
Ch1 Notes, Ch2 Notes, Ch3 Notes, Ch4 Notes, Ch5 Notes, Ch6 Notes, Ch7 Notes, Ch8 Notes, Ch9 Notes, Ch10 Notes, Ch11 Notes, Ch12 Notes, Ch13 Notes, Ch14 Notes, Ch15 Notes, Ch16 Notes, Ch17 Notes, Ch18 Notes, Ch19 Notes, Ch20 Notes, Ch21 Notes, Ch22 Notes, Ch23 Notes, Ch24 Notes, Ch25 Notes, Ch26 Notes, Ch27 Notes, Ch28 Notes, Ch29 Notes, Ch30 Notes, Ch36 Notes, Ch38 Notes, Ch41 Notes, Ch42 Notes, Ch44 Notes, Ch46 Notes, Ch49 Notes, Ch53 Notes, Ch56 Notes, Ch57 Notes,

No Chocolate

Chapter 1 - Notes

Aaaaaand it's over. Hello from the writer/editor (me), this is my first time writing a fanfiction so I hope it's alright. It's also my first time publishing ANYTHING to Wattpad, so it's a little bit scary - I don't know what to expect.

This story is going to be a real emotional rollercoaster, not just focusing on the romance, but also on the pshychological. It's really exciting to finally write this, and I hope we get along well :D

Chapter 2 - Notes

And this is the end of the second chapter of this story.

Thanks for reading - I hope you enjoyed it!

I'm trying to maintain an average of 800 words per story so it's easy to read, and entertaining at the same time.

I'll publish stories everyday, so you'll not have to wait so much, and of course, because it's a very fun experience for me!

In next chapter you'll finally get to see the beginning of the romance between Chara and Frisk. PS: I hope it didn't take too long!

Chapter 3 - Notes

I'm sorry it's taking me so long to introduce Frisk into the story. But don't worry, in the next chapter, there will be some steamy moments between those two!

And of course, thank you for reading reader. I hope you enjoy the next chapters as well. This is going to be a really REALLY long story.

Chapter 4 - Notes

Thank you reader! For reading the fourth chapter of The Timeline Leap. I appreciate all of you who reached this far, you're the real ones!

And I must apologize for introducing Frisk so late. The next chapter will be 100%, solely focused on Chara's and Frisk's interactions, without anyone interfiering.

It's going to be more interesting from now on for all of you romance/Charisk lovers!

Chapter 5 - Notes

Hello dear reader, thank you again for reading the entire story! I hope you enjoyed this chapter today. I'll make sure to post another one, pretty soon!

But, sit down and relax, because the chemistry between Chara and Frisk is just getting started. Enjoy the rest, and thank you again.

Chapter 6 - Notes

Suppressing emotions is never a good thing. If No Chocolate seems poorly written or like a bad plot point, then you'll have to wait for later chapters to see why and how everything is happening. Each and every sentence/emotion has a meaning and shouldn't be and will not be overlooked. 

But anyways, thank you for reading, my dear reader. I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter as well!

Chapter 7 - Notes

Thank you for reading, again, dear reader! I'm going to try to make things a little bit spicier now - I want to increase the romance between Chara and Frisk.

Enjoy the next chapters, and thanks for reading!

Chapter 8 - Notes

CLIFFHANGER! Read to find out more.

Now it's time for more Charisk, more ROMANCE, more YURI!

Enjoy reader, and thank you very very much for reading. I'm so happy to get to 50 reads by this point!

Chapter 9 - Notes

It's interesting publishing another chapter in a span of 24 hours. It's almost 6am here so I definitely must catch some sleep lol.

Thank you my dear reader for reading, I hope you enjoy the next chapters like you always do!

Chapter 10 - Notes

Today's chapter wasn't meant to be anything special. The next one is going to be focused on them having funnnn around the town and stuff like that.

Anyways, thank you for reading, dear reader. Unfortunately, I must go sleep now again because it's 4AM. Cheers.

Chapter 11 - Notes

THANK YOU FOR 100 READS. I'm so happy :D. And thank you for reading dear reader.

I'll try to be more consistent from now on, so don't worry! I can't wait to finish this fanfic, but don't expect that to be soon. There's much more to this story!

Chapter 12 - Notes

Thank you for reading dear reader. Expect the next chapters to be full of smut, lemon, lime, and everything you would want to read in a Charisk story. This is probably the best point to start reading if you're only interested in that!

Chapter 13 - Notes

I'M SORRY FOR LEAVING THIS STORY FOR SO LONG. Thank you for reading dear reader, and I'm genuinely sorry for not updating this story for a couple of days. I just had to deal with a lot of job/school related stuff for the time being.

But later today, I'll upload more No Chocolate chapters, and I'll try to update the new lemon Flowisk fanfiction as well. Which you can check out on my profile :D

Chapter 14 - Notes

As of writing this right now, I think I'm going to write about 40-50 more chapters for this story. In total if I had 60-70 chapters that would be around 50,000 words, which is literally a word count of a novel.

But my goal is to make this the number one Charisk fanfiction on entire Wattpad, nontheless how unrealistic it may sound, it's all thanks to you dear reader!

Chapter 15 - Notes

Thank you dear reader for reading and especially thank you for helping my story reach almost 300 reads!

I'm so happy about the growth I'm receiving. I'm glad you're enjoying these stories even in 2022, 7 years after the release of Undertale.

The anniversary was just a couple of days ago as I'm writing this. I can't believe how much did time go so fast since the release of this amazing game and franchise. I can't wait for more content to come out - I might as well start writing Deltarune fanfiction too lol.

Chapter 16 - Notes

Hehe. I hope you had fun while reading this. The next story is going to be even better, so I won't bother talking too much, therefore go enjoy it while you're still in the mood!

Chapter 17 - Notes

Moreeeeee smut incoming! Thank you for reading dear reader, I hope you got the perfect picture of this scene right inside your head. I don't want to waste your time on banter here, so go read the next chapter to find out what happened between them afterwards :D

Chapter 18 - Notes

This part was shorter than the last few, and that's for a reason. The next one is going to be very very interesting, so tune in! Thank you for reading again - I hope you're enjoying it!

Chapter 19 - Notes

Don't worry, I'm not stepping away from the romance aspects of the story, it's just something interesting to keep you wandering about what will happen next since Sans was barely mentioned from beginning :D

This story was named Bed Time, so if you're clever enough you will get the reference without a problem!

But still, thank you for reading dear reader. I can't believe we already got over 400 views and the number is just increasing? Especially with my other Flowisk lemon story which is BLOWING UP. It's crazy and scary, but exciting to be honest.

Chapter 20 - Notes

Now let's change up the things a little bit with stories that are going to come out of Frisk's perspective! We had enough of Chara for now, but just for fun I'm going to write from Frisk's POV, but I'll make sure that'll last only a couple of chapters.

And I need to mention if you're wondering where's my other Frisk x Flowey lemon story and why you can't find it anywhere - it's because I decided to delete it! That's because I don't have enough will to continue the story - I think the scenario could be better and I wasn't just satisfied at all with how the entire thing was going.

Other than that, thank you for reading dear reader, as always. And I hope you enjoy the next chapters!

Chapter 21 - Notes

Thank you for reading dear reader. This story today was a little bit shorter than usual, and that's for a reason like always lol. I don't want to limit myself on how many words do I have to write for each and every story as that kills my creativity and will for writing.

I hope you find stories told from Frisk's perspective original and interesting, as it's not something I ever did before with this story.

I can't also believe I've already written over 20 stories. I remember when I was finishing my first once, which was almost exactly a month ago. But, we still have to go a long way before finishing it.

I'm not even halfway through, so there will be a lot of content to consume!

Chapter 22 - Notes

Thank you for reading dear reader! I hope you'll enjoy more fun and cute wholesome Chara x Frisk stories that I wrote. Cheers.

Chapter 23 - Notes

We're so fucking back.

Chapter 24 - Notes

This is so fun to write, only if I could actually draw all these scenes that I'm writing about - the world would be a better place indefinitely.

Chapter 25 - Notes

I really need a girlfriend like Chara.


Chapter 26 - Notes

Poor Frisk, lel

Chapter 27 - Notes

Omg, who caught them? They're such a cute couple :>

Chapter 28 - Notes

Beat him up Chara! He's a prick anyways...

Chapter 29 - Notes

Ah shit! Time to step from romance for a little bit.

If you're solely interested in the smut/lemon part of the story - focus on the chapter titles that have "~" in them.

But still I'd recommend you to stick further because things are about to get fun.

Chapter 30 - Notes

Where are the knives?

Chapter 36 - Notes

I think this should be the end of all serious drama in this series.

The first part of this story is over, and the second one will be immediately continued with 14 canon upbeat-romance-smut chapters.

I'm ending this story at the 50th Chapter, and I'll maybe when I feel like it update it with some fun stuff or bonus stories if I'm like really bored.

Until then, please check out my other Undertale AU's on my profile.

I'm sure you'll find them fun if you liked No Chocolate, since the writing style and the pacing is ultimately the same if not better.

Until then, sayonara and see you soon.

Chapter 38 - Notes

There will be 6 new chapters every week, every two days, two chapters will get released - on monday, wednesday, and friday.

By how it's going I think this story might have more than 50 chapters all in total.

I'll keep the regular schedule up until then and continue whether I start a new project or continue ULTRAVIOLET or something else.

Chapter 41 - Notes

Ah~ the writer's notes.

I love every time I have to write them!

But yeah, to get some things clear.

I change my mind a lot, and I'm very quick to act which means things I said couple chapters ago may not be up-to-date with my intentions and thoughts as of now.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who's reading this, for 100 votes, and almost 10k views which we'll get to in couple of days at this point.

I started this story like a year ago, somewhere near the end of August of 2022. And I abandoned it sometime during winter or late fall.

Nonetheless, I'm very happy to be writing this story again after at least half a year of inactivity.

I got a huge surge of inspiration which will remain here until the end of the story, which will not be happening too soon.

In some previous notes I said how I'll write until the 50th chapter or something, but I changed my mind. I'm so full of ideas, so the series will probably go past 60 chapters and hopefully under 70, because I don't want it to be longer than it should be.

Also, I kinda want to try writing longer chapters, for example, this one is like almost triple the size of the regular chapter even if you exclude the writer's notes, and I'll make sure the next one which will get dropped later today (it's currently 00:03 as I'm writing this) will have somewhere around 3000 words which is like 4 times larger than a regular chapter.

And the last thing I want is to thank everyone again who has been reading this, no matter for how long you stuck with the story, your support is the most valuable thing to me and I read all the comments few of you post, so thanks for that too.

This is probably the longest writer's notes so I'll stop rambling now.

Have fun reading and I hope you enjoy the next chapter even more than you enjoyed this one.

Bye bye.

Chapter 42 - Notes

Thank you for reading again, dear reader!

See you on Monday, at the same place, at the (almost) same time.

Chapter 44 - Notes

Thank you for reading, dear reader!

This was kinda of a late upload, that's because I'm in a hurry, sort of. 

I won't be able to upload anything on Wednesday, so you can expect more chapters on Friday and Sunday.

That's all because of some personal things, yk. 

But still, thank you for reading! I'm sad to drive this story to an end, I'll probably do it on its 1 year anniversary, which is somewhere by the end of August.

Chapter 46 - Notes

Oops I'm a little bit late with the publish time.

But yeahhhhh, I hope you enjoyed it reader.

See you tomorrow, on a Sunday. 

I'm concluding this story on 26th of August, right on the anniversary. 

So sad :(

But hey, at least Chara and Frisk got to experience fun adventures through this story!

Chapter 49 - Notes

Get ready for a lot of fucking smut lol

Time to get creative :w

Chapter 53 - Notes

I swear I don't have a foot fetish lmaoooooo

But thank you everyone so much for 10k views on this story!

I can't be happier from all the traction it got tbh.

Next part of Charisk explicit foot content tomorrow, hopefully I don't make another one lolololol

Chapter 56 - Notes

I think Frisk may be bipolar.

Thanks for reading tho

Chapter 57 - Notes

Today's the 1 year anniversary since the first chapter came out!

All attention I got means so much to me, along with the people who frequently commented. 

Love you everyone xoxo