

Status: Unfinished


Sarata-chan! | Prologue

The path to the place where I usually reside during the summer break has grown quite a bit. Cold weather always ruins this place with mud or snow, but luckily now that school is over, I can finally go back to my usual resting place. The place I’m talking about is my secret base, my secret lair of fire, a solitude where I’m focused on building my egregore that invades other countries and religions! I own my own religious institution – a ruined church from who knows when on the outskirts of my town. It’s a very tall building made out of some kind of thick material but it’s severely decayed, but is still, a severely underappreciated location, for which I am glad though.

When I got closer to the church, I started skipping towards it along with the stuff I was carrying in my backpack. The sun was killing me but luckily there’s a place where I can take cover inside the church’s ruins. Usually, this kind of place would be overrun with graffiti, condoms, and other trash but I live in a relatively small place that’s full of old people, and I don’t think old people like to fuck and do drugs in the middle of nowhere.

I quickly went into the ruins and then sat in the cool shadow where I usually sit every summer. I didn’t realize until I sat how much I missed the feeling of sitting on a tough grassy surface.

I then took the backpack off my back and started pulling out all the necessary items for beginning my ritual. The madness will be spread everywhere!

The first thing I pulled out of my backpack was a bag of chips that I hastily opened, and along with it I also brought a can of cola to ease my thirst off. Who knows for how long I am going to be staying here, so I kinda need something to stop myself from dehydrating. Plus also, cola goes pretty well with the chips.

I didn’t open anything yet, because before I started with my rituals and madness spreading, I decided to pull out the ultrasound anti-recording microphone jammer to prevent the organizations from spying on me. To be honest, I never used the device before. I got it from a seller online that said it definitely works and he sent me a PDF file with instructions I printed out. Not to mention I paid everything in cryptocurrency, to avoid the various different tracking methods of the organization! Ha, take that. You will never catch me again.

I set up the thing and it was fully working! It’s working, yes. It’s working! After that, I pulled my notebook out of the backpack and grabbed my violet pen to start writing down my first thoughts about how this place looked this year. One of my favorite hobbies is archiving stuff, necessary and unnecessary! But I despise phone diaries – they’re insecure, uncreative, and made for the organizations to have a clear window into your most intimate thoughts.

My pen was hastily going all around the notebook while I was sipping on the can of cola I opened.

I missed this feeling a lot. The birds are chirping and having fun while the wind is mating with the grass. Everything is so perfect and beautiful, although I am a little bit scared of bugs so I’m always on the watch out for them trying to crawl my perfect slender body, while also making sure the organizations don’t try invading my fortress.

The anti-spying device I bought was on the ground and after I finished journaling, I realized it was finally the time. Once it hit exactly 14:14 pm I pulled out my deck of tarot cards and started shuffling them. I include in my readings both arcanas so I can have the most specific answer on what my enemies are doing and what I should be careful of. So I connected with my inner self by absorbing the heat directly from the sun and I channeled all of my powerful energy right into the cards! I had my own spread I practiced on which only sticks to the information I need the most from the divine source of wisdom which I had all in my favor. The question I visualized in my head was about how this summer was going to go. I usually do this every summer I get back to have an overview of what I should and should not do. The first card I placed was related to my past, and the card I pulled was The Star! This is a perfect description of just how perfect my last summer was, and of how much fun I had here! The second card I placed was related to my present situation, and, it’s totally accurate. With the card being the Nine of Wands, well, uhm, my stuff will get better eventually, although I didn’t realize I was struggling that much, but, oh well, let’s continue, ugh. One of the more important cards is what my future is going to be like, even though I can’t really change it, knowing it will definitely help me face it. Knight of Wands, reversed, although that card isn’t that bad, still, it makes me wonder what mistakes will I be prone to in the future for me to get this card already. Well, let’s continue with the reading anyway, there’s 3 more cards to go!

The first 3 cards were put in a vertical alignment with the future being on the top and the past on the bottom. The other 3 cards I am about to put down are placed horizontally, next to the card that tells me about my current situation, on the right side of it to be more specific. I placed the 3 cards instantly without examining the results straight away. The first card was The Magician and it was specifically placed under the question of the state of my power, which is an indicator my magic skills have significantly improved! Although I still can’t throw fireballs or anything interesting like that. The card next to it was under the question of the state of my love life, and I think I am going to skip that one for privacy reasons. And the third card, left me in shock when I saw what it indicated and when I suddenly heard footsteps break my magic barrier straight into the ruins’ buildings.

I froze in place because I knew it was over. I hadn’t prepared my magic, and my barrier was still weak since I came here for the first time in the summer. It’s so over, fuck. I didn’t even write a testament – I don’t want my sister to get any of my stuff! I want to prescribe all my belongings to my maid and my cat, 50/50 between them.

I stared at the doorway of the quote-on-quote room I was in and then I saw for the first time someone other than me in this abandoned building.

It was a slender white girl of medium height with long brown hair in a really pretty light green dress that was kinda fluffy. She had a pale face that was so gentle it seemed like it was made out of porcelain. And even though her eyes were just light brown, they were so big and expressive that I felt multiple emotions at the same time. I was scared but I was also in love with this girl, or at least just in love with how she looked. Is this a ghost of a poor maiden who was burned at the stake by the church for allegedly being a witch? Or is this the organization sending one of their agents to euthanize me?!

“Hello! I didn’t expect to see anyone in here” She stood at the ruined doorway and looked at me with her doll-like facial expression. The mysterious ghost witch girl had an even more mysterious grin on her face.

“Who are you? And why are you here?” This is the most confrontational that I can get.

“Hm. I just came to pick some flowers, and then I saw this beautiful building so I had to check it out naturally” It seemed like she was so comfortable in here because as she was talking she walked into the room in which I was still sitting on the ground, she came closer to me and crouched right in front of me while observing the tarot card spread that was still lying on the ground.

“The last card is Death? Fufufu, could this be a sign of our new friendship?” She grabbed the card and directly examined it and then looked into my eyes with her piercing gaze. It was incredible how seductive she was, that even I, a totally straight girl, was feeling all sorts of different emotions around her.

“That’s right.. As soon as I read that card I heard you come into the building. I’ve been visiting this place for years every summer yet I never saw anyone!” I was perplexed.

“There is a first for everything, you know how they say it” She wasn’t bothered with how dirty the ground was and decided to put her hands on the ground and crawl towards me, coming right into my face.

I was blushing and smiling like an idiot.

“Your skin is so dark…. At least in comparison to mine! And your hair, how is it so fluffy, is that because it’s so short?” The young ghost witch girl caressed my short fluffy hair and then went on to draw her finger around my forearm. She was treating me like an object at an antiquity store or something like that. But I liked it, and I put my palm onto her cheek and it was incredibly soft. I started giggling out loud and she did too.

The girl got out of my face and just sat right in front of me while collecting my cards and giving them back to me.

“So what’s your name?” I asked her while offering to shake hands with her.

“My name is Sarah, what’s yours?”

“Oh, I like that name. You can call me Sarata” I said as we were shaking hands, it was a quick ordeal.

“What’s that thing on the ground? Is it yours?” She pointed to my anti-spying device.

“Well! That’s for.. That’s a…. Uh, for jamming phones…. Or something like that”

“So you are doing illegal activies here?” She faked being surprised by putting a hand to her mouth to laugh it off.

“Yeahhhhh, sure. I just don’t like when people spy on me”

“People spy on you?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, they spy on everyone but I am quite special, you know”

“Ohhh, I see. And how are you special?”

“So you are one of them!” I directly pointed at her face and she burst into laughter.

“You sound schizophrenic! But at least this way no one can eavesdrop on us or anything”

“Yeahhhh, exactly”

A moment of awkward silence occurred so she leaned back and leaned onto her hands that were pressed against the ground.  

“It’s so relaxing here, do you come here often?” She was always smiling while talking.

“Yes. Every day during the summer vacation”

“Oh, I see”

“Wait, I never saw you at school? Are you new in the town?”

“Nope, I just came on a visit to my relatives during the summer vacation. I come from a much bigger city which I despise”


“I don’t have any friends, and it’s too urban. There’s no nature there at all! The parks are dirty too. It’s a sad place in comparison to this”

“Oh God, that sounds quite bad”

She wasn’t smiling while voicing her discomfort about her living situation. It felt weird to see her face without a smile.

I was staring at the ground in silence and she was looking around while still on the ground in front of me.

She looked around with a beautiful curious facial expression.

I packed my tarot cards and decided to be the one to start a conversation.

I have an important question I have to ask her because depending on the answer I will know if we can be friends for real.

“So, Sarah..”


“Are you into anime?”


“Oh, I see” I couldn’t bear to look into her eyes and I just stayed silent.

I am so screwed.

Now I made everything awkward!

“You seem to be into anime”

“Wait, how could you tell?”

“You’re wearing an anime t-shirt. It’s not hard to notice”


“Actually I think I saw somewhere that character” She leaned in from afar to get a better look at my shirt.

“It’s quite possible, it’s a popular yaoi”

“Then I haven’t seen it anywhere! Oops, my bad~” She was awkwardly laughing, but it was clear she wasn’t a fan of anime at all.

Will I be forced to share my summer resting place with an anime hater for the rest of the summer? That’s so annoying.

But staring at her makes me feel at ease, her face is so beautiful. It’s like a drug!

I can’t just have her leave yet.

“Oops! My bad” Her phone started vibrating and she pulled it out to answer the call.

“Oh it’s my mother. Shit. This means I have to go” She got serious again and hastily got up.

“Well, so sorry! But I gotta-“ I didn’t let her finish her sentence because I pulled her by her skirt before she tried going away from me.


“Are you coming back tomorrow?”

“Uhm, probably. You?”



“See you.. tomorrow then?”

“Mhm, but you can also come to my house”

“Oh, I’m thankful for the offer but I don’t want to bother you or your parents” She said and tried going again but I didn’t let go.

“Nope, it’s okay. Come whenever you want, I’ll show you the way to my house tomorrow”

“Aaah! Okay okay, but I really have to go now. See you later Sarata!” I let go of her and she stood by the doorway for a second and waved at me with a big smile on her face before completely disappearing from my sight and running off to her home.

What a strange girl.