
Chapter 0, Chapter 1, Chapter 2,


Status: Discontinued (Jul 23, 2023)


''Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. The HUMANS were much stronger - they had a magic system dependent on the sexual energy that would produce during the intercourse of a HUMAN and a MONSTER. As war broke out due to some undisclosed circumstances, HUMANS used that to their advantage to forcefully harness as much energy as possible, to create a barrier between their two worlds..''

Get ready for some hardcore lemon, staring Frisk and Flowey. It's a story full of sexual relations and intercourses, exploitation, fantasies, weird kinks and fetishes. You have been advised - this piece of literature will arouse you as much as it will entertain~

Frisk is about get sent on a diplomatic mission to the Underground. She just turned 18 - meaning she's an unexperienced innocent girl that has never been touched before. Her visit to the Underground will change the relations between HUMANS and MONSTERS forever, and THE KING'S secrets will be finally revealed.

Underthirst | Chapter 0 - Prologue

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. The HUMANS were much stronger - they had a magic system dependent on the sexual energy that would produce during the intercourse of a HUMAN and a MONSTER. As war broke out due to some undisclosed circumstances, HUMANS used that to their advantage to forcefully harness as much energy as possible, to create a barrier between their two worlds.

MONSTERS were banished underground, deprived of the sexual magic that could only be produced with two separate races mating together. The reason why the barrier is still standing is that the HUMANS have taken plenty of MONSTERS hostage, who they use for reproducing in order to create as much sexual energy as possible.

The problem is the MONSTERS above the Underground are slowly dying because they're becoming more and more inbred as new generations are coming. So in order to stop that, THE KING of the World Above has prepared intelligence tests for all high schoolers who turned 18 in a specific region of the World Above...

202X. Ebott - a small town next to Mt. Ebott - the only known entrance to the Underground.

Throughout history, it was known as the city of powerful mages and clerics who were responsible for sealing the MONSTERS underground in the first place. So from that town, one HUMAN will be selected for a diplomatic mission to achieve peace and prosperity between the two races.

A possible descendant of an ancient warrior will step once again into the world of MONSTERS to fight their way back for FREEDOM and FRIENDSHIP...

Underthirst | Chapter 1 - Slutty Frisk

THE KING of the World Above made an announcement earlier today. It was the exam day - a day where the smartest, the most powerful, and the most agile of our world take the final exam, which will decide what will happen with their life.

Some are going to be sent to certain locations and camps, while others are going to be recruited for scientific research, and the most DETERMINED one will be sent to the Underground, to the world below, on a diplomatic mission of restoring peace and unity...

Later that day... Ebott.

Frisk was one of the youngest people in the village. Unfortunately, every year, Ebott is losing more and more people. They either moved out or just died naturally from old age, and since Frisk has finally turned 18, it's now her time to go as well.

She has been selected to participate in the grand exam. That's considered a privilege in the World Above since only a certain number of selected children have a right to pursue education. Some may call that tyranny, but it's how things function up there.

Frisk was one of the smartest and most DETERMINED children who always got the top scores on all of her previous tests and exams. It's rumored that she's going to be sent to the Underground, but nobody is quite sure yet.

She doesn't have a lot of friends but is visually one of the most attractive people you can ever see in the World Above. She had short, perfectly cut, brown hair with bangs and dark, curious eyes that were sharp and steady.

Her face was gentle - anyone can tell she's the type of girl to care a lot about herself.

On the other hand, Frisk's outfits were the most sexually endorsing clothing you could find in the World Above. Her big breasts were barely even covered, with a thin line going across her nipples. She would wear this top even during cold weather, so you would be able to perfectly see her stiff nipples through her clothing.

Her waist and midriff were completely exposed. She always wore a short pair of shorts which was a number smaller than it should've been. Frisk especially likes to have her ass exposed that way - she likes it when it can't completely cover her sexy body.

Frisk always wore heels that were perfectly adjusted to her foot's size. They were made precisely to make her walking even more efficient than in regular shoes.

It was hard not to notice Frisk, as she came from one of the most powerful families in the World Above. And she's definitely known in the entire kingdom as the sluttiest and perverted female you can find.

The rumor goes that with just enough money, you can get any kind of sexual favors from her. Whether you like to dominate or be dominated, Frisk is always going to fulfill all of your fantasies if you're willing to give your money and sexual energy away.

Why sexual energy? Because sexual energy is the most important resource in the World Above. Of course, it's difficult to produce it without the use of a monster from the Underground, but still, sex with a regular person will work as well - if a male ejaculates his energy and DETERMINATION will be taken away until he refills once again.

That's how the world works in this timeline, and Frisk was definitely aware of that. So she intentionally made herself a slut, that's willing to do anything for anyone. Frisk knows that giving her body away is the best way to drain sexual energy from others, as females can only consume, while males can only get their sexual energy drained by other females or just themselves.

Frisk was a smart girl. She built her status, career, and grades with the use of sexual energy she would drain from people ejaculating into her every night she would provocatively go to the town.

That's why THE KING has most likely settled on her to be the missionary that's going to go to the Underground. He knows he'll need someone slutty enough who acts like a whore to successfully capture the sexual energy of other monsters.

You can't die from an overload of sexual energy, but you can be hypnotized by other monsters, meaning they can do whatever they want with you as long

as you're in the state of a trance, and that way drain your SE and


Frisk is well aware of everything that the monsters can do to her in the Underground, but just in case anything unexpected happens, she has to sign the contract with THE KING himself, which states how everything that happens to her down there is by her own will, and that she as a fully adult woman takes full responsibility for everything that can and can't happen to her.

Most candidates would give up now already, but Frisk was ready for unexpected and expected sexual intercourse in the Underground and also for various different fetishes and deviations that she will have to let take place on her own body.

The only reason why Frisk is so DETERMINED is that her family is one of the most powerful in the World Above. They were the ones that successfully sealed the Underground and protected everyone from the evil influence of the monsters. So her DETERMINATION is hereditary.

Her family preserved and practiced the use of sexual energy that no other families have ever seen. They were the best mages and sorcerers for a reason, and Frisk happened to be one of them.

Now it's her duty to pass the exam tomorrow and go straight into the Underground in order to liberate and unite the people from the World Above and the Underground.

Frisk is supposedly the first one to ever do this in the entire history of the World Above. So let's see how it turns out for her in the end, and what is the real meaning of this dark and perverted twisted world...

Underthirst | Chapter 2 - Final Exam

4 AM

Frisk got out of her bed. She woke up at a late time for others, but for her, the day had just started. The sun hasn't even risen yet, and she's already preparing for her big day.

She's used to living alone with no company besides her cat, her only best friend, who is always there for her no matter what happens. Luckily for her, cats don't judge as humans do, and they were pretty easy to entertain.

Frisk was just worried about what will she do with the cat when she finally goes to the Underground. She still isn't sure about what to do.

She started preparing herself without even going to the bathroom or kitchen to take something to eat. Frisk believed in this old principle that you have to work for food, just like her ancestors did. So it would be stupid for her to reward herself for just getting up from bed.

Textbooks ready, notebooks set, and then she started preparing for her test. She was about to revise everything with her cat next to her, without getting up until she finishes it all.

Morning routines are Frisk's favorite thing to do because, that way, she's always ahead of everyone.

Most of the subjects that she was focusing on had to do with sexual energy and arithmetics. It was the most important subject in the World Above because the entire functioning system and ruling classes relied on it.

It's still a new thing for most humans, so it's hard to adapt to a new system like that. It's also pretty unresearched, and there's just so much to talk about when discussing how that kind of energy functions within our bodies and beyond.

Frisk was fascinated by what she could do with just manifesting this energy out of her body while also draining it from the men who were looking to please her. So everybody that was thinking how they were using Frisk for her body was actually being used by her on the other end.

She doesn't care about her dignity and honor, as she's always the one that wins in the end, even if people don't realize that she still gets an advantage over them by taking away their energy and making them unwilling to do anything productive.

Rumors were spreading that Frisk might be a sexual demon who came from the Underground to terrorize the citizens of the World Above. Since she would only interact with other people when wanting to indulge in sexual intercourse to steal energy.

Little did they know she actually has a noble background of mages and successes that have divided the two existing worlds. All of her wishes and goals are hereditary, so she's just continuing the legacy of her ancestors...

12 PM

The test starts in less than an hour. Frisk had already finished all of her work 30 minutes ago, so she wasn't in a hurry at all. She recited everything she needed to know without missing a single definition or word. Finally, Frisk is ready to go Underground and explore the unknown.

She packed her things and said goodbye to her cute kitty. Then, Frisk left the house and headed straight to the center of Ebott, where she would take the test with a couple of other students as well.

When she arrived, everybody was looking at her, disgusted and jealous, knowing Frisk was easily going to beat everyone's score. She wasn't popular at all with people in her area, especially with the girls who always envied her and her abilities.

They all got into the classroom and sat a couple of tables away from each other so they couldn't copy each other's answers. This was a rule set by the headmaster, who came in a couple of minutes later to hand them in their tests.

Frisk was happy to finally receive this important piece of paper; by just looking at it, she already knew all the questions and how to answer them.

"This is going to be easy as a piece of cake..." She thought to herself.

After a couple of minutes had passed, she already wrote more than she even should've. The questions were so easy for her that she was the first student to even finish them. The headmaster and the council supervising everything were shocked at how fast she did do that.

They advised her to check if the answers were correct and that she may need to slow down a little bit, but she just said that she knew everything was correct and that she wanted to go home to sleep.

They let her go home but warned her that she wasn't going to pass the test by any means, and she just said shrugged it off and walked out of the classroom, as other classmates were grunting and complaining already.

"I need A LOT of sleep... I really deserve it, don't I Frisk?" Frisk said to herself while walking back home, to finally take A BIG rest after this important moment in her life.

8 AM, the next day

The doorbell rang. Frisk immediately got up again without even bothering to get dressed. Instead, she just left the room with her boobs falling out of her bra and in plain white, almost see-through panties.

When she opened the door, it was a mailman delivering mail from The Royal Council of the World Above.

The mailman congratulated her, looking at her big breasts instead of her eyes. Frisk probably slept with him, too, at one point of her nighttime adventures, but she fucked so many dudes she doesn't even remember them.

Frisk opened the mail with a smug smile on her face. Knowing that she has already won.

Once she opened it, she took a look at the first paragraph, and it said:

"Congratulations for being the first human in the World Above to pass the test without making a single mistake in any one of the questions/answers. The time for which you finished your test was also taken into consideration, as the family background and bloodline, it was also concluded...."

Frisk didn't bother to read the entire automated message, so she just looked at the last paragraph, which was directly from THE KING:

"Congratulations Frisk. Get ready for tonight. You're the first human to ever go to the Underground. Don't pack too much, only bring your necessities with you. May the luck be on your side. Au revoir."