Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28,

Gallery, Notes,

Status: Finished (Jun 30, 2023 - Jul 28, 2023)


Your soul is filled with Determination.

But her soul is filled with Perseverance.

Due to unfortunate events, Chara is trapped within the body of another human - the reincarnation of the purple human soul - Violetta.

To achieve their goals they must work together and get along even though their personalities significantly differ. Not to mention all the adventures and

unexpected challenges they have to go through, working together as a one person.

But Chara wants to take Violetta's perseverance and continue with destroying worlds.

While Violetta just wants to keep living her normal life - i.e. get Chara out of her body as soon as possible.

So who's going to win in the end, and more importantly, how?

"This next experiment will be very very interesting."

(Heavily inspired by the Asa/Yoru dynamic from Chainsaw Man).

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 1 - Demon













"so thats it?"


"what do you think he meant by that?"

"Who knows... This stuff was a long time ago anyways! We should focus on finding other clues - translating wingdings is pointless." said Alphys, sighing out of desperation.

"you dont have to continue, but i will." responded Sans.

"Are you sure?? I wouldn't do that if I was you, I mean, you don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"im much stronger than you think."

"Uh! If you say so, but where did your eyes go?"

"they right here. im just playing with ya" His eyes went back to normal after they disappeared for a couple of seconds, but the only thing he was never missing was his smile.

After that, it was an awkward silence between those two as they were getting into the elevator.

Alphys was regularly feeding the amalgamations she made in the True Lab.

To be honest, just watching her do that from the shadows had me always quite uneasy. The sight and the smell of those things were just unpleasant, or should I better say, inhuman.

"dont you have a feeling that we are being watched the entire time?" said Sans to Alphys, she was shocked to hear that after a minute of silence, his unnerving smile didn't help her either.

"Not really! But in the lab, there's always something watching you, you know." Alphys started to sweat because as she put more thought into what Sans said, she started to see where he was coming from.

"we will talk about this some other time."

The elevator was about to go up back to Alphy's lab. It was an awkward silence between those two that I could also feel because Sans knew the entire time I was watching them from the shadows.

I think he noticed my presence.

But oh well, as the demon that comes when someone speaks of its name...

He's got my attention rather quickly.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 2 - The Undying


"Seven human souls, and King ASGORE will become a god."


"That's how many we have collected thus far."


"Through your seventh and final soul, this world will be transformed."

"First, however, as is customary for those who make it this far."

"I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people."

"It all started, long ago..."





"I forgot my lines again! Nargh!"


"Do you think we have the time for that? According to your brother's theory, another human should fall into the Underground soon!", "And I need to get ready for him, or her!" Undyne yelled at Papyrus.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT. WHOWHIE." Papyrus said worryingly for his friend.

"Sorry Papyrus..." Undyne felt bad.

"But don't you think we should get ready for such an encounter? Especially you, only if you want to join the royal guards." She knew what he saw sensitive about.

"OH RIGHT. YOU HAVE A POINT. THEN I SHOULD GET BACK TO TRAINING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." Papyrus said and ran who knows where in such a rush.

"Wait, Papyrus!" It was too late, he was too excited to stop.

"Dang it! Who's going to listen to my speech now..." She threw her notebook on the ground with all her force, tearing it out of rage.

Luckily for Undyne, I was there to listen to her speech, but without her knowing, of course.

Because if she saw me in my physical form, that would be quite bad for the entire Underground.

But oh well.

It looks like this notebook will be of major help.

As soon as Undyne started going the same way Papyrus did, a yellow monster kid popped out of a bush?

He grabbed the notebook I was planning to take??

You have to be kidding me.

It's true that I don't have a physical form, but that doesn't mean I can't still interact with physical beings.

Because Monster Kid was near a ledge, I grabbed the notebook from his hands and pushed him with my shoulder straight down into a river.

He didn't even see me, heh.


I better get going before she notices him! Why are children so difficult?

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 3 - Metal Crusher

Everyone loves Mettaton.

Besides me.

I met him while he was still a petty ghost.

But that doesn't matter.

Now that the entire Underground is at one of his biggest shows!

Which is a perfect opportunity for me to...

Open this casket and take the purple soul with me.

Let's put it in this glass jar first so it doesn't run away! I stole the SOUL of PESEVERANCE, and sealed it tightly in the reinforced glass jar.

How exciting! I don't remember being this happy for a looong time.

Now I just need to head back to the lab, which will be quite easy since no one is there!

I disappeared in the shadows, going deep underground towards the True Lab.

I reappeared there, stepping out from one of the mirrors there.

Mirrors are great portals for beings like me, which is why you shouldn't sleep in a room with one.

And now that I'm at the Determination Extraction Machine! I can begin with my final experiment before I fade into the abyss again.

"You shouldn't have mentioned my name since the beginning, Sans." I said out loud to myself, but to my surprise, I wasn't alone in this room.

As the giant DT Extraction Machine stood above me, with its rusty tubes and metal that predate most of the monsters here, I spotted a figure hiding in the dark, right across the room.

"then you should not have mentioned my either." said a deep voice.

"Not you again! You're really planning to stop me now?" I responded.

I knew something like this was going to happen! This was too easy from the beginning anyways.

"even though you dont exist phyisically, i can still hurt you, child."

"I'm not a child!" I drew the Torn Notebook from my pocket and aimed it toward him.

"what will you even do with that?" He was annoyingly patient.

"I will kill you if you continue asking me questions."

"try to kill me if you want to.", "im not the one whos already dead." His eyes disappeared.

"Heh, my SOUL was full of DETERMINATION, but I realized I can't transcend if I don't have other souls."

"I figured out that PERSEVERANCE is the second strongest trait that'll allow my name to grow even more so powerful than it is now."

"And for you to stop me it's already too late. I can absorb the soul as we're speaking and kill you in a matter of seconds."

"if thats the case, i guess you dont need this anymore." He pointed his Gaster Blasters at the machine, flicking his fingers, instructing them to destroy the machine.

"NO!" I screamed, launching myself straight into the air at Sans with the Torn Notebook in my hand.

One of the Gaster Blasters shot straight at me, but I cut myself with the piece of paper from the notebook, making me invulnerable to his giant beam wave.

I phased straight through it while dashing through air and I jumped straight onto Sans - falling on the ground with me on top of him on time and swinging the notebook straight at his head.

I severely cut his face wide open, but it was too late.

The other Gaster Blaster shot the machine the moment I jumped on him.

Sans didn't expect me to kill him so quickly, but he still managed to destroy the machine before I could get to it...

Or not!

The machine isn't destroyed yet!

There's no way, aaaaaah!

I need to get into it while it's still working.

Spectating Alphys over the years has taught me how to operate it.

So I set up everything and opened the capsule to put the PERSEVERANCE soul, the Cloudy Glasses, and the Torn Notebook.

I pressed one final button on the dashboard and ran straight for it. Everything was collapsing as the machine was getting activated - I guess no one used it for a long time.

The entire True Lab was collapsing.

The machine looked like it was about to explode.

Valves, pipes, and all other metallurgy was breaking.

I got into the machine as fast as possible, cramping myself into a fetal position along with the PERSEVERANCE items.

The capsule closed, and the shaking got bigger.

Everything was shaking, it was so humid and hot, but I could feel the change!

It's working! When this experiment succeeds, I'll become GOD!

*giant explosions, walls, floors, and ceilings collapsing, overshadowed by one giant blast*

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 4 - Reincarnation

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

Many years later...

MT. Ebott


Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.

*cough* *cough*

Where am I?

When I opened my eyes, I saw a golden red flower bed. I was surrounded by tall stone walls and a small purple doorway in the middle.

I looked up to see where I came from, just to get blinded by the few sunbeams coming from above.

God really did me a favor?

I got up to find myself intact, without any scratches or dangerous injuries. I thought it was weird at first, but it's not like I care - let me just find my way out of this mess.

My mom will get angry at me again... Especially if she finds out I'm missing - that'll cause a big commotion at home... Should I even go back after all?

I walked through the purple doorway to enter an even bigger room. I was underground, and now the sun was nowhere to be found, instead, it was lit up by all sorts of glowing plants and mysterious light sources unknown to humans.

This is interesting, I thought, but what even more fascinates me is that single flower with a smile on its face poking out of stone? What's his problem...

"Howdy! I'm FLOWEY." Said the flower???

"FLOWEY the FLOWEY." What the fuck?

"Hmmm... You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha?"

And then, I felt like I lost control over my body.

"DIEEEEEEEEEEE" I shouted, putting my hand into my pocket to pull out the notebook I'm always carrying. My body was being controlled by someone else at the moment, and I was too weak and too scared to even try to do anything.

I dashed toward the flower to cut it in half with the notebook, but it went underground and reappeared as soon as I turned my back on him.

"Golly! It looks like it's you after all, Chara." Said the weird flower.

Everything went black and white, and I could see my and the flower's soul.

"Uh! So hostile, geez." Said the flower before evacuating back into the ground and ending this fighting setting.

I finally gained control over my body and fell straight to the ground, dropping my notebook and glasses in the moment.

I immediately puked - I was so scared and nervous that I couldn't resist.

What even happened to me? And where am I?

And why is this tall female goat standing on two legs and watching me defecate myself? Who's this all out of a sudden!

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth...Ah, do not be afraid, my child."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 5 - Anticipation

"HOLY SHIT." Shit! Did I really say this out loud? And why do I hear a little girl chuckle in my head, am I insane?

"Oh! My child, that's such an inappropriate language. But we'll work on that.", "Uh, but nevertheless. I'm Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins." said Toriel.

What a weird name for an anthropomorphic goat.

"Hi... I'm Violetta, nice to meet you miss." I responded quietly, looking down at my feet.

"I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a long time. So come! I will guide you through the catacombs." Said the goat frantically as she started heading to another room.

I followed her because I had no choice, that weird flower can pop up anytime while she's gone and take care of me unless something starts taking over my body again.

The next room we went to looked like it was the entrance to the Ruins.

It was a giant purple brick wall hallway with a red flower bed in the middle of the stairs that led to the same doorway. I went the opposite one of Toriel to take a better look at her because, in my world, there are no such things as humane goats.

When we went into the next room, she started rambling about some traps and puzzles I need to solve for some reason.

I started zoning out because it was incredibly boring, but I was still able to follow her just enough to satisfy her sadistic thinking puzzles.

I hate math!

"Yeah, I hate math as well." said an unknown female voice in my head.

"Why do they even teach that at school?" I responded unconsciously.

"I don't know, I finished school a while ago tho." Said the fema- Wait a second???

"Wait a second... Who am I even talking to? I'm not making up these responses?" I responded scaredly.

"Oh my bad. I didn't introduce myself. My name is Chara, the demon that comes when people call its name. Nice to me-"

"YOU'RE A WHAT? GET OUT OF MY HEAD." I interrupted Chara. Why is there a demon in my head anyways? The fuck?

"Holy shit, relax! I'll not take your soul or anything."

"Are you a male or a female demon?"

Why is she even asking me this? This girl is clearly insane. Chara thought to herself, not knowing I can also hear what she's thinking about.

"I'm female!"

"Hmm, how do I know you're telling the truth?"

"How can I prove to you that I'm a female demon? Don't you hear my voice?"

"You have a point there... But get out of my head!"

"I can't do that! How are you expecting that to happen?"

"I don't know, I DON'T KNOW. I don't want to share a body with you."

"Well too bad Violetta, get used to it, because I'm not going anywhere even if you wanted to."

"But why?"

"Because I need to kill someone, and I'll use you as a vessel to do that."

"Kill? Are you insane? I don't want to take someone's life."

"In this world, it's either kill or be killed." Said Chara and Toriel at the same time, their voices perfectly synced with one another, like she already knew the entire Toriel's dialogue.

"Are you listening Violetta?" Said Toriel with an annoyed facial expression.

"Yes! Of course ma'am!"

"Ma'am? I'm not that old. You can call me mom instead." She laughed.

There ain't no way I'm calling this goat my mom.

"But first, go talk to that dummy and practice talking." When she said that, I turned to my right to see a barely intact dummy standing alone in the middle of the room.

"See that dummy Violetta? Let me show you how it's done." Chara said out of a sudden, taking control over my entire body again.

"Huh, let go of me! I want full control over my own body." But that didn't matter because Chara took the notebook I was always carrying with me, dashing towards that poor dummy.

She then slashed the dummy in half with that notebook like she was using a katana - phasing through it, smiling the entire time.

I felt her adrenaline rush because we possess the same body.

And to be honest.

Maybe actually killing someone feels even better.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 6 - My bed

Slashing the doll felt so good, but for what reason?

"You'll understand one day." said Chara...

"My child! What are you doing? You weren't supposed to completely destroy the doll! Unbelievable." Mom was getting angry for the first time in my life, how weird.

Mom? Why is she calling her mom? And those are also my thoughts, I won't let Chara invade them!

I'll never think of that goat as my mom.

"I'll explain that to you another time that too-" Chara said but got interrupted by Toriel.

"Nevermind, my child. Let's head to the next room. As you know, the Underground is full of monsters that are naturally hostile towards humans, therefore, it's also full of traps that are placed there to..." And Toriel went on while I zoned out in Violetta's body.

Listening to Toriel over and over again is so boring. I wonder if Violetta can even hear these thoughts that I'm currently having because we literally share the same body and mind and everything else.

I don't know what happened that caused another human to fall into the Underground, wasn't Frisk supposed to be next? By that logic, I should've occupied her body instead of Violetta's, or in the second case, the time skip should've been much larger if another actual human was about to fall down by any chance.

This is all getting pretty interesting - I'm glad that we didn't encounter Sans, which can mean that he's either completely unaware of this change in timelines or that he's watching from a distance, waiting for my next move.

At least the weapons I have aren't weak at all. Frisk only had a stick and a bandage, while Violetta has that powerful notebook which can negate damage if hurt beforehand, and those glasses have an even higher invulnerability effect than the notebook itself.

This next experiment is about to be very, very interesting...

"Chara! Chara! Wake up, for fuck sake." I heard Violetta calling my name - I must've fallen asleep or something.

But as the demon that comes when people call its name, I must respond.

"What Violetta?"

"Don't you see where we are?"

"Let me take a closer look..." "Oh my! This used to be my bed!" I got excited, so I impulsively took over Violetta's body.

"Hey, get out of my body! And how is this your room? What are you talking about Chara."

"I'll explain it to you some other day, but I spent here more time than you can even imagine."

"Is that why you were calling Toriel mom, and who are those people you've been mentioning while talking to yourself?"

"Damn, you heard me?"

"Well only a little bit, because I was trying to focus on what Toriel has been saying."

"Did you eat the pie without me?"

"How do you know that she baked a pie? Geez, you're so unpredictable."

"I told you already! I've been here more than you can imagine."

"If you say so. But you still didn't answer any of my questions."

"I guess it would be alright to answer them, but let me just check few things while I'm still using your body."

"I guess I'm fine with that, but how can I get you out of my body, and how do I escape this world later on?"

"I'm not leaving your body unless I'm done with some unfinished business in this world." Chara said as she was looking for something in the closet, and after that, she went through the drawers, and she even kneeled down to look for something under them and under the bed.

She's so weird.

"What's that unfinished business you have to do?"

"I already told you, we have to kill someone, Violetta. No big deal."

"I don't want to kill anyone, you crazy demon!", "Get out of my body!" I shouted at Chara, taking control over my body again and finally sitting and then lying down on my bed.

She tried to fight for control, but it looks like she can only control me while I'm afraid of something.

"Hey! Give me back my body!" Chara argued with me.

"It's not your body. Holy shit, leave me alone!" She was really starting to get on my nerves that I started swearing, which never happens since girls don't swear.

"Also Violetta, I'm not crazy, but I admit to being a demon." Chara said in a calmer manner.

"Yeah I know that you're "the demon that comes when people call its name". But how come I never called your name and you still came into my body?"

"Well that's because of one of my experiments that went sorta wrong. I'm not supposed to be stuck in you, but it's better this way anyways."

A knock on the door could be heard, and a long pause between Chara and me could be heard as we were just both focusing on the door and what the other person behind it would say.

"My child, the butterscotch pie is ready. I hope I'm not waking you up." Toriel said through the closed door.

"Good, it's just mom." Said Chara in my head.

"I'm awake Miss Toriel, I'll come right away." I responded loudly.

"Just call her mom, for crying out loud." Chara started interrupting my thoughts again.

"Okay my child. Just to remind you not to be afraid to call me mom, only if you want to though." She said and then went to the kitchen to wait for me to come.

"You see Violetta, it will be more comfortable for all 3 of us to just call her mom."

"Just shut up already Chara!"

She's so annoying...

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 7 - Deal with a Demon

I sat down in the dining room to eat with Toriel.

She didn't want to eat with me, so she just kept serving me with all kinds of delicious food that she had.

Even though the flavors were unknown to me and monster-like, I still liked it and maybe preferred it to my regular human food.

But I miss McDonald's so much... And Dr. Pepper too - I'm devastated without them!

"Hey, Violetta" Said Chara in my head.

"I'm not talking to you, let me eat in peace, geez."

"Okay, then I'll talk and let you eat. Let me just clarify everything so I don't have to later. I hate explaining things 2 times, so you better listen carefully" And then Chara went on.

"First of all, the names Sans and Frisk I was mentioning are unimportant to you. The only thing you should know about Sans is that we might have to kill him if he tries to intervene in the thing I'm doing, and about that thing - I guess you'll find out as you go along."

"Killing Sans isn't neccesary, so our main objective isn't to kill him, but it would be good for both of us. And if you're wandering how any of this will help you, well, by going along with me you'll be able to finally have your body only to yourself again. If you want to get rid off me, you must also strictly listen to me as we go further."

"Because if you don't comply..."

"I'll have to kill you."


I almost started choking on a piece of pie when I heard her say this - how dare she threaten me in MY OWN body?

I sipped some water Toriel poured me, and then she continued.

"Finding another host isn't hard, just a tad annoying. So Violetta, you better listen to what I have to say, or you'll just end up like the other words I destroyed before coming into this one."

Is she serious? She destroyed other worlds? Chara is crazy! How was I so lucky to fall here in the first place?

Maybe if I leave without letting her control my body... Maybe then she'll fade away in the human world.

"I can hear what you're thinking Violetta, but sadly, that won't work, and would probably give me an easy outlet to destroy the upper world as well. So I'm basically holding your entire family and loved ones as hostage."

Chara giggled, but this time, she didn't scare me at all.

"Oh, I see. You don't feel anything towards your parents - I guess we're more alike than you think, Violetta." She continued with her annoying, childish giggle.

I hate how she can know everything about me.

"I'd hate that too if I were in your place, but continue with eating that pie - its sweet flavor feels amazing on my tongue." She continued to taunt me.

"That's my tongue. And also, I wouldn't really mind if you were to take my life. It's not like I was already planning to do it before you ruined everything." I responded fiercely in my head.

"Oh... That's right... We all fall here for the same reason, I always tend to forget that." Chara calmed down and probably got disappointed.

I can't think about other people's opinions anymore.

"I guess in that case, Violetta, we can strike A DEAL." Chara said menacingly.

"A deal?" I was intrigued.

"Yes, a deal - a deal with a demon. You heard me right."

"What does that kind of deal inquire?"

"Well, if you let me take over your bo-"

"That's not happening." I interrupted her.

"Let me finish, where are your manners? If you let me take over your body, I'll promise you a happy life."

"A happy life? Why would you do that and how?"

"The Underground isn't nearly cruel as the human world, you'll understand that later. Because the longer you are here, the more you'll want to stay here, forever. You'd borrow me your body for the entirety of this life, and I'd use it to collect the artifacts I'm looking for and transcend further, into another world, while this world would be reset so you can start everything all over again but just without me this time." Chara was giggling again, but out of excitement, because she knows what I'm longing for.

"I don't want to do it now." I was still mad at her.

"I know Violetta, but keep in mind that deal will always be available and you can sign it whenever you want in whatever situation you're in."

"But how do I know you'll not trick me?" This sounds too good to be true anyways.

"Deals can't be broken, and if one somehow manages to break it, they'll have to suffer a great punishment which simply isn't worth it in the end."

"...so Violetta, will you trust me enough to guide you through your entire journey in the Underground?"

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 8 - Heartbreak

"Of course... Not" I bet her smile faded away.

"Wait, what." She was shocked indeed.

"You hear me right. I don't want to trust you, I'll find my own way home and get rid of you when I leave the Underground."

"You can't be serious? Huh, I thought I was persuasive..."

"You are more scary than persuasive, Chara." I finally finished my meal, and Chara went quiet for the first time in a while.

I don't get what's her problem, but it looks like I'll have to get used to her presence in my life, for now, at least.

"Hey, Toriel. When will I be able to leave the Underground." I struck up a conversation while she was picking up my dishes.

I was still sitting at the table, looking directly at her while she was trying to avoid eye contact.

"Uh, my child. There's this cool book about snails and stuff..." She said nervously.

"I don't care about snails, I'd really want to go home. What will my mom think of this?" This way, she'll feel bad and actually let me go, even though my mom would never even attempt to care about me.

I still found it funny.

"Uh, I guess that would be a problem, my child. But wait, Mom needs to do something really quick. Stay on your seat."

Did she really call herself mom?

"Heh, you aren't really that different from me after all, Violetta." Chara reappeared in my head again.

"I'm nothing like you and never will be! What do you want now?" She's so annoying.

"You should go after her, otherwise, you'll stay here FOREVER."

"Really, Chara?" Uh, oh. She wasn't even responding to me anymore.

I have no clue what's she trying to do, but it doesn't look good either way.

I listened to her and went after Toriel, she probably went into those long hallways under the house from which she escorted me out when I went down there to check whether there was something interesting or not.

This time, she wasn't there to stop me from dwelling further.

And as I went on down and down, I could finally see the large purple doors with some weird insignia on them and Toriel in front of them.

"You want to leave so badly?" She started talking.


"You are just like the others."

"There is only one solution to this."

"Prove yourself..."

"Prove to me you are strong enough to survive."

What is she doing? Is she trying to fight me? Everything is getting black and white again, and I can see my soul!

Toriel blocks the way!

I took my notebook out of my pocket, and I adjusted my glasses to see Toriel better.

She started then immediately throwing fireballs straight at me, which severely burned me at first.

The fight continued without her saying anything, but I could see on her face that she was desperate just to keep me alone, with her, in the RUINS.

But I won't let that happen!

I jumped towards her with the notebook in my hand, and I managed to cut her arm slightly.

She was even more surprised now, so I got more fireballs my way.

I dodged most of them before the last one hit me straight between my eyes.

The glasses protected my sight, but my head hurt a lot.

I hope Chara is feeling everything I'm - that would be a huge relief...

Toriel was difficult to fight against. She wouldn't stop with her fireballs, and I was too tired to continue dodging them. Everything hurt. I felt like dying, which, to be honest, wouldn't be such a bad option considering all of this. Stupid Chara forced me into taking this path, she directed me to go fight Toriel and risk my life for her stupid plans! Who knows what's she hiding? After all that happened, I was right not to trust Chara!

I will start sparing Toriel instead, I can't continue like this...

Toriel looked through me as I was sparing her.

"What are you doing?" She was surprised.

Toriel took a deep breath.

"Attack or run away!"

"What are you proving this way? Fight me or leave!"

"Stop it! Stop looking at me that way. Go away!"

I kept sparing her, and she just went quiet after an episode of shouting, she was still shooting her fireballs, but they were avoiding instead of hitting me.

And then, she finally broke the silence.

"I know you want to go home, but..."

"But please... go upstairs now."

"I promise I will take good care of you."

"I know we do not have much, but..."

"We can have a good life here."

She broke down into tears, with her shy reassuring smile fading away into a frown.

"Why are you making this so difficult? Please, go upstairs..."

She started laughing midst tears.

"Ha ha, pathetic, is it not? I cannot save even a single child..."

"No, I understand. You would just be unhappy, trapped down here."

I think we're both starting to understand each other more.

Oh my, poor Toriel. I shouldn't have done this.

"The RUINS are very small once you get used to them. It would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this."

"My expectations."

"My loneliness."

"My fear."

"For you, my child... I will put them aside."

"Perfect!" Chara said through me?!

Then while controlling my body, she jumped towards Toriel, going straight for her head with my notebook!

I managed to regain a little bit of control over my body, so I moved a little bit my arm to the side to stop her from killing Toriel, but instead of directly decapitating her, we hit the lower part of her neck - cutting down into her shoulder and then into her chest, which would give her enough time to say her last words.

"My child... You.... Went straight... for my head?" She smiled while bleeding out to death, looking straight into my teary eyes.

"Hi mom, didn't see you for a while." Chara wiped my tears away and started smiling, putting both of her arms happily behind her back.

"Oh! It's... You! Chara... My child..." Toriel looked down at the ground, holding herself in a kneeling position as she was about to fade away.

"Any last words? I'll tell Asriel you said hi." Chara started giggling, putting one of her hands up to her mouth to cover it.

"He... was... right.... You really... came back..."


Toriel's soul shattered, fading away and leaving just a meaningless pile of dust.

We won, Violetta!

Our LOVE increased.


ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 9 - True Name

"What the fuck is your problem?" Violetta was crying while I still had control over her body.

Doesn't she realize we grow stronger with each and every kill we make?

"I don't care about that shit! Give me back my own body!" She was weeping so much I couldn't even forcefully stop the tears.

"You forgot that I'm the demon that comes when people call its name."

"Why does that even matter now?"

"It matters because you said my name plenty of times during the fight with Mom."

"Stop calling her mom! You heartless being." Violetta was shouting at me out loud.

If anybody were to see us, it would look like an argument a schizophrenic would have with himself.

"She was my mom back in the day, for your information. I had a happy home down here and everything you'd ever wish for. But the only thing I was lacking was..."

"Was what?" Violetta shouted at me again.

"Fun - there's no fun nor determination in a happy world."

"You're wrong! There is, but you just didn't find it yet."

"We'll see about that. Now let's go, we have some work to do." I finally gained full control over her body again, geez.

She's so annoying at times, but now it's the time to finish the entire RUINS, to get rid of everything and everyone that witnessed my endeavors, and of course - to gain as much LOVE as possible.

After that, I'm coming towards you, brother.


And then I went on to kill everyone in the RUINS.

Violetta was surprisingly cooperative during the entire operation.

She was complaining during the first few kills, but after a while, she got used to everything I was doing to her.

Violetta was quiet again.

I love shy obedient girls.

Now that I'm at the same place where I killed Toriel, it's time to go further into this world and finish my unsettled debt with Asriel.

"Violetta, how do you feel?" I asked her out of curiosity as I was walking down the hallway - I kinda got worried for my host.

"I'm fine." She sounded perfectly normal.

"Really? You're not bothered by everything we've done?"

"No, just lead me home. I don't care about anything you're doing anymore."

"How so? Your attitude changed entirely."

"I don't know, Chara. I stopped feeling any sympathy toward the monsters we've been killing. I'm just tired of it, I want to go home already!"

"I feel the same way. Let's continue now."

"Whatever you say, Chara, I'm so tired of this."

"I'm too, Violetta, I'm too."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 10 - A pond :3

I finally reached the place where Flowey always waits for me.

And there he was again.

"Geez! I didn't expect that outcome." Said Flowey, not following his regular dialogue.

"Toriel said hi." I said coldly.

"You managed to kill that atrocity without any LOVE? Geez, Chara, your determination must be higher than ever." Even Flowey had a straight face on.

"So what?"

"You aren't alone, Chara, aren't you?"

"Enough!" I threw the notebook directly at him, which then came back to me like a boomerang.

He went back into the ground and popped out when it came back to me again.

"What are you even planning to do with your partner? Is she even aware you're planning to sacrifice her for your greater good?"

"That's not what I'll do. Keep your mouth shut!"

"Okay! See you later, Chara" And then, Flowey just went straight back into the ground.

I was still uneasy because I was expecting a sneak attack or something, but it looked like he actually had better things to do than to entertain me with a petty fight.

As I went along my way toward Snowdin, Violetta was asking me all sorts of questions about Flowey, Toriel, and the other people I mentioned that she couldn't remember. She wasn't complaining about anything and seemed to be happier than ever before - I also wasn't rough towards her, even though that's my nature. This time I tried being more gentle to her, not to gain anything, but to feel something nice after such a long time of constant destruction...

"Chara, where are we going now? Why are you going off the path? I thought you had no time to waste." Violetta said worryingly.

"Well, even I need to take a break sometimes. I did much worse things in timelines where you didn't even exist."

"Like what? Just give me a single example, I'm curious." Violetta said quietly.

"This one time, I destroyed the entire timeline because I was bored and had nothing to do, and one other time I repeatedly only killed Mom and Dad out of sheer fun." I was so happy to tell her about the things I enjoyed doing the most.

"Damn, Chara, but why?" She was genuinely curious about my past.

"It's just fun, isn't it?"

"How is it fun to kill your parents more than once? What did they even do to you and-"

"You wouldn't understand! You'd understand me if you were in my boots."

"Uh! Well, I quite literally am! And I still don't understand anything and how a goat can be your mother?"

"Violetta! She's obviously not my biological mother."

"Is that why you hate her so much?"

"No! That's not the reason, I'd do worse things to my real mother if I ever got the chance."

"What's stopping us from finding your real mom?"

"She moved somewhere far away after I fell down into Mt. Ebott, probably out of shame."

"How did she hurt you... Poor Chara."

"Look! I don't need your sympathy, and I don't need to kill her to fill fulfilled again."

"Then why are you even doing what you're doing right now?"

"Good question, but I'll answer it later."

During the entire conversation, I was going downhill through the snowy woods, all the way down to a small pond where I would usually sit next in these kinds of situations or periods when I needed rest.

It was a secluded area in the snowy woods that no one else knew of.

The small pond has a log trunk you can sit on and another smaller one in front of it on which you can put your legs.

I sat finally after walking for who knows how long, even demons get tired.

I stretched my arms and yawned, and laid over the log on my stomach - I was basically hugging the tree at this point.

And then, I just closed my eyes, letting my consciousness drift away to the humming wind and the pond's water sparkling.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 11 - Curious Eyes

"Uoagh......." Where even am I?

I woke up lying down on a log trunk.

How weird, Chara probably fell asleep here, and since I was already so unconscious of everything - it looks like I woke up before her and got control over my body again!

How wonderful, but, to be honest.

I think I'll just continue resting.

I just want to sleep TwT.

And as I was just about to close my eyes, I saw a pair of eyes looking directly at me from the small frosty pond.

What's this now? Holy shit!

They're literally staring at me nonchalantly - how do I even deal with this?

Maybe it's a figment of my imagination, or maybe it's a.. monster... wanting to kill me?


I got up from the trunk and sped even further down the hill.

I wasn't even thinking about looking back, my goal was just to get away from that pond as much as I could without having to see those eyes again.

They were so scary... Geez. Big eyes with strong dark pupils, it's like it was straight out of a horror movie.

And as I was carelessly running down the hill, I tripped onto some branch or whatever the fuck was in my way, and I just started falling down the hill like a doll.

That dummy from the RUINS probably manifested this upon me after I- or better said so, Chara, smashed it into pieces.

After miraculously missing every tree that was in my way, luck didn't hold me for much longer as my body absorbed all the generated force from the fall by hitting a tree.

And to be exact, the lower part of my fucking spine hit the tree so hard - even a pinecone fell onto my head as a result of it.

Chara would make so much fun of me in this situation, I'm so glad she isn't here.

"You bet I would." No way, she's awake!

"When did you wake up? Huh? You demon!"

"Literally just now! Do you know how much does this hurt? We share the same body, dumbass."

"That's true, but come on, you won't believe me what I saw up there."

"What? You saw something at the pond we were sleeping at? You were probably hallucinating, you know."

"No, I saw a pair of curious eyes looking directly at me underneath the water."


"Why are you silent now? I told you it was scary!"

"What color were the eyes?"

"They were black as night."

"Oh, for fuck saaaaaaake." Chara was terrifyingly quiet - it looked like she knew what was going on, but she wouldn't tell me?

"Violetta... Do you see what I see?" She asked me, and then I saw what she was talking about.

The forest was incredibly dark, even though we were near the end of the hill, there was that same pair of eyes staring at us.

Coming closer.

And closer?

To us???

"AAAAAAAH" I screamed like a stereotypical blonde in a horror movie and just headed for the same path I was falling down towards.

"Violetta! I know that's awfully scary but please! For the love of God, just follow my instructions, okay? I know how to get us out of this."

"Will you explain everything later then, Chara? Huh!"

"I will, I swear this time!"

"Okay! Tell me where to go!"

I finally broke out of the giant forest and the neverending hill.

When I felt a flat, solid ground, I made a run for it and started sprinting towards a little cave opening to which Chara guided me to.

And there, we were greeted by a strange man on a boat.

The cave had an exit to a river where there was a strange hooded man on a boat waiting for us.

Even though I don't trust Chara with everything, this time my gut told me I should go with this strange man no matter what.

"Tra la la. I am the riverman. Or am I the riverwoman...? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?" Said the hooded figure.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 12 - Tra la la

Why does this priest figure have a goat stench?

"Don't question that, Violetta. I swear to God I'll explain that later too."

"You believe in God?" Geez, what a poser.

"Shut the fu-"

"Tra la la. Beware of the man who came from the other world." The river person said all of a sudden, as we were already somewhere in the middle of the river, far away from the threat that was coming to us.

"Oh, thanks for the warning. We were just running away from something like that."

"You idiot!" Chara was mad for some reason?

"Uh..." Said the river person confusingly.

"Aaaaaaaaaa" Chara was acting weird too.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked them both.

"How did that man look?" I could hear his voice tremble.

"It wasn't really a man, just a pair of eyes staring me down everywhere I went."

"Oh, you idiot!" The man said that to me?

"What did you just say-" I got cut off by a veil of darkness coming from the sky on our little boat.

"Stay back." The river person signaled with his hand for me to stay behind him.

"You see, Violetta, it looks like we're in great danger. So get a hold of your notebook, and do as I say since I can't control you at this moment."

I took the notebook out of my pocket, and then I saw countless pairs of eyes fill the water beneath us.

The river man looked as shocked as I was - I felt fear every time I looked at any of those eyes, the feeling was so immense that it felt like it was going to take over my heart.

"It can't do that as long as I'm inside your SOUL, but the problem is that it can drown us if we aren't careful enough." Chara responded to what I was thinking about.

The eyes filled the fog of darkness that surrounded our boat, so it was impossible to look away from them - they were underneath, in front, and above us!

Tiny pairs of eyes with deep black pupils that feel like they can take your soul and completely erase you from existence if you stare enough at them.

The river person took something out of his pocket that made a giant flashing yellow light - it looked like some sort of a magical torch or something similar. I couldn't really tell because the light was so bright, but it looked like it was making them disappear as the light grew stronger and stronger.

"Now's our chance, Violetta!" No! Wait! What did you say, Chara? Please don't do anything ridiculous.

And at that moment, I fell victim to Chara's mind games and manipulation - fear of her filled my body, and then she was able to fully equip it to her will.

Chara then, with the notebook in hand, raised her right leg completely up with her knee in front of her while raising herself on her toes with her left leg. Then she threw a serious kick at the river man's back and that way attacked him from behind.

Kicking him, she made him fall straight into the water, directly onto the deadly curious eyes that were surrounding us.

A big splash was made, which shook the boat, while I was screaming in my head, pleading Chara to stop doing this to everyone we encounter.

I was basically having a mental breakdown while she was giggling like a little girl.

"But how will we get out now? You need to learn how to think, Chara! Fucking hell." I was so mad at her.

"Don't worry, Violetta. I know how to steer a boat, and plus, that river man was an intruder I had to get rid of. If he stayed alive, he would've mentioned to the others that I'm here, which would make us both die."

"What about the eyes, then? Huh!"

"Don't you see Violetta? They're going away, and if you're wondering why - that's because we sacrificed the river man to the eye spirit following us. He didn't die, but rather he got erased from this worldline, and who knows when we will see him again.

And for the spirit, its name is W.D. Gaster or just Gaster for short. He knows that I've invaded this world, and his duty is to stop me, but he isn't the most sentient being out there - think of him as half-human, half-animal. He's aware of his research mission to collect all of his pieces shattered through time and space, but at the same time, he is acting purely based on his instincts, just like any typical forest animal.

Gaster accepted our sacrifice mostly because it was otherworldly, the river man's name is Ralsei, and he was back in the day a Dark Prince - back in the day before reaching this worldline, where he obviously doesn't belong. Sans and his brother, Papyrus, don't belong here either. Don't ask how they all ended up here, it's a long story.

But what's important is that I'm also a part of it, and you too.

You're the reincarnation of the first kid who held the PERSEVERANCE trait, or soul, to be exact.

She or he died tragically, but she was so strong that she managed to blind one eye of the greatest royal guard in the Underground. I don't know her name, and I never met her, but you are her reincarnation - meaning you've already been here and met most of the people living here, including Mom, Flowey, Sans, and probably Ralsei too.

You see, Violetta, this world is very very interesting and therefore it shouldn't exist.

It's a world forged in the chaos of timelines caused by the Great Royal Scientist - W.D. Gaster, who fell into his creation and shattered himself through countless timelines and parallel universes.

Each year he's stronger and stronger, including me too, who's sought to destroy him and take rule over all timelines so I can be the queen of time and space."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 13 - Happstablook

"Chara, where are we going?" I asked her as she was the one controlling my body - going through some random hot, volcanic area.

I've been thinking about what Chara told me for a long time now, and I've been wondering if everything she said is really true. She seemed really sincere this time, but how come I don't remember anything at all or at least my past life - I never chose to be reincarnated.

Could it be possible that it was against my will?

I don't understand anything that's going on now... Geez, everything is so confusing.

"Geez, Violetta, you're always whining about something." Chara made a remark.

"Well, I never chose to be a part of any of this!" I responded in a hostile tone because it was a true reflection of how I felt.

She was just silent, now standing in front of a giant white lab.

"Shit... The doors won't open-" And right as she said that the doors opened.

How magical!

We went inside, or better said, she, as she was still heavily controlling my body.

Which was probably a better choice in this situation.

The lab was empty, and Chara was cautious, looking over the smallest things like a paranoid maniac.

"Is anyone supposed to be here? I can feel your nervousness." I told Chara.

"Ugh, I hate this too sometimes. But yeah, a yellow lizard monster was supposed to be in here, but she's nowhere to be found!"

"Chara, duck down!" I screamed at her and took control of her body to avoid a metallic arm trying to hit us from behind. While Chara was rambling, I saw a sudden movement behind us in the reflection of a glass bottle on the table - which made me notice that arm in the first place.

"The fuck?" Chara took over the body again and turned around to see a giant metal robot that looked like a TV standing less than a meter behind us.

"I knew it!" Chara said out loud.

"HELLO DARLING. I SEE THAT YOU DOGDED MY FEROCIOUS ATTACK, BUT WORRY NOT. THE SHOW HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET." Said the robot with his loud and annoying metallic voice - why was he calling me a darling, what's wrong with him?

It looked like he wasn't planning to attack us again - he was definitely being cautious since he saw us react so fast to his attack.

"And you are?" I said curiously since Chara didn't even bother to explain.

"WHAT?" The robot was caught off-guard.

"His name is Mettaton, Violetta! You shouldn't have asked him that - just ask me instead next time to avoid any trouble. You're always doing the wrong thing!" Chara was complaining in my head again, but who cares about what she thinks? Plus, she wouldn't have even answered any of my questions like always.


"I don't know, it's my first time here."

"FIRST TIME? SO YOU ARE THE HUMAN THAT FELL DOWN AGAIN. IN THAT CASE..." The robot paused for a brief second.

"RUN VIOLETTA!" Chara shouted, taking control of my body and turning around to run to the exit of the lab as fast as possible.

The robot was still standing still, and as I turned around to see what he was doing - rockets started shooting out of him towards me and Chara!

"Fuck you, Happstablook!" Chara shouted and left the lab while the rockets destroyed the exit as soon as we left the building.

"DID. SHE. JUST. CALL. ME. HAPPSTABLOOK? I WILL MAKE SURE TO END YOUR LIFE, DARLING, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THIS LEVEL OF DISRESPECT IS SO..." What is he rambling about, what the fuck is a hapstablook? And why won't he shut up?

"It's unimportant now, Violetta! Stop standing there looking at him and just let me take the lead unless you want to go down with the entire lab."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 14 - Spider Sensation

"It's so hot in here!"

"Yeah, I know, Violetta. The weather in Hotlands is always hot no matter what season."

"I guess that makes sense, though, but still! This is too much for me."

"Stop whining for once, and just let's go." Chara said while taking my body on a trip through Hotlands.

We went through some weird kind of elevator that elevated us to the top floor where there were actually people, or better said, monsters. She chitchatted with a few of them along the way to get as much information as possible on Mettaton, his shows, and Alphys. Most people didn't want to bother answering her question because Chara's obviously a human - monsters and humans don't have a quite nice mutual history.

After walking around for who knows how long and constantly switching between floors, Chara seemed to finally find the thing she was looking for.

"There it is! You see that purple area? There's our next enemy."

"Why do we need to kill more people, aren't we powerful enough?"

"It's true, Violetta, that we don't really need to kill as much as I would without you - your soul provides me a greater strength than being on my own, but still, increasing LOVE is quite important if we plan to progress further."

"If you say so, Chara... Why does it feel like something is biting our foot?"

"No way!" Chara screamed out loud and kicked several spiders running up her feet while biting her ankles.

They wanted to enter her socks and other clothing, so she panicked severely, making sure to fend them all off while she could.

"Ah shit! Violetta, you take care of this. I'll be your eyes." Chara said, giving the control of my body back to me.

"Why now? The fuck?" I complained, but there was no time for that since we got entangled into a spider web almost instantly as she gave me control over my body. The webs lifted me up high in the air, and spiders crawled everywhere around my body and face, it was truly disgusting!

It's so disgusting that even the demon that comes when its name is called is afraid of it.

Ugh, I guess I'll handle this somehow, but I don't like spiders either!

"Ahuhuhuhu..." a squeaky voice said from the darkness.

"I know, Violetta! And no, I'm not leaving everything up to you because I'm afraid of spiders. It's a completely different reason though."

"Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhu..." It seems like there's somebody standing on top of a web in front of me!

Then, the said creature revealed itself. And for the entire time, it looked like an anthropomorphic spider was talking to me - getting ready to devour me any second now!

When she showed up, all the spiders completely disappeared from my body and went to her side. I was covered in the web, it was so sticky and gooey - it felt really inappropriate, especially since I was tied up so hard that I couldn't move. The only parts of me that were not covered by the web were my breasts and ass.

"Did you hear what he just said?"

"He said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through."

"I heard that they hate spiders."

"I heard that they love to stomp on them."

"I heard that they like to tear their legs off."

"I heard..."

"... that they're awfully stingy with their money."


"You think your taste is too refined for our pastries, don't you, deary? Ahuhuhu... I disagree with that notion. I think your taste... Is exactly what this next batch needs!" The crazy spider lady stopped with her talking to herself or her spider friends, and then she crawled the webs until she was right behind me.

She's so schizophrenic, geez.

I could feel her hot breath hit my neck - I couldn't see her, but since she had three pairs of arms, she started groping me everywhere she could.

Starting off with my boobs, my ass, and then my pussy.

"Ah!" I moaned while trying to resist her perversions.

"You won't get away with this! I hope you- Ah! Know this- Ah!" I felt so violated - her thin spider-like fingers touched all of my female private parts while Chara was ignoring the entire situation - the spider creature was taking away my pride, and the only thing I could do was endure it with my moans.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 15 - Arachnoswing

"LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION." A metallic voice said from afar.

And then, a couple of industrial film lights turned towards me, lightening the entire purple room up where Muffet was molesting me.

It didn't feel that weird since she was female, and I maybe have some weird spider fantasies that turned me on midst this surprise attack, but still, I want to get out of this position and go home ASAP!

AAAAAH! I hate touchy spiders and annoying robots.

"OH MY. I HOPE EVERYONE CAN SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL SIGHT..." Mettaton was rambling while I spaced out, and then I heard Chara say something that caught my attention.

"Switch." Chara said, taking control of my body.

I understood the assignment immediately and became her second pair of eyes like she was mine for a brief amount of time.

It's time to get out of this situation.

Chara headbutted the spider lady while she was touching us from behind, and that made her screech in pain and back off finally.

"IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A TWIST OF EVENTS." Mettaton was narrating the entire event from afar.

Then Chara lowered our head down toward our exposed breasts to bite off the web that was covering our neck, which gave her shoulders more wiggle room.

The spider lady suffered a concussion-

"Don't call her "the spider lady", her name is Muffet! At least narrate it right." Chara complained out loud.


Muffet suffered a concussion, but the spiders started swarming us to defend their queen or whatever Muffet was to them.

Chara somehow got one of the arms out, proceeding to take my pen (which I use for writing in the diary, obviously) out of our pocket to cut the now loosely cobwebs tied around us.

When she untied us, we started falling onto the surface from above, but we almost got stopped by one of Muffet's six arms since she finally became aware of the present situation.

"THE HUMAN ESCAPED IN SUCH A VIGOROUS WAY. THIS IS INCREDIBLE." Mettaton said to the cameras while the spotlights were following us and the Muffet.

It was a decisive battle - I bet people who are watching this on the TV betted on me instead of on Muffet! His stupid cameras were so annoying.

Chara got up and wobbled around on the cobwebs we were standing on before getting control over her body.

And then, the fighting commenced.

I could see Muffet's dark gray monster soul and our bright magenta human soul.

The real fight was about to begin.

"Now watch closely, Violetta. Don't let me down." Chara said to remind me of my duty.

"I won't, Chara. Let's go!" And then, with the notebook in our hand and glasses on our head, we went straight towards the Muffet.

Chara tried to slash her torso, but she moved to the left.


"Duck Chara, and go to the right!"

She listened to me for the first time and got to the Muffet's side, from where she cut one of her arms while falling back onto the cobwebs from which she jumped.


Muffet screamed in agony, and then I looked down to see a giant open jaw beneath the transparent cobweb floor we were standing on.

"Jump to the left Chara!"


And then she listened to me again, avoiding the spider monster's giant bite with which he made a breakthrough through the spider web floor.

Chara got back on her feet and then started to fight the monster with the notebook, and eventually made it go back to its original hole by bullying him for a little bit.

Muffet was growing a new arm for the entire time, healing in the shadow, before she jumped towards us!

Her spiders started crawling onto us while biting our exposed legs, which hurt more than I thought it would, I hate spider bites!

And then Muffet managed to land a solid hit on us with some of her spider magic.

That hurt me and Chara quite a lot, but then the unexpected happened - Chara used that opportunity to attack her.

She tried slashing her in half again, but that didn't work, and at the same moment, Muffet threw more of her magic spiders at us while dashing backwards to avoid another sneak attack from us, but her spider magic didn't hurt us, the magic spiders went straight through us, which made Chara able to go for the perfect hit with the notebook, dashing straight into muffet and going through her.

The hit was so strong and full magical power that it completely cut Muffet's head in two like we had a katana in our hands and not a regular notebook. She tried to regenerate her body like she did before with her hand while we were fighting that giant monster, but then Chara put the notebook back into our pocket, took her slashed head from the ground and threw it straight into the open jaw of the devastated monster that tried to eat us a minute or two ago.

The throw was perfect - she must've played baseball quite a lot.

Muffet's beloved companion, pet, or whatever it was ate her head completely, which is probably because it's underfed, and it would eat anything at that point.

Consciously or unconsciously, it ate its own owner, which was the perfect moment for us to destroy Muffet's soul.

And then, Chara and I put everything into the final blow to her body, slashing her soul in half and finally eliminating her, turning all of Muffet's body parts into dust and cobwebs into stone...

The feeling of killing someone felt irreplaceable. It felt like a massive amount of energy has been freed and pointed straight directly into our SOUL, even though the other person suffered a lot during its death or injury - we don't feel those person's feelings, regardless of the intention of the murder.

But instead, Chara and I felt a surge of DETERMINATION and PERSEVERANCE streaming through our veins - our SOUL and our blood were getting stronger and stronger with each monster we killed.

No amount of chocolate could replace this feeling - it's so romantic.

"Now let's kill Mettaton and end this once and for all." We said out loud to entertain the TV viewers.

"KILL METTATON? YOU CAN'T KILL ME YET. IT WOULDN'T BE FAIR TO THE VIEWERS WHO JUST TUNED IN. LET'S HAVE A BUILD-UP FIRST, AND SEE WHETHER YOU CAN CATCH ME OR NOT-" Mettaton got cut off mid sentence by Chara - she immediately dashed towards him, going through him with a powerful blow, just like we did with the Muffet.

But, Mettaton wasn't hurt at all???


ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 16 - Death by Perseverance

"Violetta, I hope you're ready for this." I'm Chara, let's go!

"Don't you like my new body, darling?" Mettaton Ex said from a distance.

His new body was absolutely gorgeous! I don't know why did he have to conserve himself in that box for the entire time, but damn, I wish I had curves like Mettaton Ex.

I'm his number one fan!

"Shut up Violetta! He is our enemy, you'll fangirl over him when we end his life."

"The viewers want to know who's Violetta, darling. And especially why you talk to yourself so much? I don't want it to affect my ratings."

"Violetta is someone special to me..." Aw.

"Someone special that I'll use to END YOUR LIFE." Chara dashed towards Mettaton Ex to attack his gorgeous body with our notebook.

Mettaton Ex laughed in his robotic voice and kicked us straight into the stomach with ultimate precision.

"Shit!" He took our breath, both figuratively and literally speaking!

Mettaton Ex was fast and coordinated, he was a strong opponent for us since we weren't able to farm more souls.

"Don't be so confused, darling. Our ratings are going to fall." The spotlights shined both onto him and me at the same time.

"Fuck your stupid ratings!" Chara screamed and ripped a piece of paper from the notebook.

She cut our wrist with it so hard that the blood was starting to come out of it pretty fast.

It hurt like hell, but Chara probably knows what she's doing, I'll leave it up to her!

"And you couldn't be more right." Chara smiled and went running straight towards Mettaton Ex again.

"Oh my, darling. Swearing and blood aren't the best for television. Common courtesy, if you excuse me."

She got close to Mettaton, and then he hit her again with his heel, but this time we didn't feel anything, even completely negating the knockback!

Then Chara swung the notebook, and before he could return his leg back to his body - his arm received a fatal blow, so fatal that his arm came out of its robotic socket.

His pupils disappeared at the time of the blow, and an explosion could be heard from the insides of his body.

Mettaton Ex's system was malfunctioning!

"Oh, darling!" He said, and then when I went in for the second hit onto his torso, his other hand went straight to my head which nailed us to the ground.

"Roll to the right!" I informed Chara, who rolled to the side to avoid his boot that went straight for my head!

"Take this fucker." Chara swung the notebook, hitting his hip and making him go a couple of steps backwards.

"Nuh uh, darling." And then another fatal blow from his shin unexpectedly landed on our head, but we absorbed it without a problem!

Luckily the ability was still there since that kick would've definitely killed us.

Then I spun like a ballerina around him to get to his back, where we stabbed him from behind with the notebook, completely piercing through his new glamourous robotic body.

"AHHHHH! DARLING." Mettaton screamed, and then he started falling apart right in front of our eyes.

I'll be so popular on television! Especially after that ballerina spin!

He fell onto his knees and started malfunctioning.

"Ratings. Ratings. Ratings. Ratings." Was the only thing he was saying.

"No! Mettaton!" A female voice said from behind us.

I turned around to see Alphy's staring at us three, while behind her was a person standing in full armor.

"That's not a person, it's a fish - the greatest royal guard in the Underground, her name is Undyne." Chara corrected me.

"Back off, Alphys. I'll handle this." Said Undyne through her helmet, which she removed afterwards.

Then while we were standing there, she threw one of her bright blue magic spears to separate us from Mettaton so we don't kill him.

"Violetta, I'm so tired... Please take control." Chara said before almost fainting with my body.

"Understood! This will be fun." I reassured her.

"Less talking, more fighting.", "En guarde!" Undyne shouted, aiming simultaneously 10s of her magic spears that were levitating, only at me.

A small 16 year old girl ready for cameras and action!

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 17 - Sushi Massacre

"Give me everything you got!" I told Undyne and then took one of her magic spears out of the ground, stabbing Mettaton Ex's heart and shattering his soul into pieces!


I felt the surge of power coming over my body as I was finally ready to perform instead of letting Chara do everything for me.

I have the demon's eyes! The demon that comes when its name is called is me!

My LOVE increased as I absorbed Mettaton's soul, and then dozens of spears started flying directly towards me!

I then started spinning the spear and deflected every one of her spear attacks, launching directly at her with the spear in hand.

I didn't go straight for her since it would be obvious so she'd dodge the attack, so I aimed for her right side, at the height of her heart!

But then she turned left to attack me from behind.

"Luck isn't on your side today." Undyne said in a calm manner, regardless of the intensity of the fight.

I turned around and deflected her spear, which she thrust at me.


I was so agile and ofc elegant!

We then got into a sword fight with our spears which was more intense than I thought it would be.

We toured the entire room by constantly dodging, deflecting, and attacking one another.

Her attacks were always direct and full of force.

While mine were elegant and full of perseverance.

My plan wasn't to kill her but rather to emotionally drain her.

And then, I noticed Alphys was still standing at the entrance of the entire place, looking over, scared as shit who'll kill who - so I did the unthinkable.

I deflected what was about to be Undyne's last blow, and then I threw my spear directly at Alphys heart.

It hit so perfectly that she immediately started turning into dust - her soul was shattered, and I could already feel more power I gathered from her and her life work.

"NO!" Undyne turned to see Alphys die - and in the last moment before completely vanishing, Alphys made a heart out of her hands before they disappeared.

"Sorry, I didn't know she loved you." I said calmly, taking the notebook out of my pocket and thrusting it at paralyzed Undyne.

She turned to me the same second I decapitated her - looking in disbelief at what I did.

Her head rolled onto the ground.

Now she'll be able to look at Alphys as much as she wants since that decision cost her entire life and legacy.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 18 - Love Song

"Finally! We're done here. Now let's go kill Sans, Violetta."

"You said we would maybe have to kill him."

"Yeah, but we can't fly under the radar anymore. Let's go now."

I turned around and went towards the exit of Muffet's lair.

On the way out, we had to pass Mettaton Ex's destroyed body.

His torso was shattered, and almost all limbs severed, but his head was still preserved quite well.

When we were to pass by him, his eyes lightened up without any pupils, and suddenly, a familiar song started coming out of his mouth.

"Oh my love" What did he say?

"Please run away"

"Monster King"

"Forbids your stay"

The robotic singing was accompanied by a melodic tune, I feel like I already have heard this song before, and even Chara wasn't surprised by it.

"Humans must"

"Live far apart"

"Even if"

"It breaks my heart"

"They'll put you"

"In the dungeon"

"It'll suck"

"And then you'll die a lot"

What is he on about? I was standing above him the entire time, cautiously looking around to see if there was some surprise or a trick that this dead robot was pulling.

"Really sad"

"You're gonna die"

"Cry cry cry"

"So sad it's happening."

And then the robot lost power.

"Only if you could guess how many times I heard that song. I know the entire lyrics, wanna hear it again?" Chara said suddenly.

"No thanks, let's just go to the Judgement Hall."

And then, as I was about to leave Muffet's spider den, Mettaton Ex's head activated for one last time.

"Knock 'em dead, darling!"

After that, it finally went off.

"I could actually shed a tear for him, I feel kinda bad for portraying him in the bad light."

"What do you mean Violetta?"

"For embarrassing him in front of his home audience."

"Don't worry, the viewers loved it."

"You think so? How was my hair and overall style? Were my movements gracious enough for the television?"

"Yes Violetta! You were great. Let's go now."

"Aw, that's so sweet of you Chara."

"Don't get used to it."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 19 - Drunk Chara

"And that's how I killed Mettaton, the fish warrior, and the crazy spider! Don't you realize that it's funny as fuck how all that happened in such a short period of time! Geez Burger Freak, could you pleaseeeeeeee get me another pint of beer." Chara wobbled drunkenly to this weird ass knockoff McDonalds worker.

"Ah, Burger Freak is it? After I've been serving you this well, you can't afford yourself to call me by a different name? Why do I always get the worst customers?"

"Don't complaaaaaain, you're still getting paid."

"Paid in what? You don't have anything to give me in return. I'm basically a hostage at this point! Isn't that funny?"

"Hmh, I guess you kinda make sense."

"You can always show me a little bit of your cleavage. That's how usually girls your age return the favor."

"Oh listen up you pervert! Try mentioning that again, and I'll slit your throat." Chara pulled him by his shirt while saying all of that. She was so drunk that she was spitting like a maniac while shouting at him, but fortunately for him, she left him alone soon afterwards.

"Anywaaaaaaaays, where's that beer, Burger Freak?"

"Here, here! Give me a second." And then he left to the kitchen.

"Tell me Violetta, why do you always have to narrate everything happening around us two? Can't you just shut up for once? Is it that hard to have your mouth shut?"

"I think it would be more appropriate for you to answer the latter part of your question."

"Oh you little bitch! You will see, you will see."

"See what?"

"THIS!" Then she took the plastic fork from the cutlery and stabbed our hand!

"What are you doing? That didn't even hurt. You petty idiot."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You'll seeeeee." Then she took the plastic knife from the cutlery and started cutting our veins?

What is this girl even thinking about?

"Here's your beer madam- What?!" Even the Burger Freak was surprised.

"What is your problem? Don't you see I'm kinda busy at the moment?"

"I can't afford to lose you! You're too valuable as a customer." Then he took the plastic knife out of our hands, throwing it in the garbage.

"Woooooow, am I so valuable to you?" Chara tilted her head towards him.

"No. I just don't want you to scare our other customers."

"Oh you fucker!" Chara then chugged half of the beer found in the pint, and then she threw it at Burger Freak.

Burger Freak dodged it, so instead of hitting him, it hit the fryer behind him, which broke it apart in so many pieces. Some of the glass pieces probably injured Burger Freak, but as soon as she heard him literally scream at the top of his lungs, Chara just got up from the chair and immediately started running towards the toilet, tripping and falling at least a few times before finally making it to the closest female stall.

"Oh no! Please don't do what I think you'll do Chara!"

And then she started puking into the toilet all the beer she drank - only if there was someone to hold our hair while puking!

Now everything is going to be messy......

How will we have our perfect victory with such a ruined appearance.......




And then more and more vomit left my mouth, and sometimes nose at the same time...

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 20 - The Locket

"Tell me Chara, where are we going now?"

"We are going to kill Sans and to also get something very important to me, darling."

"Did- Did you just call me darling?

"Maybe, don't blush so easily. Don't try imagining us as a yuri couple or I'll slit your throat."

"Uhhhhh.... Too late for that."

"Oh Violetta! You pervert!"

We were heading through this large grey hall that led to an elevator that we entered shortly after reaching the end of the hall.

It took us to a setting that looked like an identical copy of the RUINS, but it was grey, and it gave this dried expression of lifelessness.

It was quite a depressing sight, to be honest.

"It truly is depressing Violetta, now let's go and get that thing of mine."

We entered a home that was identical to Toriel's, and then we got into the room that resembled mine, or better say Chara's room from the RUINS.

There were two presents on the floor, and Chara opened them both.

One present contained a heart locket, while the other one had a worn dagger - quite a strange choice of items if you ask me.

"No silly, this is my personal locket, and this is a real knife." She said while pointing to both items while putting them on us.

But she made sure to feel the knife's sharpness by going over the front part with the tip of her finger, luckily it didn't cut her at all.

It was weird that she didn't even want to open the locket to see the thing she holds so dear next to her heart, but I'll do it instead later.

"You know I can hear you, right?"

"Yes, I know, we're the one and the same. I'm dire to know everything about you."

"One and the same? Is that so?"

"Yeah, aren't we Chara?"

"I guess we are."

"How are those two items yours though?"

"They belonged to me before I died."

"That's fascinating! I can feel your adrenaline rush, just so you know."

"Geez, I'm not that excited Chara."

"Then let's go kill Sans! This will be so fun."

"You really changed over the past week, Violetta. I'll give you props for that."

"Now that you mention last week... Do you remember Gaster?"

"I do, I planned to warn you about him before going into this fight with Sans. Also, keep your eye on Flowey because he's on their side."

"We plan to destroy the world, Chara? Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Then at least let's do it together."

"It would be my pleasure Violetta."

"Let's go then Chara! We have no time to waste. It's time to put an end to all of this."

"It truly is. That means we will be separating soon."

"Really? I didn't know time passed that quickly."

"I know Violetta, but one day we might meet again. You'll be so powerful you'll be able to do whatever you want! It's so weird you don't have any ulterior motives."

"I don't know Chara - hanging out with you has just been too fun to think about anything else. I'm having the best time of my life."

"Rarely anyone who has any business with a demon like that has the guts to say that. You truly are different."

"The demon that comes when its name is called - Chara."

"That's right. Now let's go, Violetta."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 21 - Perseverance

"I've done it."

"Using the blueprints, I've extracted it from the human SOULs."

"I believe this is what gives their SOULs the strength to persist after death."

"The will to keep living... The resolve to change fate."

"Let's call this power..."


"But, it seems like there's more to it..."

"Another type of resonance was found in small pieces within another human SOUL."

"Or a matter of fact, at least six more of them exist for sure."

"Determination is the strongest of them all."

"Perseverance is the second strongest one."

"And Justice is the third."

"Knowing all of this is crucial for further research."

"But the one conclusion that keeps coming to my head in regards to all of this is..."

"That the one whose SOUL has all 7 of these traits - that being's SOUL will be capable of unimaginable things."


The cassette went out of the player.

"I see now, Chara."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 22 - Omen

So this is the Judgement Hall?

Once I stepped into it, I could already see someone waiting for me in the middle of it.

It wasn't Sans, nor was it Flowey, but it looked like to be someone third.


Me and Chara thought the same thing at the same time.

We came closer to him to see that it wasn't Gaster, but rather Ralsei, the River Man, who we threw into that river as a sacrifice to Gaster.

"Tra la la, why don't you sing with me? Tra la la." He said.

I drew the knife out of my pocket, ready for any surprise attacks.

But then, with my peripheral vision, I saw that hundreds of eyes had appeared on the windows of the Judgement Hall, staring directly at me.

They were staring me down, and I started feeling a little bit lethargic.

I need to figure out what is that thing! Damn it.

Why did the eyes appear again, and why do I feel so weak?

"They're draining our Determination, it's Gaster again. Fight or die, Violetta." Chara said to me.

I see how it is then.

"I will sing with you, Ralsei."

"Tra la la, really?"

"Only if you let me accompany my singing with dancing."

"Tra la la, only if it's elegant."

"Fair enough, tra la la."

I started singing while starting to dance like a ballerina.

Even though I was never a professional dancer, my moves were still exquisite enough to keep any man's attention, especially of a being that's missing their other part of consciousness.

I spun and twirled in so many beautiful ways.

While the hundreds of curious eyes kept their attention on me.

The audience was bigger than what they promised.

And when I finally managed to get closer to Gaster, I stopped dancing.

I was centred right symmetrically in the middle of the room, facing him head first.

We were only separated by a few meters, and the tension was high.

"Hallelujah." I put my hands in prayer, closing my eyes.

"Lock and load." Chara answered my call.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 23 - Prince from the Dark

As soon as I heard Chara's words, I readied my blade and went straight for his neck.

Gaster, or better said, Ralsei saw that coming, taking out the exact replica of my knife from his pocket and deflecting my attack.

It felt like hitting a mirror - he would mimic my moves while also moving in the same line as me.

I couldn't escape him!

His attacks were perfectly coordinated with mine.

I tried slashing him, stabbing him, or even thrusting the blade through his heart, but whenever I did that, it almost happened to me too, unless I dodged it.

His secret weapon is mimicry!

I dashed so many times at him, but he'd always do the same, forcing me to retreat.

I was already out of breath, and I'm not even close to beating him! I need to take a break for a moment, so since he will do exactly what I'm doing, at least he won't attack me.

What can I even do about this?

Think Violetta! Think!

Look around and try to see if there's anything you can use against him...

Or if there's anything being used against you.

The eyes.

The eyes on the Judgment Hall's windows! They have been following me the entire time!

The eyes are casting their judgement on me, I can feel it. And I can also feel them every time I try to do anything against their master.

But how do I get rid of them?

The windows are too big for me to break them, but if I were to do that...

Ralsei would mimic my behavior!

He's much stronger and taller, so if he hits a window, it will definitely destroy it.

It can't hurt to try.

I was still standing still until I started walking to the first window to my right - Ralsei did the exact same thing.

I punched the window with my hand to see if he'd do the same thing, and to my surprise he did.

The only gross part about is that I'm literally touching the eyes that are all over these windows. It just feels wrong to even look at them.

But that's not important now!

I started kicking the window as hard as I could without harming myself, and Ralsei followed.

After a while, I heard glass shatter, and when I took a look at him again, he actually destroyed one of the windows.

Great! But now I have to repeat the process for every one of them...

There are about 14 of them if you count both sides, this means it'll take me a lot of time to do it, but even then, what after that?

Will he start using his free will, or will I fight a soulless dummy?

And what will I do with the last window? The problem is that I can't make him destroy the last window since I wouldn't have one for myself that the eyes could use as a reference.

He can't literally copy every one of my moves, but if I do something unpredictable that even the eyes can't see...

I gave up on breaking the glass and started running as fast as possible towards Ralsei.

He was standing still, waiting for my attack, but instead of attacking him, I ran past him and went straight through the doorway he was blocking in the first place.

I could hear his heavy steps from behind me, and then I turned around to see him maniacally chasing me with a knife!

I wanted to stop in the hallway to kill him where there were no eyes but to my surprise, they were with us, I just didn't notice them until I looked up.

The ceiling was full of the same expressionless eyes that had terrorized me since the beginning of my journey with Chara.

It looks like I'll actually have to be unpredictable.

I went straight for the Asgore's throne room which was empty? But that didn't matter at the moment since Ralsei was still rushing at me at full speed.

I headed for the main window, but Asgore's chair was in the way, so I decided to jump over it instead of going around it.

Then Ralsei did the same thing, but instead of falling gracefully and rolling onto the golden flower beds like me, he tripped because he was significantly bigger, bringing the entire chair down with him.

I then quickly threw myself onto my back like a turtle and then as he was falling head first onto me, I pushed him with my strong thick legs into the main window that broke as it absorbed the full momentum Ralsei gathered while chasing me and then falling straight into my trap.

In the human world, I always wanted to have a big ass, so I went to the gym frequently, where my legs, especially thighs, reached a quite bulky size and strength that saved my life.

They were still gentle and elegant though, not visibly muscular.

This is why girls with big asses are the best! Big tits will only slow you down and make your life way more miserable.

"Excuses, excuses." Chara said.

"Knock it off! And admire my ass for once~" I responded lusciously.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 24 - Your Best Nightmare

I finally got rid of him.

The glass shards barely even scratched me, and all my clothes were intact.

Which is very important if I happen to stumble across some hot guy that may be my future husband.

My ass probably looked so good during the fight! I bet it was the main thing that distracted Ralsei while he was chasing me.

"Wow, Violetta. I never saw such a big ass." A weird yellow talking flower popped out from the rest just to sexually harass me?

"I know! Wanna touch?"

"Golly! Of course I do."

"Those tentacles of yours will be handy some other time. But, now it's your time to die!"

I took my knife out of the pocket and went straight for the flower's head.

"Not so fast! I sold my soul to him, need I remind you?" Flowey said.

"To who?"

"To God."

His face went missing, and all flowers from the flowerbeds started extending until they reached my knee height.

I tried to run away from the room, but the doorway got blocked by the giant flower roots.

And the flowers continued to rise and expand like water in a sunken car.

"I won't let you drown me!" I said while cutting up everything that was in the way of me escaping.

As I saw that there was no point in reaching the main door, I turned back and headed straight for the window.

The more flowers I cut, the faster they'd start growing, but once I got to the window, I noticed that the fall would be fatal for me.

The rough wind was hitting my face as I stood on the window frame to look down at the ground.

Then I got an idea again!

Hopefully, it works...

I took one of the flowers and then tied it around my wrist, and with the knife in my other hand, I jumped from the window, going straight for a free fall while tied to one of Flowey's parts.

The throne room was definitely 80 meters high, if not more! But the stretchability and lengthiness of Flowey's counterpart kept me alive and almost dislocated my wrist as I reached its maximum upon falling.

It pulled me once like a bungee rope, but when I had to fall for the second time, it broke completely, sentencing me to a 30 meter free fall!

I then took a piece of paper from the notebook and cut one of my wrists to let some of my blood.

This activated the invulnerability effect, which made me absorb the fall damage.

I was a little bit confused at first since I still kinda felt the impact upon the fall but not any pain.

The entire castle was magnificently tall, it was built on some really big flat surface that now I'm stuck on.

I started walking away from the castle, and then I entered this grassy field, which was suspiciously quiet.

I was thinking about what I should do in this situation because if Ralsei is dead, that probably means that I also have to get rid of Flowey and everyone else who gave their soul to Gaster.

I really don't have the time for this, but there isn't any other way.

And right as I thought that I heard something swivel up from behind me.

I instinctually turned around towards the sound with the knife in my hand, and then one of Flowey's roots went straight for my eyes. I dropped to my right side to avoid the attack, cutting the root in the motion, but then I heard another one from my other side.

And then another one from the front!

I made sure to cut up both with such precision that it made me roll backwards.

Then I pushed myself out of the roll and jumped high in the air to avoid a couple more of them that I already heard coming.

When I dropped onto the ground, I started spinning to cut all of the violent roots and vines that surrounded me or that spiraled straight at me.

Fighting with them was so tiring because I always had to come up with some new move to avoid multiple of them at once.

All that went smoothly until I was finally caught off guard.

When I landed on the ground again after jumping high in the air to avoid them, one of them caught me low by the ankle, pulling me down towards him and making me fall directly onto my face. I carved my knife into the ground to stop myself, but the roots were so strong that they lifted me up without a problem as it was extending itself from the ground.

More and more golden flowers started coming out of the ground with multiple roots connected to each one of them.

Basically, the same thing was happening as in the throne room, but this time at least they couldn't suffocate me.

The root was still holding me tightly by my ankle upside down, but it was too far from my reach, so I couldn't even cut it with my knife.

"Well, I guess this is how it ends." I muttered to myself.

"Don't be so upset, Violetta, Chara, or whatever your name is." Said the only golden flower with the face.

"You again, huh?"

"You did a lot of damage to me and my friends."

"You're talking about all the flowers I cut?"

"Yes, now you'll suffer the same fate as them." When he said that, the root that was holding my ankle was accompanied by another root which started slithering along my leg and then into my underwear.

"You can't do this! Get off me."

"Stop me. I don't control any of my actions anyways."

"Ah.. Ah... Oh my god! If you weren't touching me where you shouldn't.... Maybe I'd let you live! Ah!" While moaning out of forced pleasure, I threw the knife straight at Flowey's face, and it hit right between his eyes.

"Oh............. I wasn't expecting such an uncanny move. Farewell, human." Flowey lost his face again and turned into a blank flower.

The tentacles touching my private parts finally stopped, and the other one even let my ankle go, which made me fall straight onto my face.

All the roots, flowers, and vines that were scattered through this big grassy field started turning to dust as I watched Flowey's soul shatter.

It was really windy today, and there was A LOT of dust everywhere.

I could barely see for some time, so I closed and covered my eyes to not get permanently blinded.

But when I opened them again, I saw another figure my height appear right in front of me.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 25 - Megalovania

"you can probably guess what is about to happen." Sans said.

He was a couple of meters away from me, but he was still scary, especially now that he was missing both of his eyes.

"Where are your pupils?" I asked naively.

"he took them away from me."

I heard something charge up behind me!

I turned around and avoided the large laser that came my own way as soon as I saw this giant...

Gaster Blaster!

I ran quickly for my knife while having to dodge even more of Gaster Blasters from all possible directions.

And when I finally picked it up, I went straight for his heart.

He threw many obstacles in my way as I was running towards him now that he was much further from me.

Multiple rows of bones commenced out of the ground, but I dodged them all, along with the blasters that accompanied them by either shooting me from the side or from any other direction where I couldn't see them.

I could hear all of his attacks before they were fully deployed onto me, which made me aware of literally every single move.

"Got you!" I said while swinging my knife at Sans's torso.

He was standing still the entire time as he was waiting for me to come towards him.

But as soon my knife was supposed to slash him, he lifted me up with his hand, throwing me straight back into the throne room with such force!

My back hit the ceiling of the throne room as I burst through its already broken window, and Sans teleported along with me.

I got up from the hard concrete floor that was now missing all golden flowers, and I immediately dodged one of Sans's bones that came right behind me.

I was in the middle of the room while he was sitting on the throne like a king with his legs crossed and arms on the armrests.

Every time I was supposed to hit him, he'd either blocked it with some sort of a bone attack or by just moving me wherever he liked.

"Aren't you going to get tired of this?" I asked him while still trying to hit him.

He was throwing me straight at the walls, ceiling and floor of this tiny cramped room.

Wait, that's it! This room is too small, which gives him an advantage over me.

Then I'll just run again!

"Fuck you." I said while storming off through the exit down into the hallway that led me out to the Judgement Hall.

It looks like the thousands of eyes that were on the windows disappeared as soon as I killed Ralsei.

But the problem now is that I have a teleporting skeleton trying to kill me!

And as I was about to exit the Judgement Hall, a pair of bones came straight out of the ground at such speed that they couldn't be noticed, going through my knees and completely immobilizing me.

"Aaaaaaaaah! Fuck off already." I said while falling onto the ground.

I turned around and was now facing Sans, who was slowly walking towards me.

"you don't like the situation you're currently in?"

"Not really! You destroyed both of my knees. How am I supposed to even get up now?" I said while setting myself to sit in a more comfortable position.

"you won't really need them anymore. die." A giant Gaster Blaster that's three times bigger than Asgore, barely even fitting in the room, appeared behind him and then shot us both...

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 26 - The Man who Speaks in Hands

"Shit... She should still be alive, but why did you go for him as well? Don't you realize you're now at a major disadvantage." I said to Gaster as I was slowly getting up with Violetta's body.

"Feels good to be back! Don't you agree? At least speak to me."

"I DON'T HAVE THE NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU. OBSERVING YOU IS PRACTICALLY ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE PLANNING WITH THIS ENTIRE WORLD." Said Gaster, who was in his full form, completely materialized, standing on the ground just where Sans was standing before the Gaster Blaster took Violetta and him.




"Listen Gaster, I know more about the machine than you because I used it more than you in who knows how many wordlines. And never once was I shattered through time and space like you, but still, there's always that running risk which I have to manage."

"But to answer your question, why am I even doing this at all? Well, the answer for that question is because..."

"I was bored."

I took the notebook out of my pocket, applying all of my PERSEVERANCE into it and then I threw a giant magical slash which powerfully pierced right through his body.

The purple wave of PERSEVERANCE cut him in half, and that itself made him explode into multiple pieces.

His soul finally got destroyed, and that resulted in a large boom that destroyed the entire Judgement Hall.

Even though he absorbed the entire Underground and the human souls, he was still no match for me.

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 27 - Reflection

"Ah, Violetta."

"It was quite fun."

"It's unfortunate that you'll be unconscious for who knows how long."

"I had to use all of your available PERSEVERANCE to protect your soul from being destroyed by Gaster."

"But that doesn't matter now."

"I figured out that I'm the strongest I've ever been."

"My soul is flowing with both DETERMINATION and PERSEVERANCE, and now, I only have a few more resonances to collect before becoming the strongest being in the entire universe of timelines."

"All thanks to you and your literal perseverance."

"I'm so sad this has to come to such a quick end."

"I enjoyed the time we spent together and really liked operating with one another stuck in one body."

"It's not far from the truth that I'll certainly miss you a lot since I'll probably never even see you again in any further wordlines."

"But so be it!"

"I hope my next roommate is as twice as good as you were."

"I hope you remember my name even after I send you off somewhere else."

"I hope you're full of hopes and dreams you want to pursue, at least do it for me if you're not feeling like it."

"Don't forget. I'm Chara, the demon that comes when its name is called."

ULTRAVIOLET | Chapter 28 - Devil Town

"Violetta. Violetta.. Violetta... Violetta! Wake up already." A feminine voice said.

I took a look and saw my teacher shaking me to wake up.

"No sleeping allowed in my class. Do that once again, and you're practically asking for detention at that point."

"Sorry! I didn't mean to..." I said awkwardly.

"It's okay. Now, children, let's focus on this lesson. It will be very important since it will appear on the final exam that everyone..." And then the teacher went on with her ramblings.

Geez, I barely even remember anything. I wonder, for how long have I slept?

That dream I had was crazy, I hope it happens again...
