere in the RUINS then, far away from you!"

"Why far away?"

"Because you look like a pervert."

"Just get in the room smartass." I opened the door and held it for her, but she wouldn't want to enter first.

Frisk just turned her away towards the wall, with her arms crossed, rejecting my polite gesture!

I caved into her provocations, turned on the light, and jumped straight into my sweet soft bed.

I couldn't be happier, to be honest.

I don't remember when was the last time I ate and slept this well, considering I was going back and forth to reach this hell of a worldline with Frisk still alive.

Although Mom wasn't so shocked anymore, she was still pretty uneasy around me and will probably notify Sans early in the morning about my arrival.

I hope I don't have to fight her again because I hate going through that part over and over again, I feel so annoyed by even talking to her. Sans was definitely my biggest source of entertainment during all of my ventures in the Underground.

Sweet memories.

"Uhm, Chara, is it okay if I sleep in these clothes?" Frisk interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah sure, Mom has yet to wash the clothes for us."

"Okay Chara." It seemed like something was on her mind, could it be...

There was a lot of silence, the light was still turned on, and she didn't lay in her bed yet.

"Can you please turn off the light?"

"Uhhhh, uhm, sure. But I have a question for you, Chara." She said as she was turning off the light.

"Go ahead."

"Why do you call Toriel your Mom? You seem to be closer than I thought." She got to her bed.

"Well, it's just a force of habit, I dunno. She was the closest to a mother figure I ever had in my life, so I might as well call her mom, you know."

"When you say it like that... Maybe I can relate to you a little bit..."

There were solid five minutes of silence before she decided to ask me something again, I was trying to fall asleep, so it caught me pretty off-guard.

"Do the lights have to stay turned off?" She asked shily.

"Well, yes, the electricity in this place is quite expensive, and I can't sleep unless there's no light at all."

"Can I then bring my bed closer to yours?"

Well, this is an interesting turn of events.

"Are you sure you can even push that thing?"

"I will try, but your help is also welcome."

"Whatever you say. You can also sleep with me if you're that scared of the dark."

"I'm not scared of the dark! What are you talking about?"

"Then what do you need the light for?"

"It just helps me sleep better at night!"

"A no is still a no, go back to sleep."

"Let me at least get closer to you!"

"Go wake up Toriel to move your bed, we're both weak and skinny sixteen-year-old girls."

"You're such a pain in the ass, Chara. I shouldn't have even asked you this."

"Whateveeeeeer you say, I'm drifting off into deep sleeeep. Have fun, Friskie." This is for all that slander I had to endure from her.

"What, don't fall asleep before me at least! Please, Chara!"

*Chara's fake snoring*

"Oh, forget it. Stupid pervert."


Damn, for how long have I slept?

It mustn't be long since Frisk is still sleeping next to me.

Frisk is still sleeping next to me?

Wait a second.

I opened my eyes and turned around to see that Frisk was sleeping in the same bed as me the entire night?!

I slept on my side, so I felt her back against my own, at least she wasn't hugging me, but still, this was very unexpected considering everything that happened yesterday.

Should I wake her up, should I let her rest, or should I move her back to her bed?

I think I'll go back to sleep. I'm not ready to deal with this at this moment.

"Fucking pervert, you planned this all along." Frisk suddenly said.

God, let me sleep!

"What are you talking about? You're the one who sneaked into my bed and slept there for the entirety of the night." I said in a tired voice.

"Yes, because I had no other choice. You were keeping me safe from the dark."

"So you admit you're afraid?"

"Maybe, but a little bit. A little bit enough that it forced me to seek shelter in your bed. I made sure not to touch you since you're dirty and smelly and whatnot."

"You're so ungrateful. Holy shit." I turned around and pushed her away from me with my leg.

"DON'T PUSH ME IT'S STILL DARK IN THIS ROOM IT DOESN'T HAVE WINDOWS FOR SOME REASON." She was still holding onto the bed frame, refusing to fall of the bed.

"Then be grateful for once! Otherwise, I'll kick you in your face."

"Okay! I give up. Sorry for calling you a dirty, smelly, disgusting pervert. It won't happen again."

Oh, what a brat.

She got back into the bed, and I just sat there, leaning against the wall while she pretended to sleep or something.

"You know that you can turn on the light now, it's morning."

"Really? How am I supposed to know when there are no windows in your creepy ass room."

"You should know because you can smell the food that Toriel is cooking. It's obviously morning, no one cooks during the night."

"Oh, I see, then go turn on that light for me, pretty please."

"Then kiss me on the cheek first."

"What?! Now you're really starting to creep me off."

"Stay in the dark then."

"Firstly, you decided to push me from a cliff, then you kidnapped me into this room without windows where you forced me to sleep with you in the same bed. I think this goes against my basic human rights."

"I'm still waiting for my kiss."

"How about I give you half of my breakfast? You look hungry, so that should make you satisfied."

"Are you saying I'm fat?"

"No! That's not it!"

"Now I demand two kisses."

"Oh, fuck off, Chara."

"It was a joke, come on."

"This is a very serious matter to me, now, please turn on the light."

"I still require that one kiss, though."

"I see how it is."

"What now?"

"TORIEE-" I put my hands over her mouth as soon as she started shouting.

She started resisting me, trying to fall off the bed to get my hands off her, but I still managed to overcome her.

I pinpointed one of her hands against the bed while keeping her mouth shut with my other hand.

"Just give me a kiss, Frisk. You won't regret it." I whispered into her ear while still keeping my face close to hers, waiting for that kiss like we were going to start making out at any moment now.

I couldn't see her face, but I felt her hot breath hit my hand - her body scent remained the same even though she wasn't the same person I once knew.

When I whispered, she calmed down and stopped resisting me entirely.

Only if I could see her face!

I bit my lips out of frustration and put my other hand against her arm as well, so she couldn't move at all, even if she wanted to.

"Oh, Chara. Now I can accuse you of rape without a problem." She seductively whispered back.

"But you won't do that, obviously."

"How do you know that? Even if I tell the truth, I could be sweet talking my way out of your embrace."

"The fact you submitted yourself to me speaks for itself."

"Submitted, huh? You're so perverted Chara, and I love it!" My heart stopped.

Her hot lips touched my cheeks again after such a long time.

The kiss was hot and sincere, it came straight out of her heart, and I could just feel it.

I could just feel our emotions interfering and nothing else in that dark, silent room.

I got so excited only from such a little kiss.

How ruined am I in the end?

"Your lips go so well against my face."

"And you still smell awfully." She chuckled.

"But you seem to be enjoying it."

"I'll stay silent, Chara."

"Don't leave me on the edge. I love when you whisper my name out." I leaned closer to her face, where she could feel me and my breath without even seeing me.

"Oh, you're such a rapist, Chara. Respect a girl's limits, okay?"

"But how do I resist something as sweet as chocolate?"

"Am I that sweet? By the way, your breath smells a lot like chocolate."

"I hope you don't mind that."

"It's sweet, maybe one day I'll get a better hold of it."

"Oh, what is that supposed to mean Frisk?"

"You'll find out, maybe. But now go turn on the light, I overdid my promise anyways."

"Fine, but next time you're completely mine. I hope you know that."

"Next time we're sleeping in separate beds."

I moved away from her, removing my hands from her wrists and lifting myself up from being over her sweet body.

Her legs were between my knees, it was like the position in which I saw her for the first time in the Underground again.

But this time, I was the dominant one.

Oh Frisk, you haven't changed at all, haven't you?

No Chocolate | Chapter 42 - Silver Skies

"So Mom, I've been meaning to ask you, can we like, step out of the RUINS for a little bit and hang around somewhere else? This place is so stale." I told Mom while finishing my breakfast, they were both in front of me, so I was sitting without anyone by my side.

"Uhhhh, whatever you say, my child." Mom was still shocked that I was alive - I think she was in fear for her life the entire time.

"Yay! That's so cool, so we'll get to see more of this interesting world? How big is it actually?" Frisk added happily while putting away her plate.

"Big enough for you two to get lost, I don't think you should even go anywhere else besides the RUINS."

"But Mooooooom." I said in a childlike voice.

"Okay, only because you insist, Chara. It seems like you already know how things work down here."

"You're the best! Also, your breakfast is nice as always." I was finished too, so Frisk and I got up and headed straight for the basement that'll lead us to Snowdin.

"Just... Stay safe, my children." Mom shouted from the living room while Frisk and I were going down the stairs.

"How do you know literally everything down here? You really have a lot of explaining to do, I hope you're aware." Frisk said.

"Maybe one day, but now let's go to somewhere more fun. The RUINS are small, and I don't want to hang out with Mom forever."

"Whatever you say, just don't try to sexually assault me again."

"Yeah, I'll try to resist myself."

"What did you say?!"

"Oops, nothing! Do you see this door?" I pointed to the giant door at the end of the hall we were now reaching.

"What an interesting symbol, does it mean something?" She pointed to the door.

"Probably, but I'm no historian. But let's get going now." I pushed the door open on my own, and Frisk followed my lead right behind me.

We went through the long purple hallway into the room where Flowey waited for us again.

"Golly! You didn't even fight her this time. Uhm, Chara?" Flowey was rather confused, he didn't know who to talk to exactly because Frisk and I were merely identical.

"Yeah, this time I'm playing a different game." I responded with a smug smile.

"A different game?" Frisk looked at me confused.

"Whatever you say Chara, but remember, in this world, it's kill or-"

"Kill or be killed, yeah I get it. Now please move away." I interrupted him midst his petty dialogue and pointed Frisk to come with me, as I started walking next to Flowey, heading straight out of the RUINS.

"Bye, weird flower. Don't kill us, please." Frisk waved at him while following me, and therefore we were both set on an adventure.

"So Frisk, let me show you around here for a little bit. It's time to meet our new friends!"

"Chara, you really make me afraid at times. Why do you know everyone and everything that's going to happen, and why does everyone seem to know you already? This is weird, not to mention that we're both practically identical." Frisk asked me as she slowly closed the RUINS doors.

"I already told you the reason, dummy, they think I'm their long-lost dead human relative or something. Now, let's go." I started walking along the snow path, and she followed me with a rather disappointed look on her face since she wasn't buying anything I was saying to her.

After we cross that bridge, no, before we cross that bridge, Sans should welcome Frisk and me into the Underground, but I wonder how he will react considering that now there's two of us, and I don't remember if I ever met him during my stay at the Underground.

My memories got a little bit fuzzy after switching worlds so many times, but I'm really glad I could see all my save points at all my usual spots. Because if anything has to happen, I'm ready to die an unlimited time of times without losing Frisk like I did the first time.

It still hurts when I think about my first Frisk, but there's no point in thinking about her now. She's dead, and I have to move on... But will this be considered cheating? If this Frisk becomes the second girlfriend I ever had, does that mean it'll be cheating on the first Frisk? Shit! I didn't think about that.

But does it really matter since she's never coming back to life? Who knows, but I can't be stuck in the past or the future. The present is what matters, and letting go is a beautiful part of life, there's nothing better than a new beginning, even if it hurts more than you'd expect.

So I'm not too sad about it after all, those old memories can rest, while also being replaced by new ones which can be equally as good, if not even better. I'm ready for a new beginning!

"Chara, do you have a feeling that someone is following us?" Frisk asked.

"Yes, I do. Didn't you hear that branch break soon after we passed it?"

"Hmh, you have a point."

We were about to cross the bridge when we heard actual footsteps behind us.

"What's that?"

"Just stay silent, Frisk, you'll see."

"Humans." The person behind us asked.

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

"Turn around and shake my hand."

Frisk and I both turned around, but Frisk went for the handshake first before I could even say anything.

And of course, she fell for his whoopee cushion in the hand trick.

"heheh... the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's ALWAYS funny." Sans said.

Frisk laughed while I stayed completely silent with a blank facial expression.

It was funny the first few times for me, but now it's dreadful.

"So, what's your name? Nice to meet you." Frisk said with a smile.

"my name is sans. sans the skeleton. i'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now."

"Why though?" She was puzzled.

"to capture them obviously, but... uh... y'know, i'm not in the mood for that today."

"Why would anyone want to capture humans? Are we like an enemy to you or something?"

"well, yes in a sense. but don't worry pal, nobody will here try to harm you." Sans winked and then looked straight at me.

"and what's your name? you're suspiciously silent."

He reached out his hands towards me for a handshake, so I shook his hand.

Common courtesy, you know.

"My name is Chara, nice to meet you."

"you must also be new since i don't remember meeting you at all." Sans winked while Frisk was examining his entire appearance. I guess she never saw an alive skeleton.

"Yeah, we fell yesterday into the Underground."

"i'm sure you did. but now, let's go. my brother will be coming to capture you if you don't hide."

"You have a brother? Is he scary?" Frisk asked worryingly.

"he's the scariest in the Underground, trust me. you don't want to mess with him." His still grin was making Frisk uneasy.

"Uh, okay."

"okay. follow me, and hide behind that lamp if you don't want to be seen." He pointed towards the conveniently shaped lamp, and Frisk hid behind it.

"I'll hide behind you. You're fat enough, so he won't see me."

"geez lady, those are bold assumptions. especially coming from you."

"You too are saying I'm fat?" What a jerk.

Papyrus entered the place, and they just started going on with their usual dialogue and skeleton jokes which I didn't even want to listen to. Like if he wasn't so annoying already, or maybe I'm just annoyed that everything is always repeating itself.

I glanced to see Frisk barely standing still behind the lamp, and as more Papyrus talked, she seemed less nervous and more, somehow, more disappointed in his entire gimmick. I don't think she thinks that Papyrus is the strongest being in the Underground anymore.

"okay humans. you can finally come out."

"He's so loud!" Frisk exclaimed while coming towards me.

"I know right, he could speak less."

"hey, don't speak of my brother like that. he's even funnier than me, you'll get used to him."

"Were you hiding the entire time behind Sans?"

"Yeah, I don't know how Papyrus didn't see me."

"Weird right, maybe you aren't fat after all." She let out a smug giggle.

"I see! Now you're acting all stubborn again. Don't think that I'll let that slide."

"I'm always acting like this. You're so demented, Chara."

"What did you say about me?"

"stop catfighting." Sans let out a laugh.

"What did you just say?" Frisk and I said at the same time and then looked at each other with spite in our eyes.

"uhhhh. nothing. i gotta go now, cya." Sans said and teleported away.

"Geez Chara, people here are so weird. Aren't there any other humans down here besides us?"

"Not really, since their goal is to kill any human they find down here."

"What? Why? What did we do to them?"

"Did you even go to school, Frisk?"

"Yes, but I always slept during the history class. Why? Did I miss something important?"

"Well yeah, you did. Monsters need human souls to escape the Underground. And all of that happened because of some stupid war or whatever. They hate our guts down here."

"How will we defend ourselves if someone tries to kill us? We aren't the strongest, plus we don't have any weapons or magic or anything! This is horrible, Chara."

"Look at this." I pulled out my kitchen knife out of my pocket.

"Oh, right. You plan to kill me anyways." Frisk suddenly became super arrogant again.

"Yes, and what will you do about it?"

"Nothing, you're so annoying at times, Chara. I hope you know that."

"Oh, come on! Admit it was funny. It's a real knife after all, so any monster that wants to hurt us can get it!" I swung the knife around.

"Hey! Don't do that, you'll hit me accidentally. You're not the brightest tool in the shed, you know."

"Oh! Come here then." I started playfully chasing her with a knife, and she backed off near that little hut that's always behind the lamp.

"Don't come near me with that thing!" She took some of the snow from the roof and formed into a snowball, throwing it directly at my face!

"Ouch!" It hit me in my nose, and all the snow and ice splattered on my face.

"I see Frisk! If this is how it is." I put my knife back into my pocket and formed a mini icicle from the ice I grabbed from the ground.

And I threw it directly at her like a spear, but she dodged it so well!

I then bent over to get some more ice to hit her with, but as soon as I got up, I got another snowball sent straight to my eye this time!

"Oh, you little bitch."

Frisk giggled at my angry remark and threw another one at my other eye as soon as I threw the icicle at her.

"Ieeek!" She screamed because it hit her body.

"Don't try to kill me, you dumbass! You want to pierce it through my heart or something?" She was mad.


She then got more snow, forming more snowballs while hiding behind that hut.

I was searching for more ice to throw at her, but as soon as I tried to get up, I would just get bombarded with two or three more snowballs sent straight at me.

"You'll ruin my haircut!" I shouted after absorbing a few more snowball hits, and I got another one sent straight into my mouth as soon as I opened it to say that.

I then gave up on trying to form my shitty icicles and went running straight at her.

"Ah! Get away from me!" She screamed and started running away from her hiding spot and trying to avoid my icicles while behind the lamp.

Damn it! She's better than I thought.

"Catch me if you can." And another snowball went straight into my face.

"Oh, fuck off, Frisk. I'm so wet and cold because of you." I intentionally collapsed onto the snow.

"What's wrong? Why are you giving up so soon?" She came towards me.

I was lying in the snow, looking at her above me, while she was smiling in victory.

"Yeah, you win. I'm so tired." I bluffed.

"This doesn't seem like you, Chara. But still, look who's now on the top!" She was giggling, and while midst of her laughter, I aimed the last icicle that was in my hand straight at her head, throwing it instantly without even telegraphing my attack.


"Shit!" She said while moving her head out of the way.


"You're not the type to give up so easily, you're too determined for that."

"Even though you were behind me, I still should've hit you in the eye!"

"I'm stronger than you." And then she threw another snowball from her pocket straight into my fucking face again!


"So, tell me Frisk, why are you so afraid of the dark?" I said while swinging my legs like a little girl.

The river was so beautiful, but she didn't trust me enough to sit right next to me.

"Why am I afraid of the dark? Why do you want to know." She said while taking ice out of my hair.

"Uh, because it seems so frantic, and usually, not even children are scared of the dark that much."

"Well..." She didn't know what to say, but she was still removing pieces of snow and ice from my hair and now my sweater.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, sit next to me and just enjoy the beautiful sight and the sound of this icy river!"

"It's not about that, and by the way, you're completely clean now. It's just that I really need to think about it more clearly."

"Sure, take your time."

"I don't know. It's not the dark I'm afraid of, but rather the things that could be lurking in the dark or just the unknown that I can't even fathom seeing. But..."

"But what?"

"But in the past couple of weeks, I had episodes of unexplainable nightmares I can't even remember. I know each time I wake up, I'm showered in fear, and everything just feels so surreal the moment I wake up. It's hard to explain with words, but I'm afraid of something, and the worst part is I don't even know what I'm afraid of. It's weird, I know I'm not making any sense. Sleeping just became dreadful after that started happening."

She was silent for a bit.

I didn't know she was this childish.


"At least you're not alone, also I don't have a clue where we'll sleep next time."

"What do you mean? Also, your presence doesn't help at all."

I was still swinging my legs above the cold river, it really takes me back to simpler times...

"Mom won't open the doors, nor will she answer our phone calls, she's weird. And if my presence doesn't help, why did you shiver up in my bed that night?"

"Oh, forget it if you'll be mentioning that so often! I had no choice back then. But still, where will we even sleep then?"

"There should be a motel in the town down the road. That should take good care of us for the time being, and we can always crash at Sans's house after we get to know him better."

"If you say so, but how do you come to even know all of that stuff? You're so weird and unexplainable, Chara. Are you sure this is your first time down here?"

"I'm pretty sure." I got up and looked directly at her.

"Let's now get going. Sans and Papyrus are waiting for us, and it would be a shame if we stuck around here for a little bit longer. This world is full of fun things to explore, believe it or not."

"If you say so, the sky is so nice in comparison to that eerie purple color of the roofs in the RUINS."

"This place is more magical than you think, let's get going now."

"Whatever you say Chara, but you owe me a lot for cleaning you up."

"Hey! I never asked for that, you did that by yourself!"

No Chocolate | Chapter 43 - Midnight Singing

"Chara! I'm so tired... The skeleton brothers are so annoying but so amusing at the same time. I can't stand though the amounts of puzzles we had to solve, especially the shape ones which you messed up so many times! You're truly unbelievable, you know?"

"Listen, it wasn't like that! I was really put off by the way you complained the entire time about Papyrus's awful spaghetti, which no one forced you to eat! I don't get why you had the need to act so politely?"

"It's common courtesy, but whatever. At least we aren't wet anymore, but one of us is definitely catching a fever pretty soon."

"I hope you catch it first."

"Hey! I didn't say anything remotely similar to you."

"can't you two argue a little bit later?" Sans said.

"Ugh, sure." Frisk and I responded at the same time.

"don't forget that i'm the one doing you a favor."

"Yeah, and don't forget we didn't have to play along with your brother's annoying puzzles."

"if you were determined enough, you would've done it." His permanent smile was always getting on my nerves.

"Whatever you say."

"Why are all skeletons bald here?" Frisk asked in a perfect moment.

"I don't know, skeletons are always bald, even in our world." I responded.

"Huh, you have a point."

"this is the guy, you two." We finally stopped after walking for a long time from Sans and Papyrus's house. Since I know the danger of Undyne that's ahead of us, and I don't really want to go through that again, I asked Sans if there was any shortcut or other way that we could go through to avoid facing her.

I thought Sans would open one of his portals or do the weird thing to teleport us, but instead, he redirected us to the River Man, who usually isn't there at this point in time, but it looks like they somehow know each other well enough that he arranged a trip from Snowdin to Hotlands just for us.

That was the favor I personally requested since we had to entertain all of Papyrus's ideas so we don't hurt his feelings or something.

And that exchange of favors seems to work with Sans.

So why not take the opportunity when we can?

I'll take Frisk on a perfect date that no one will be able to interrupt!

It'll be like out of a movie or a romance novel.

So beautiful.

"Chara? Come on, come on the boat." Frisk was already on the boat while I was lost in my thoughts.

"bye kid, don't come back." Sans told me without Frisk hearing.

"What?" I was shocked since his eyes had disappeared at that moment.

"just playing witcha. see you later." His bright white pupils came back, and I jumped on the boat with Frisk, and the River Man started rowing.

"Tra la la. The waters are wild today. That's bad luck..."

"Why are you singing?" Frisk asked curiously.

"That's his way of talking, you'll get used to it."

"I still don't get how you know everything down here, but whatever you say."

"Be thankful! We're going to have a lot of fun, you know."

"A lot of fun, with you? You really are interesting, Chara."

"Just trust me, you'll enjoy everything down here." I reassured her.

"I'll maybe trust you, but you'll have to prove me right though."

"I'll exceed your expectations."

"If you say so, may I sit though? Is it safe to sit here, River Man? What even is your name?"

Typical Frisk.

"Tra la la. What's my name?... It doesn't really matter..."

"Okay, but may I sit?" Frisk was being persistent.

"Yes, Frisk. Sit freely, I'll sit with you actually. Papyrus made me so tired." I then sat down, and she quickly enough followed my lead.

The boat was pretty small, but we curled up our legs so they don't get wet by falling into the water. Our driver was rather silent, but it was better that way anyways since Frisk and I got to enjoy such a beautiful moment together, next to each other, like in the old times. It was truly reminiscent of what I've been through with her - not to mention all the times I've spent in her body instead of using my own.

When I think about those memories, it gets even more nostalgic.

But those times have passed now, and I decided to settle for a much happier life instead of running like a stray dog, massacring everything and everyone.

It's stupid and, in reality, doesn't have a point.

It was fun for a couple of times, but now, I'm just sick of it.

I want a happy and bright future with my loved one - Frisk.

We can even have children together one day.

Even though we're both girls, if there's a will, there's a way!

I'm just so excited, just thinking about all those sorts of stuff. I've been so busy with everything that I forgot to imagine things or just blankly think about my future.

"Uhm, Chara. You're creeping me out. Why are you smiling at the river?" Frisk pointed out!

How embarrassing, oh my god.

"I wasn't smiling! You got it all wrong."

"You're so red? Are you sure you don't have a fever?" Frisk asked me worryingly and then put a hand to my forehead to check my temperature, and I can only guess I became even more red after that.

I don't remember the last time she touched me like this!

"You're definitely sick, Chara." She seemed disappointed.

"No, I'm not!"

"Maybe you're right, you're sick, but in the head! You pervert." She quickly turned away from me and just stared at the river with a mean expression on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"Figure it on your own."

"You're driving me insane, Frisk!" I started shouting at this point.

"So you're admitting you're in love with me?" This girl-

"What? I never said that!"

"Tra la la, Frisk has a good point." The River Man said?!

"Not you too, leave me alone everyone!"

No Chocolate | Chapter 44 - The Star

"Why did you have to embarrass me like that, Frisk?" I asked her while getting out of the both, setting my foot into the warm Hotlands.

The change in temperature between Snowdin and Hotlands is huge! It's such a relief to be somewhere this warm.

"Tra la la. If it's hot or cold, you can count on me." The River Man said after Frisk also left the boat and then drove off.

"I guess that's his goodbye, huh?" I made a point.

"Yeah, but where to now?"

"Have you ever dreamed of being famous?" I asked her like a real gentleman.

"Not really? Why are you asking me this?" Frisk was puzzled.

"Then come with me!" We then got up the stairs that led to the crossroad, where one of the paths led straight to...

Alphys' Lab!

It's time for the best date ever.

And I'll use Mettaton, or to be more specific, Mettaton Ex for that!

I'll win over Frisk's heart with total ease.

"What's this giant white building?" Frisk said while looking at the entrance of Alphys' Lab.

"Come with me, and you'll see." I said while grabbing Frisk's hand and going straight into the lab. Surprisingly enough, she didn't even complain, so she went along with it - I bet she even smirked a little bit!

Too bad I couldn't see it.

"Why's it so dark in here?"

"I dunno."

"Why does it smell so bad in here?"

"Uh, I dunno."

"Is that you and me on that giant screen?" Frisk pointed out while walking through Alphys' dirty laboratory.

I was still holding her hand, standing in front of her, leading the way like in the good old times.

Her hands are always so soft and gentle.

I always loved when she caressed me.

And as I was thinking all about those nice memories while going through Alphys's dirty laboratory with Frisk, I suddenly heard a metal door open and close, and then all the lights turned on.

And right in front of us, there she was.

"You brought me all the way here to show me this?" Frisk was disappointed again!

"No! She isn't that important, we didn't come to see her, but Mettaton."

Alphys was listening to us argue for a little bit and disappointedly broke our fighting.

"G-guys, I'm h-here, y-y-know."

"Chara, why does the weird yellow lizard stutter so much?" Frisk said out of nowhere, and we broke out into laughter at the same time.

"I-I've had e-enough with both of you!" She then clicked some mysterious switch she pulled out of her pocket that made a lot of noise in the lab, but by the look on her face, it looked like she was either unsure or scared of what was going to happen next.

Frisk and I stopped laughing and looked at each other with worried faces.

And then the wall exploded!


"Yay, Mettaton!" I shouted.


"N-" Frisk wanted to say no, but I corrected her to yes immediately by shutting her up with my hand.

"Hey! Put your dirty hands away from my mo-" Frisk went to say something again, but I kissed her on the cheek to shut her up this time, and she was red, just like my soul!


"CHARA YOU IDIOT!" Frisk shouted and slapped me as hard as she could, but I was just smiling like an idiot.

Now my face was equally red as hers.

"DRAMA, ACTION, BLOODSHED, LOVE!" Mettaton shouted, and then his signature theme started playing.

₊⁻∘ Now Playing: Metal Crusher - Mettaton [▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 0:24 ——————— 1:04

No Chocolate | Chapter 45 - DRAMA, ACTION, BLOODSHED, LOVE!






"ATTACK OF THE KILLER ROBOT!" Mettaton shouted, and a giant platform beneath all four of us rose up from the floor of the laboratory while the roof opened on its own to let it pass through.

The platform flew high in the air while Mettaton's screen was rapidly switching between red and yellow colors.

It was supposed to put an emphasis on his laugh or whatever.

He's lame!

"Chara, I know what you're thinking right now, but there's a much bigger problem than his lame scenery!" Frisk shouted, reaching out to hold me by my hand so we don't fall off the platform because of the turbulence.

Alphys just curled in a ball, like a real lizard, while Mettaton was still celebrating the rising platform.

After a couple of more seconds, it stopped, probably a few hundred meters in the air.

"I thought the view would be better. Fuck this fog!" I complained to Frisk.

"Yeah, that's true." She agreed.


Alphys was still curled, but Mettaton was back into his normal state.

We decided to follow up with his stupid request, and then the flying robot cameras caught up with us.

He even brought mini flying spotlights to highlight us two and him, leaving Alphys in the dark.






Alphys started crying lmaoooooo.

Frisk and I were visibly laughing.




He said that already?

And then the fight commenced.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

We don't even have the phone upgrades.

"Alphys! Pass me your phone." I shouted at her.

"N-No way I'm giving it to you!" She said, crying, in a manic episode.

"Well, if you don't, you'll have to die! You heard what Mettaton said."

"OKAY! Fine. J-Just please hurry up."

Alphys passed her phone to me, and I gave it to Frisk.

"This will make you able to counter his attacks with bullets. I'll be distracting him while you shoot directly at him. Okay?"

"But Chara, how do you even know all of this? I don't know what you're on about, but I'll trust you."

"It doesn't matter, just equip the upgrade!"

And then she did it, and her soul became yellow and inverted, now capable of shooting bullets.


"Why's he calling you darling?" Frisk seemed... jealous?

"I don't know, but stick to the plan."

"Okie dokey." Frisk said in a cute voice and prepared for battle.

I made the first move and attacked him with my knife, which couldn't do anything to his full metal body, but the bullets from behind that Frisk was shooting definitely wore him out.


Then little Mettatons started flying all around me and Frisk, ready to throw bombs and shoot bullets directly at us!

"Gun them down!" I shouted.

"Yessir." And then Frisk started gunning them down like she had a machine gun in her hands while I was deflecting the bullets from hurting her.

After that was over, we opted for the same strategy, but this time I'd do something different.

Since Mettaton has that switch on his back, if I pull it, his real form will be revealed, and that'll make me able to activate his new body, which is much more fragile, but yet so stunning.

Oh, those legs.

Frisk started shooting Mettaton, and I went running straight at him.

"YOU CAN'T DO THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN, THE AUDIENCE WILL GET BORED OF IT." He mocked me without even attempting to dodge my signaled attack.

I had a knife in my hand, but I didn't attack him.

"I know, Happstablook! You don't have to remind me anything, darling." I laughed smugly and dashed right to his back while he was getting shot from the front.

"UHHHHHHH DARLING. I DON'T KNOW WHO ARE-" I pulled his switch before he could finish his sentence!

Suddenly smoke bombs were thrown onto the large circle-sized podium.

"OH YES." A manly robotic voice echoed.

"What the fuck?" Frisk was confused.

The spotlights shined brighter but now only on Mettaton.

The smoke wore off a little bit, but Mettaton couldn't still be seen.

Only his silhouette was visible.

But not of Mettaton, but rather, Mettaton Ex.

"Ohhhh my."

"If you flipped my switch, that can only mean one thing."

"You're desperate for the premiere of my new body."

"How rude..."

"Lucky for you, I've been aching to show this off for a long time."

"So... as thanks, I'll give you a handsome reward."

"I'll make your last living moments..."

"ABSOLUTELY beautiful!"

And then Mettaton Ex fully appeared.

Showing off his new profound body.

That Frisk and I'll destroy today.

"Are you ready, sir?! This is Mettaton Ex, the biggest star of the Underground." I playfully shouted to Chara.

"Ugh, whatever you say, sir!" She saluted and made the first move by shooting directly at Mettaton.

"I'm afraid that won't help you, darling! I'm very good at dodging and making poses." Mettaton said as he dodged all the bullets while flawlessly dancing like a swan.

"Damn it, sir! We need a change of plans." Frisk shouted.

"Catch this!" I threw a Toy Knife directly at her.

It's the one that always reminiscently lays alone in the Ruins.

It's time to make some use of its Patience.

"Woah, I thought that was real." She caught it, shocked that I even carried that thing in the first place.

"I didn't hear you?"

"Yessir! I'm so sorry. Give me your orders." She saluted again.

"Attack!" I shouted again!

"Darling, you're hurting my ears. How could such a beautiful girl shout so much?" Mettaton made a remark while Frisk and I were running simultaneously toward him.

"You're gonna have to try a little harder than that, darling!"

He then jumped in the air as we both got close to him and hit us both straight in the stomach by extending his legs up to the point where he was dragging us across the floor like we were just pieces of cloth.

"The fuck was that?" Frisk questioned as we both got up from the ground.

"What's wrong, darlings? Please don't swear on live television, the ratings are about to blow!"

"I WILL KILL YOU." Frisk and I screamed at the same time at the top of our lungs, both with knives in our hands.

We were chasing him around the podium while he was throwing bombs, bullets, and all other sorts of attacks at us.

His magic was good and, combined with Alphys' technology, even better.

Every time we tried to hit him with our knives, he would just dodge the attack and throw a contra attack that hurt us a lot.

Luckily Frisk stole some of the monster candy from the Ruins, so we were able to heal quickly.

But that didn't stop Mettaton from hurting us even more.

"My ratings are dropping... Supposedly some viewers are complaining about how this is child abuse." Mettaton was worried about his viewers while still kicking our ass.

"It looks like that's it. Either ride or die, darlings. This is your last choice to make a move before I choose to kill you off. That would ruin my show, though..."

"Shit, Chara! This is awful. What do we do? He's practically invincible." Frisk was on the edge of tears.

Think, Chara! Think...

How did you beat the Mettaton in the first place?

Well, I had enough LOVE to slaughter him while he was in his NEO form, but that was after I killed off almost everyone down here.

But when I had 0 LOVE...

I made him get high audience ratings, and I also shot the fuck out of his heart.

But this time, he's preserving it rather well.

Maybe if I throw up a show, he'll forget about his murderous tendencies.

Mettaton never even wanted to kill me in the original worldlines!

But this time it's different, huh.

It would've been too easy for two of us to kill him if he exposed himself like that.

In conclusion, that would bring lower ratings!

"Frisk, I'm sorry." I said while standing right in front of her, with my head tilted down.

"What?" She was confused.

"We're breaking up." I said and slapped her across her face.

"Oh my, darling! Don't you know it's not nice to hit a girl?" Mettaton flamboyantly put his hands up to his mouth making a shocked face.

I saw that he looked at the ratings as Frisk started crying, speechless and motionless, right in front of me.

So I tried to put my hands on her, but she just pushed me away.

And then I violently grabbed her and started kissing her in front of everyone.

Her eyes widened as I forced her into the kiss with my hand on her waist and her head.

Then she just relaxed, completely giving in, kissing my lips with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Her tongue is just as soft as before.

I'll never understand how she's such a great kisser...

"I can't believe it." Mettaton said.

We broke out of our kiss, she was bright red as a tomato.

We both looked at Mettaton, and it looked like he started malfunctioning.

"Drama... Action... Bloodshed... Love... Bring it on, darling!" And then his heart popped out of his chest!

"Assume your original position, I'm going in for the kill." I told Frisk, and she obeyed like a puppy.

"Okay, darling." She responded back and started shooting his heart like a maniac.

And I went straight at it, dodging its bolts, bullets, and everything lethal that was sent my way!

Mettaton wanted to return his heart back to his body because Frisk damaged it severely, but I grabbed onto it and stabbed it with my real knife.

Pulling the knife out immediately and making it explode right as it entered back into Mettaton's body.

It stood still as his body was malfunctioning.

And then it started a count down of his body's self-destruction!

Frisk and I embraced each other into a tight hug, waiting for the impact to hit us.

She closed her eyes out of fear while I was still looking directly at Mettaton, whose body got blown off by the wind right down his giant platform.

A giant explosion was heard as soon as he fell off the platform, and Alphys rushed frantically to see what had happened to him.

"You can open your eyes now, Frisk. It looks like luck was on our side." I caressed the top of her hair while she was still hugging me, and then when she opened her eyes and saw that we were alive, she started crying in my embrace.

"I love you so fucking much, but that slap was mean!" She shouted in tears, putting her arms and legs around my body and making me fall straight on the ground with her on top again.

"Ow! That hurt actually."

"I don't care. You saved us again, Chara!" She said and went in for a long, careful, and gentle French kiss that marked the end of our fight.

The platform started slowly moving to the ground, while Alphys was probably in shock.

We kissed more intensely as the platform lowered itself, enjoying each other to the fullest like we always do.

I grabbed her ass through her cute shorts, and she went along with it, enjoying my touch and my warmth while still embracing me.

No Chocolate | Chapter 46 - Romeo and Juliet


"O Chara, Chara! Wherefore art thou Chara?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be a Human."


[Aside] "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"


"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

Thou art thyself, though not a Demon.

What's Demon? It is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What's in a name? That which we call a rose,

By any other word would smell as sweet.

So Chara would — were he not Chara called —

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title. Chara, doff thy name,

And for that name, which is no part of thee,

Take all myself."


[Aloud] "I take thee at thy word.

Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;

Henceforth I never will be Chara."


"What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night,

So stumblest on my counsel?"


"By a name

I know not how to tell thee who I am.

My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,

Because it is an enemy to thee.

Had I it written, I would tear the word."


"My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words

Of that tongue's uttering, yet I know the sound.

Art thou not Chara and a Demo?"


"Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike."


"How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?

The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,

And the place death, considering who thou art,

If any of my kinsmen find thee here."


"With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls,

For stony limits cannot hold love out;

And what love can do, that dares love attempt.

Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me."


"If they do see thee, they will murder thee."


"Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye

Than twenty of their swords. Look thou but sweet,

And I am proof against their enmity."


"I would not for the world they saw thee here."


"I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes,

And but thou love me, let them find me here.

My life were better ended by their hate,

Than death proroguèd, wanting of thy love."


"Can't you two knock it off? Are you literally reciting Shakespeare..." River Man ruined our play.

"Sorry, but we're practicing something, can't you see?" Frisk said with an angry expression.

"Who's Sheikspear?" I was confused tbh.

"You dummy, we're practicing his play right now, can't you figure it out yourself?" Frisk was now scolding me.

I'm not a child!

"Uwww, sorry Frisk. I'll be better."

"Good, now let's continue..."

"You two aren't continuing with anything unless you want to be dropped off in the middle of a river."

*Frisk clears her throat*

"O Chara, Chara! Wherefore art thou Chara?"

No Chocolate | Chapter 47 - Cutting Deep

"After you, madam." I said to Frisk while welcoming her into the MTT Resort diner.

To be honest, I'm not used to that level of sweet talking at all, but this occasion was special since we were both dressed up so nicely.

I was wearing a dapper suit, while Frisk was wearing a beautiful white dress.

If someone were to look at us, they'd think that we're part of an arranged marriage.

But in actuality, it was just two friends, or better said, two lovers dancing with one another.

I don't know how I managed to win over Frisk in this worldline, but the one thing I noticed for sure is that she has been in love with me from the start.

Which is quite cute but also disturbing.

Is she that desperate?

"Thank you, sir." Frisk said while going through the door, I was holding for her.

She even curtsied to me like a real lady.

When she went through the door, all the monsters in the diner were staring directly at her - she was so pretty that even the musicians on the stage were surprised by her grace.

Frisk waited for me to stop holding the door, so we linked our arms like a real couple and walked to the table I reserved early on for her.

I pulled the chair for her, and while going to sit on it, she gave me an honest smile that made me feel exactly what she was feeling.

Love is beautiful, just like chocolate.

I sat right in front of her, and we talked for a little while about everything we did together.

We were reminiscing on the moment we met, the moment when I spoke to her for the first time, and when I also pushed her into the Underground.

Earlier, she used to strictly attack me whenever we spoke about that topic, but now it looked like she was happier than ever just because it reminded her of the better place she's in.

And everything nice that happened because of me.

Even though I don't know this Frisk as much as I knew the old one, this still feels like the beginning of something new I can't explain.

I love her.

So much.

Even though she's a different person.

Her smile just never changes.

Along with her beautiful short brown hair.

Skinny waist and tender face.

She was definitely one of the most beautiful women I ever saw.

But isn't that a little bit narcissistic?

Since Frisk looks almost exactly like me.

But with a much softer face and girl-like demeanor.

While I was always the dominant, boyish type.

A tomboy, I suppose...

I guess the suit suits me well after all.

So I won't complain!

Even she complimented my appearance as soon as we sat.

I know when people lie, but this came straight out of her heart.

Too bad, Frisk.

We're lost in each other's emotions again.

So let's enjoy this night to the fullest...

As we were talking more about everything that happened and our affection towards one another, we also got our food and drinks.

We were drinking wine and eating some steak that was weirdly shaped.

We only ordered one steak, so we'd split it between us.

The wine went nicely with the taste of meat, and Frisk seemed to enjoy it too.

But there's only one thing bothering me right now...

"Chara, is everything alright? You seem bothered by something." Frisk made a remark while cutting her half of the steak.

"Ugh, there's no chocolate in here!" I complained.

"Of course, that's what's bothering you, geez Chara. You're so childish, even in that suit of yours." She said while putting the steak into her mouth.

"I guess I'm Frisk. But you can't change my nature, and you can't change yours as well." I defended my love for chocolate.

"I bet you love your chocolate bars more than me. Isn't that true?"

"Maybe." I said and drank a little bit of wine.

I needed to get myself tipsy just so I could muster enough courage to ask her for a dance.

"What do you mean, maybe?" She was subconsciously aiming her knife at me after she stopped cutting her steak because of the shocking statement I gave out.

"You should understand how much I love sweet things by now." I told her, and she went back to cutting her steak, which she started eating by now.

"Is that why you love to kiss me so much? You pervert." She smiled while eating her steak.

Frisk really loves to provoke, but who could blame her.

A girl her status has the right to do whatever she wants.

"Yeah, that's true." I drank all the wine I had in my cup graciously, of course, and got up from the chair, reaching out my hands toward her.

"Would you care to join me for a dance?" I said in a serious voice.

"Oh my, Chara. I had just started my meal, but the night is so beautiful, the music is so lively, and the crowd is just too perfect for me to reject this kind of opportunity.

"Let's knock 'em dead, darling."

No Chocolate | Chapter 48 - Midnight Dancing


Frisk took my hand without hesitation, and we joined the crowd of monsters that were already dancing to some cool song that was being played live.

The monsters looked strangely at us, probably not expecting to see filthy humans at such an elegant location, but there we were.

I was holding Frisk by the hand, but since both of us didn't know how to dance, I had to improvise by looking at other couples.

This is by far the most stressful moment of my life.


I don't think Chara knows how to dance...

Neither do I!

This will be so scary, but yet so exciting.

I wonder if she actually knows what she's doing.

Oh, my dear.


I took the lead, holding her with both of my hands in a strangely adjusted position that was totally improvised while moving my legs like the other couples were in the rhythm of the music.

I think this dance in our world is called wlazer.


She really knows how to dance Walzer?

Chara put our hands weirdly together, but her footwork felt overall natural.

Everything was perfectly synced with the music and all the others around us, so it was beautiful...

Actually no, it was more than I expected.

More than beautiful.

But does this mean Chara practiced with other women?

Or even worse, men?!

Why does she know how this works.

She's really clumsy in general.


I never broke eye contact while dancing with Frisk.

I was using my peripheral vision to scout what others were doing around us, but seeing Frisk uncontrollably smile, while also trying to hide it was enough of a sign that I was doing everything right.

It felt surprisingly natural, it was way less awkward than I thought it would be.


Oh, Chara.

How do you have such beautiful eyes?

Will you ever understand how much I love you?

Even though we only know each other for such a short time.

Only if you knew how much you impacted my life.

I bet knowing that would make you the happiest girl in the world.


We both stayed silent, but the tension was high.

My heart was racing, and my hands were sweaty, but thankfully my leather gloves covered me up.

Well, enough of going in circles and getting close to her face and backing off.

Let's try to spin her!


"Woah!" I said as Chara spun me all of a sudden but then met me back with her hands the same second she let me go.

Then she backed out again, making us extend our hands so she could gently pull me again towards her to start with the regular choreography.

I don't think she was supposed to use this much force on my hands and wrists, but damn, this girl will give me arrhythmia.

It's so attractive, nonetheless!

Everything she does is fucking attractive.

I'll get lost in her gaze if she continues, because I'm already lost in her body.


Am I... this fucking good?

I hope she doesn't notice how much I'm sweating - I hope I'm not squeezing the cute little waist of hers too much.

But I'm just nervous, plus it's so soft and gentle I can't resist it.

I think I should...


I think she's right about to...


...go in for a kiss.


...take my soul away with her lips.

 ??? and ???  

"whatya think? i never knew the kiddo in the suit could dance so well, let alone find such good opportunities to kiss and hold her like a real gentleman. aren't you a little bit jealous?"


"because they didn't even consider a date with you."


"sure thing. so what will we do with them in the end? also, take a bite, it will go cold."


"don't be too loud otherwise we'll interrupt them. we're lucky there are a lot of people tonight. just keep watching them and enjoy, the kiddos are really going at it. let them enjoy their moment."

No Chocolate | Chapter 49 - Gimmie Chocolate

"Ah~ You were so fucking good there, you know that Chara, right?" Frisk told me as I put her against the wall in the bathroom stall.

"Was I? Actually, I guess I was since you were smiling the entire time. I doubt you even noticed." I put my hands on her face and went in for a kiss which she dodged.

"You're always so quick, like an animal that goes for its prey. Can't you enjoy the intimacy a little bit more?" She said with a smile, looking directly at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

"What can I do when you're irresistible? I want you only for me, can't you see?" I said while her hot breath hit my face.

"Is that what you said to every girl you danced with like this? You're surprisingly good for someone your age..." Frisk was just teasing me at that point.

"Mhm, yes." I lied and went straight for her neck, just like a vampire would.

Frisk moaned lightly as I left a hickey, but she pushed me off her again.

"That's not nice of you! You womanizer." She was playing hard to get, but as soon as she noticed I wanted to do something to her again, she put her finger into my mouth.

I backed off a little, completely surprised by what she did, and then she pulled a chocolate bar out of her underwear?!

"Eat this for me." Frisk said seductively while unwrapping the chocolate bar for me.

"I will." I said obediently.

"I didn't hear you."

"I said I will."

"It doesn't sound convincing enough, beg for it."

"Please give me chocolate, Frisk. I'll do anything."

We were both staring down each other until she broke the silence again.

"Then fuck me hard." Frisk said while putting the chocolate directly into my mouth.

*chocolate bar breaking*

No Chocolate | Chapter 50 - Lip Service~

"Do you think this is seriously okay at this moment? What if someone walks in?" Frisk was worried while lifting her dress up.

She was sitting on the toilet while I was on the floor, excited as a puppy, ready to completely take over her body with my tongue.

"Don't worry, Frisk. If someone sees us, just let them watch." I then put my hands on her panties to take them off, and she gasped.

I looked up to look her in the eyes to see her blushing and afraid of her first time with someone.

And when I uncovered her pussy by taking off her panties, she put one of her hands on my head to pull me by my hair while she was holding onto something with the other one to retain balance.

I got closer to her pussy which was already wet, so I separated her labia lips with my tongue and went up and down in slow motion to slowly stimulate her.

Before pulling my tongue back, I made sure it hid her clitoris with the tip.

Frisk lightly moaned, and then I put both of my hands on her thighs while diving my head deep between her legs.

I pressed my face against the lower part of the body, and then I started playing with her clitoris by going in circles around it. I drooled all over her pussy and listened to her soft moans that she fought so hard to suppress.

Grabbing her thighs turned me on pretty bad, I always loved that part of her body even though they weren't the thickest.

As I was still circling around her clitoris, she was pulling my hair pretty strongly, which only made me more devoted to satisfying my beloved's needs. I then started slowly going faster and faster, which made her grip even stronger - she even tried closing my head with her legs that were violently moving due to all the intense feelings she must've felt.

But I forced them open with my hands and made her endure more in pleasure, even if she wanted me to stop or go a little bit slower. I wasn't being rough on her pussy, even though I was going pretty fast by now, it was just the sensitivity of her clitoris that was being violated.

If I only could see her pretty face while I was eating her pussy, I think that would've made me cum without even using my hands, I swear.

After a while of changing the pace and the directions in which I was circling around her pussy, I decided it was time to do something else to spice things up.

So I removed one of my hands from her thigh when she wasn't trying to crush my head anymore.

I stopped licking her pussy to hear her gasp for air, and after a few seconds, I slowly started putting one of my fingers directly into her little tight hole.

I went through her pussy's lips and directly inserted a quarter of my finger directly into her while looking her directly in the eyes. She couldn't maintain eye contact, and with the hand, she was holding my hair, she started covering my face so I couldn't see her facial expressions while she was moaning.

Because of that, I put my finger even more into her pussy and watched her hit the bathroom stall to ease up the tension I was making her feel while putting stuff into her body. Frisk was sweating profusely the entire time, which only even made it hotter for me.

So much hotter that I couldn't resist putting my finger even more into her.

"Sorry, Frisk, but your pussy is just too tight. I can't resist not pleasuring you." I said silently while making her moan again as half of my finger was already in her. She tried to use both of her hands to maintain stability on the toilet while still trying to ease up the tension somehow, because of that, I looked back to her feet to see her toes curling up as I was putting my finger even more into her.

Even though I'm not the tallest, my fingers are long, long enough to satisfy girls that have small tight pussies like Frisk.

"Don't- Look..." She muttered in a silent voice, embarrassed that I had to see her and her body act that way in that state.

So I switched my view from her feet to her pussy, to which I came closer to start eating it up again while fingering her at the same time.

I sucked on her clitoris while my finger went fully into her pussy.

I was now pulling it slowly in and out while gently going over her clitoris with my tongue while it was swallowed by my hot mouth.

Each time I made a movement that would satisfy her, the satisfaction would project onto her body, which would either twitch or jerk. That only made me more confident in what I was doing and made me even more greedy for her pussy's juice that tastes so damn well.

Even though it was salty, I wanted all of it in my mouth. I'd do anything to satisfy her animalistic needs, even if it included consuming any of her body fluids.

No Chocolate | Chapter 51 - Ejaculation~

I wasn't giving her any mercy.

I was destroying her pussy with only one of my fingers.

While keeping the entire clitoris only to myself.

You can say I was filling her with...


"Chara! Ah- I love you- So fucking much, you know?" Frisk somehow managed to say under all of that pressure.

And as gratitude, I tried putting another finger directly into her pussy.

"Ah- Ah- No! Don't do that! It hurts Chara. It will hurt me-" She wasn't even trying to hide her moans anymore, she was doing anything she could just to stop me from going further down into her pussy.

She really didn't want her little hole to be explored that much? Huh? But I won't persist.

Because hearing her sweet little voice in such a ruined state makes me filled with determination and with a lot of vaginal discharge.

The finger wouldn't slip in right away.

Her pussy was tight, I don't think she masturbated that often. I don't think she took the time while she was younger to explore that cute pussy of hers that she got.

Only if she knew how good her little hole is, I bet after our playing, she'll masturbate every night before she goes to sleep.

Oh, Frisk.

Her pussy was trying to reject my second finger, but a part of it managed to slip in.

All of that was happening while she was trying to stop me with one of her hands by pulling me by my hair so fucking hard! And while I was also getting all the needed action done with my first finger and tongue that was placed on her clitoris.

But all of that ended pretty quickly when the lower part of her body started twitching so hard while also moaning so fucking loud anyone outside the door could hear her.

And then it hit me, or my fingers, to be more specific.

Her hot discharge and pussy pushed my second finger out of her pussy - she now pulled herself from my first finger that was penetrating her, as well as my tongue that was keeping her clitoris satisfied.

I looked up to see her drenched in sweat.

She was also completely red and almost in tears.

But I ignored that and dived in again to clean her up.

It wouldn't be fair if she was left uncleaned, so I tilted my head downwards and started eating up everything that came out of her tight sweet spot I was destroying a couple of moments ago.

And then, something else hit me in my face too.

"Sorry... Chara... I MOVED AWAY FOR A REASON." She shouted while her piss started coming out too.

But that didn't manage to persuade me, so I just started licking her clitoris again, going with my tongue up and down her pussy, while also drinking some of her piss that was aimed straight at me.

She definitely wanted now to back off but couldn't because the toilet stall was so small, so she had to endure for more pleasure she probably didn't want for real this time.

I felt so dirty but so devoted to Frisk and her body.

If this isn't love, I don't know what is!

Or maybe this is just passion.

Passion and lust I felt towards Frisk for a long time.

A longing I couldn't express anywhere else, even if I masturbated to all the previous memories of Frisk - these two feelings just weren't the same.

"I love you... I'm so tired, wah." I said after she stopped pissing, I also backed out from orally pleasuring her because my tongue hurt a lot from eating her out.

"You're a good girl, you know that, Chara?" I looked up at Frisk, and she patted me like a dog.

Is this a dream come true?

No Chocolate | Chapter 52 - ''You're my dog.''~

"Really? Was I that good?" I asked her like a cute dog I am.

"Yes, Chara. But you didn't really need to drink so much of my piss, but I'm not going to lie it really pleased me well." Frisk was still gasping, completely red and sweaty.

"I couldn't resist you Frisk, your body was just too beautiful at that moment."

"Does that mean it isn't beautiful anymore?" She said with her pussy still being exposed and legs spread - it was unbelievably hot to see her in such a slothful state.

"No! Of course not, I can eat you out even more if you want me to."

"There's no need, my pussy hurts and I don't know how will we even walk home." Frisk was genuinely tired.

"We don't even have a home, Frisk. And we'll just a book a room in this resort, so it's okay!"

"Where did you get all that money from? Knowing how clumsy you are I hope you didn't sell your body for money."

"Damn, Frisk. Do you really think that I'd ever stoop that low? I'm not a whore, I'm a thief!"

"It's okay, Chara. Don't worry, because even if you did sell your body, I'm just pretty sure knowing how big of a slut you are would only lowkey turn me on." Frisk said while suspiciously seductively looking at me with her legs still spread open.

I was staring at her eyes, but for a good amount of time, I'd just gaze at her pussy like a dog waiting for a treat.

"It's still not too late, you know. I never know I had this much freedom in our relationship..." I made a remark.

"Wait! That doesn't mean you can actually do it now! It's too late, and also, who said we're in a relationship?"

"Ask your body, Frisk. Why did you cum and piss all over me if we aren't in a relationship?"

"It's my body's fault... My mind still says no to you!" Frisk was stubborn, but she still kept her legs open.

"Then I'll just go fuck someone that can actually stuff my pussy with a real dick."

"Wait, Chara?! You can't do that..." She said in a sad and angry tone.

"Why not Frisk?"

"Because you're my dog, not anyone else's."

"Oh really? Since when I'm your dog?"

"Ask yourself that question, I only know you're mine." Frisk said as she extended one of her legs towards me.

She still had her socks on, and I stared at her foot like a maniac, waiting for her command.

"You can take it off if you want to, you should show me how good of a dog you are."

No Chocolate | Chapter 53 - Taking off Frisk's Socks~

I touched her small foot, which was covered by a thin white sock.

It felt so small and elegant, but am I really just a dog at this point?

Why do I want to follow her commands?

Why is she so attractive when she's dominant? I guess I'll never understand.

I started to take off her sock slowly, admiring her foot while looking her in the eyes.

She started biting my lip while pushing her foot even further, so it reached my face. I felt a little bit violated, but not in a bad way, I just didn't expect to have someone do this to me, and I didn't know that I'd like it this much.

I leaned in a little bit closer just so my lip touched it, and Frisk shivered a bit.

But I still kissed the tip of it the last second before I pulled the entire sock off her foot.

"So... Uhm, do you like it? I don't know what to think but you really act like a puppy." Frisk said with a big awkward smile on her face, trying to look away from my eyes that were fixated on her.

"I'm not a puppy! But there's just something about you which makes me hard to control myself around you."

"Then... Chara, would you kiss it? Don't you find it gross?"

"I'll only kiss it if you order me to."

"Fine then... You don't have to do it." Frisk wanted to pull it away, but I grabbed her by the ankle and kissed her bare naked foot as she asked me to.

"Uh! Chara?" She was surprised but flattered at the same time.

"May I do it again?" I asked her while still holding her by the ankle.

"Yes..." Frisk was even more embarrassed, but my heart was full of joy.

So I kissed her again, but this time by slowly putting my lips on them before she told me to stop looking at her face.

With lips stuck to her foot, I switched my gaze towards it instead and kissed it gently over and over again.

She then pushed it further into my face and let a little chuckle, but I just obeyed my desire that was forcing me to act so dirty.

Her small sole was placed across my face, which included my mouth and one eye, so I licked it, and she instantly backed it away, panicked but excited at the same time.

But I got closer to her while I was still on the ground, and then she extended her foot once again, and I instantly placed lips on it again.

She was still a little bit surprised, but I started kissing the top of her foot like I was kissing her lips.

I even included the tongue, which made her even more fascinated by the entire act, so she pushed the feet further into my face.

I then put a little bit of it in my mouth, but she didn't back off this time, letting me go over it with my tongue instead while a certain part on top of her foot was enclosed by my hot lips.

"Put it further." I mumbled.

"Okay, Chara, but you owe me a big favor for this... I'm so confused."

"Anything you want dear."

"I'll make sure to remember that." She said and then got out of my grip to put half of her foot directly into my mouth.

I went over her toes with my tongue while still kinda kissing it - I didn't suck on it so I don't startle her too much since feet are pretty sensitive.

Frisk let a small moan out, and when I looked up, I could see she lifted her dress to touch herself while looking at me with her foot in my mouth.

"Oh, Chara. I told you to look away!" She said angrily and put her foot a little bit further into my mouth, but not too much since it couldn't fit all the way in.

I was surprised by how turned on I was by this.

Would I do this for any girl that offered me this?

Or would I only do it for Frisk?

I drooled over her foot to the point where it was very wet, so I kinda backed out a little bit to also make it a little bit easier for me since my mouth wasn't so big that it was comfortable for me to have someone's foot inside it.

"No! Don't back off now when I'm feeling myself." She put it back further into my mouth again while moaning lightly.

So I decided to just suck and kiss each one of her toes with good care instead of having more than half of her foot in my mouth.

"Ah! I love you so much... You're such a good dog." Frisk moaned again.

"I'm not your dog Frisk!" I made a pause to defend my dignity, but she just angrily put her toe back into my mouth.

"Yes you are. Now be a good dog and do what I tell you." She was still moaning, and I just complied.

"Don't you think the other foot is a little bit lonely?" Frisk extended her second leg and put it on top of the one I was drooling all over.

"You're right... I do." I said and then went to take her second sock off.

"Not so fast! You're not done here." But she forced me to suck more of her toes instead of taking on the other one.

Her cute little moans while saying all of that made my underwear wet.

"You're so easy to control Chara, you little whore. I could make you do anything without even using the best parts of my body, you're so desperate and that's what I love about you." She moaned loudly at the end of her sentence.

And I'm leaking like a fucking fountain.

No Chocolate | Chapter 54 - Turnstile

"Why are you so obedient, Chara?" Frisk said as she smothered her feet against my face.

"Because I love you, Frisk." I massaged them while occasionally giving them a few kisses.

"Aw, I never thought you'd be so compassionate."

"It's not my fault you're so fucking hot and I just can't resist your body."

"So you love me just because of my body?" Frisk was teasing me again, she was saying all of this while degrading me with her feet.

"Obviously not, and you know that!" I tried not to be so submissive, I can't just give my entire self to her like that.

"Liar!" Frisk laughed while putting one of her feet directly into my mouth, which I let in without even resisting.

Maybe I'm more submissive than dominant...

"And you won't even deny this fact, but instead you're just enjoying how I'm putting my feet directly into your mouth. Stop drooling over them so much, they aren't chocolate."

"Okay! I'm sorry for being so obedient, shouldn't I get a reward at least? I'm a good dog, a good god that's worthy of your praise! Ain't I? Don't be so cold, it's not my fault I enjoy your body so fucking much." I took her foot out of my mouth to rant further, and she giggled insidiously.

"Hmm, I guess you're right. I never knew how good my body could feel until you satisfied all of my sweet spots with your tongue and hands.


I need to tell you something that's been bothering me the entire time, and that's how well you know to satisfy another woman at such a young age.

I'm jealous as fuck Chara, and I don't know what to do about it, the way you act, like, you're so full of understanding, love, and compassion for me, and that's so unordinary for someone's first relationship.

And especially for someone you met for the first time, but who am I to judge since I fell in love with you uncontrollably quickly.

But, to get back to my point, it's like you already went through all of this, but with another person.

And that hurts me, you know.

It's sad to imagine how someone so special and close to me...

Actually, no, it's awful to imagine how my only reason to live had someone in their life that's probably more special than I'll ever be.

Don't you get it, Chara?

I know you're lying about a lot of things and that there are certain things you can't tell me, but please be honest.

Who are you, and why are you here?" Frisk burst out in tears, and I was confused as hell.

I never knew she overthought all that happened this much.

But, unfortunately, she's right.

And I have to lie through my teeth.

She moved her legs from my face and got up from the toilet to sit on the floor and cry, hugging her knees and burying her face in them.

I was silent, lost in words and thoughts.

What should I even tell her?

Am I that transparent?

Do I really love her?

Can she even replace the original Frisk?

Why do I even love her that much?

Do I love this version of her, or just memories of Frisk?

Why am I in this position in the first place?

Why is this happening to me?

Why to me..

No Chocolate | Chapter 55 - Sleep

"So you'll just stay silent? That's what I thought Frisk, I'm right after all... Go ahead and tell me more of your lies and excuses." Frisk was still in the same position, even whilst shouting all these horrible things at me.

"Actually, Frisk... You're correct. I'm sorry for having to hide away the truth every time something like this comes up, but does that change anything?"

"Why are you asking such stupid questions? I can't even believe that you admitted it yourself. You admit to loving someone else more than me and I will never be able to get past that, so it's maybe better if we just stop being with one another..." Frisk's words hurt me more than anything ever did in my life.

"I never admitted to that, I just said that you're not my first love, but I never said that you can't be the best one. It's true that there was this one person that was somewhat like you that I kinda like really liked before, but now, my mind is completely obsessed with you, and you only, can't you feel my sincerity?" I started crying, too, and at the end, I even started shouting back at her.

"You're also crying? Even after you said all those awful things?" Frisk fired back with a much calmer voice.

It appears now that I'm the only one crying, how perfect.

"They weren't meant to be awful, they were just realistic..." I was sobbing like a little child.

"I don't know but if you lied to me I would've felt better. Now I just feel empty, especially knowing that you're probably still lying to me."

"I'm not! I'm not fucking lying about anything, I genuinely love you so much, so much that I'd do anything and everything for you if I had to. You're the only thing in the underground and outside world that makes me happy, that inspires me to continue waking up every morning. I'm so lost without you."

"And I'm too Chara! We feel the same way but your words really hurt me back there. Please understand that I might need some time to accept this, because I just know how much that person means to you and I know you'll never forget her. I'll never be special to anything or anyone but it's okay, I'll manage to deal with it." Frisk started crying again.

"It's not like that!"

"Then what is it like? Tell me something I don't know already."

"I'll forget about them! I'll do everything I can just to win you over again. Just please, don't leave me, Frisk..."

"I get how you're feeling Chara... But if what you're saying is true, I might consider it." She got up and went straight for the door of our stall.

"Wait, Frisk! Where are you going?" I pulled her by the sleeve while still sitting on the cold floor.

"Just to the stall next to yours, I want to be alone and please don't touch me." And then she coldheartedly left me alone, and I just layed on the floor and started crying like a little child.

I didn't want to chase her, but I was so hurt too by what she said.

This pain is unbearable! I can't and don't want to deal with this type of stress.

I'm not someone who should be doing this.

I'm a demon! A menace to this entire world, and this is how I'm defeated?

And not to mention that everything I did went to waste.

I won't do anything like this again, I'll just go and do what I do best...

No Chocolate | Chapter 56 - Lap Pillow

"Sorry, Chara. I was being too rough on you, everything's okay now..." A girl whispered to my ear while caressing my hair.

I didn't see anything, my eyes were closed.

Did I really fall asleep in the toilet?

Was the door even locked?

Anyone could've taken advantage of me in that state.

Oh well.

But where am I now?

And why is the floor so soft all of a sudden?

"I love you, Chara, I'm glad to see that you're waking up. I was so worried you'd do something to yourself after what happened last night." While I was opening my eyes, I saw Frisk, and it appeared I was lying on her lap.

How interesting.

"I'd never do that, don't worry." I said while yawning.

I was so tired but why?

Oh, I remember why, actually.

She's now taking care of me?

Even after she made me cry?

Leaving me all alone for who knows how long?

This girl really is selfish.

"Everything's okay now, don't worry." She was still caressing my hair, so I tried to move her hand, but she just put it right back.

"So rude, Chara. But I understand how you're feeling even though I can't fully accept it. I still love you and you matter the most to me, and I utterly regret some of the things I said to you, I was so awful towards you while you gave me a safe space, practically a new life of some sort."

What is she on about?

But I guess she's right.

Who am I kidding, I know she's 100% right.

"I want to go home." I complained, and she just sweet-talked me even more.

Why is she this nice towards me?

I feel bad for even thinking about all of those things before falling asleep.

"I have a plan how to get out of here." I told Frisk, and her eyes widened, and her smile rose.

"Really? How so? And this time I won't ask how you know." She let a little laugh out.

And I then explained to her the entire concept of souls, the barrier, and how with enough DETERMINATION and few souls here and there can actually escape the Underground and break the barrier.

She was surprised, but she was all for it.

Is this really how it's going to end?

Or better said, how it's going to start.

A new life with Frisk in a normal world.

No Chocolate | Chapter 57 - Our Star

Forgiving Frisk for everything that happened three days ago was really hard.

But eventually, I let it go and continued with my usual behavior.

I also let go of all of my thoughts surrounding genocidal ideas and bad behavior.

That's a no-no from now on.

And let's try to forget all of that altogether...

"Isn't this the prettiest place in the Underground, Frisk? What do you think?" I asked her while grabbing her hand as she was lying next to me on wet grass.

"I never saw anything like this before! This permanent night sky is as fascinating as the blue talking flowers that are scattered through this entire area, and next time don't try to throw me into a waterfall or I'll hurt you badly." She held my hand tightly.

"You slapped me already and that hurt more than I could've imagined."

"Yeah yeah, it's not okay to make up stuff, you know that Frisk?"

"Ugh, whatever you say. But tell me Frisk, which one of those stars is your favorite?" She was confused at first, but then she pointed her hand out to one of the stars.

"This one!" She said like a playful child.

"Just because it's the brightest one?"

"Yes, but I like it because it reminds me of our love for one another. Don't you agree, Chara?" She turned her head towards me, and I did too, she was smiling the entire time while looking directly into my eyes like always.

I always loved her big brown eyes, ever since the beginning of my adventure, they always stayed at the back of my head.

"I'm the luckiest girl in both worlds, just because of you Frisk."

And then we both went into a long and slow, passionate kiss.

That tasted like an eternity.