
Chapter I, Chapter II

Status: Unfinished

Character List


monocruia | Chapter I


"So dark and all so cold."

"It's all so cold."

"All so cold."

"Then put some clothes on! Dummy."

The squeaky voice that raped my eardrums was coming from an irritating girl that I didn't like.

“Oh, what do you want now”

“I want to annoy you!”

I grabbed my bag, got off the cold bathroom floor, and opened the stall just to face the face of my annoying friend.

“Zeraaaaaaaaaaa-chan you’re such a loner, omg”

“Can you stop talking like that, you know nobody talks like that right?”

“Well I doooooo, the teacher told me to bring you back to class”

“I don’t wanna dissect frogs! Ugh”

I crossed my arms, and Asma started laughing in my face.

“Then why did you enroll to a school for witches? Dummy”

She looked kinda disappointed, just leave me alone already.

“Not my choice, obviously”

“Yeah, it shows”

“What do you mean?”

“Your magic is nonexistent”

“I could make my magic work if I wanted to, hmph”

“Yeah yeah sure sure now leeeeeeet’s go already”

“Tell the teacher I have a cold, or no actually tell her that I’m vomiting and that I can’t stop myself. Tell her that I’m on the verge of death!”

I forced my way through Asma who was blocking my path and she looked quite offended when I didn’t even want to look at her.

“Hey! Get back heeeeere!”

I left the bathroom stall and she came chasing after me.

Now we were walking together.

“I’m heading towards the dorm room, just make sure to tell her what I said”

“I’m not doing that? Wtf”

I silently continued while making sure I was ahead of Asma so I didn’t have to look at her weird face.


As I was making sure to walk faster, Asma was pouting something from behind.


She was quite persistent.



My shout echoed through the hall.

The dorms were connected to the school so I didn’t have to leave the entire building, although I would gladly leave if I was able to.

“I’m bored in class”


“Take me to the dorms with you”


“But Zeeeeeeeeraaaaaaaa”

“That’s not my name”

“Yes it is, it says on the paper”

“So what? It doesn’t say anywhere it’s my name”


I stopped and turned around to see Asma clasp her hands, with tears in her eyes looking at me innocently and cutely.

This is an all-girls school so I see a lot of girls every day all day and even in the mirror, but when I look at Asma I never fail to notice how pretty she is.

“Yeah… you can I guess”


“Fuck! Hurry up now”

Asma’s cheering scream was obnoxiously super ultra loud and it needn’t be that way.

A teacher could come to investigate at any point so I grabbed her by the hand, and attempted to cut a corner only to be swallowed up by a sudden large deep dark red portal.


Asma apologized.

As soon as we went through that portal we ended up in our dorm room.

“Since when can you do this?”

“Only when I’m exicted”

“Haha, get on the bed”

“Should I take my clothes off?”

“No, idiot”

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Zeeeeeeeeerrrrrraaaaaa don’t scooooooooold me pleeeeeeawse”

“You should pay a visit to a speech therapist”

“Nyoooooo, I cain’t lyeave mey prescious Zeeeeeeeeerrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

As Asma was moaning these weird words-

Actually, these aren’t words, these are just animalistic sounds that can sound like words if you focus on them enough.

She was sitting on the lower bunk bed, i.e. my bed, while hugging my waist and rubbing her head against my flat exposed midriff.

I was patting her head but I was really tired of her antics, and I really wanted to lay in that bed which her thick ass was sitting on.

“Can you like let me get in my bed”


She shut up but now she just sat there hugging me tightly, with her head still stuck to my tummy.

“You are strong for a girl”


Asma was surprised by my statement and I could immediately sense that she was about to cry.

She stopped hugging me in an instant while putting her hand over her mouth to cover her shock.

It's taboo for witches to be strong, i.e. masculine or whatevs.

The whole scene was pretty overdramatic, so I also started crying.

“You are so fucking annoying just leave me alone”

As her head was still at the height of my waist, I decided to kick her in the face with my knee, but as soon as I attempted that she just teleported away to the ceiling.

I looked up and her tears were falling on my face, but then like a stupid cute animal, she made an inaudible sound which made her giggle a lot, and teleport right onto her upper bed.

“I guess we are skipping class together”

“It’s so cold.. I don’t know why though”

“You’ve been muttering that to yourself ever since I entered the bathroom, you should take some medication y’know”

Asma can be articulate when she wants to, but most of the time she acts like an idiot to get my attention.

She’s one of the best students, with a big talent in magic, and a very promising career as one of the demons of Ars Goetia.

I’m one of the worst though, even though Asma tries to keep my spirits (or demons) high, I kinda wanna kms when I think about it a lot.

“We are demons, right?”

“Not exactly”

“How so?”

“We’re something in between of a demon and a devil, we’re something third”

“Seems lame”

“It’s better than being a regular depressed demon”

“I’m depressed regardless”

“Anyways why are you asking me this?”

“We are in Hell, right?”


“Why am I cold then? Hello?”



“I dunno, someone probably tempered with your mana”

“But why?”

“I dunno, maybe someone likes you”

“Did you do it!?”

I was ready to kick her bunk bed from below.

“NO, I’d never tamper with the heart of my lover!! At least not directly, fufufuhihihi”

“We are not lovers, just roommates and best friends”


“Lovers always kiss, and we never kissed”

“Maybe we kissed”

“Did you kiss me while I was sleeping!?”

I was ready to kick her bunk bed from below, part 2.

“Nope! It’s Devil’s Proof. Maybe we kissed each other in past (or future) lives, you can’t prove it you know?”

“Oh, so you’re just an idiot again”

“Nyooooo, Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr-“

I kicked her bed from below and she stopped speaking like an animal.

Maybe I should quit pretending to be a witch and become a horse tamer or something.

I’m magicless, but very good with animals it seems.

monocruia | Chapter II

I hate classes.

They are very boring.

Even though there is no steam or anything, they make my glasses cloudy.

It is definitely the most boring part of this school but hey that is how any school functions.

Even though we are supposed to be witches, we still have to learn mathematics, for some yadda yadda reasons.

Every time mathematics annoys me, I just repeat duck duck grey duck in my head and everything just seems to fade away.

Those four important words are the most important in my daily rituals. I deliberately chose them as my chants that I use as a trigger word while performing a ritual, or drawing a sigil of some sort.

Everyone is usually specifically secretive about their Chant Words because you can abuse them if you know how to, and then use them against that person.

But I tell mine to everyone, or to be more specific I just do not hide them from anyone. It is way easier and according to magic theory, it makes the chant words stronger if they are exposed to more pressure and negativity.

But common Witch Trainees don’t know stuff of that sort, it is funny. But nobody comes from a family that is as prestigious as mine.

I did not even bother attempting to attend this class even for a little while. I snuck into the library but for some reason, I could hear someone trying to purposefully interrupt my precious study session.

But who am I lying to, I am not even studying, I am just shuffling my tarot cards to kill some time.

I tapped into a reflection of a window in the nearest hallway through my magical pocket mirror.

I was exploring a few reflections until I stumbled upon two students it seems, it seems that they are arguing.

The crimson sky was really cloudy today, which made the dark red interior of the school building reflect nicely on the wooden oak floor.

But then instead of seeing something pleasant, I see two girls arguing and the screaming one is particularly annoying.

But I think I know who is the other one.

The girl I think I know opened some kind of a portal out of nowhere and that is how both of them disappeared from my sight.

“Shit” I muttered, visibly irritated I dissolved my pocket mirror and closed my book.

“Thanks for not dissolving the book, miss”

A friendly part-time librarian student girl made a remark.

“No problem, Furufur, you are looking cute as always”

“Awwww… thnks so much, that means a lot coming from you”


The lonely maiden librarian Furufur waved to me as I summoned a portal just like that girl I think I know did.

I entered the portal and that made me end up at in front of the dorm room door of those two girls.

They are very loud, I hope they know I can hear them clearly by just standing outside the door.

I put my ear to the door, trying to listen closely to what important things these class skippers were talking about.

I am very curious.

I want to know everything.

“Mhmmm… take your clothes off”

“Nghhhhhhh, your lips are soft”

I was hearing gentle moans through the door, it was unsettling but exciting.

“Put your hands down.. relax….. let’s love each other while no one is watching us”

“Yeahhh.. mhm, we barely have enough private time”

“Nghhhh, ahhhhh,,,,,, you’re bringing me such relief”

“Mfmmm you are so wet, and stinky”

I sat on the ground and listened to this passionate conversation, imagining what was going on behind this mischievous door.

The old wooden floor was cold and my clothes were thin, but I had to immerse myself in something that is a very rare event these days.

The two girls were playing with each other, how lustful!

Lust is one of the 7 Deadly Sins, this is unacceptable.

Although, maybe they are practicing magic.

If two witches lust for each other they can use that lust to use that energy for any type of spell that’s being overseen by Lust, and its apostle. But that should be impossible for those two girls because that type of magic is usually forbidden and not taught in school. Wow, they are so smart, I can learn a lot from them, not only that, but I can also have a lot of fun with them, I can explore them, learn about female anatomy, and make myself feel good, although I do that frequently I want to stop using my hand. I want a hot girl to relieve me, and in exchange, I will relieve her.


As soon as those exact thoughts reached my brain, my fingers reached something else.

But then, as I was probably lost in this unexpected wave of unusual frenzy, the door I was leaning my ear on opened quite suddenly.

My hands were inside my clothing, and I instantly fell on my back as the door opened.

I was greeted by an underneath sight of a skirt that belonged to the girl who opened the door.

Her underwear was plain and white - she looked very tasty.

“KYAHHHHAHAA PERVERT” The girl behind her was really loud but she came up to me while the girl that opened the door was frozen, although unbothered by my unexpected appearance.

I quickly moved away my hands from my private parts and just smiled awkwardly.

I do not ever smile, I want to be young and beautiful forever, but I had to do it this time so they do not think badly of me or something. It was a bad situation after all.

“Hello, wanna come in?”

“Uh. Sure” I tried to act like this situation was totally normal.

But it is not!

Skipping class is not okay.

Going to the dorm room is forbidden during this hour.

I have sinned greatly.

“KYYAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA” The other girl, the one I think I know, has a demonic laugh.

It is so high pitch, I want to remove her vocal cords.